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National Gaelic Mod . . • • 397
National Parks (proposed) . . 360-1
National Youth Employment
Council, Advisory Committee for 260
Nature Reserves . . • • • • 361
new towns . . • • • ■ 359> 3^0
North of Scotland Hydro-Electric
Board . . • • 175, 178, 179
nuclear power reactors . . 176-8, 380
orchestras . . • • • • • • 396
police • • • • 88. 89, 9°, 91
population . . • ■ 6, 7> 9> II» I2>
ports i62> 2I4> 2I5
Press . . 408, 410 footnote, 411-12, 413
prison system
Procurator Fiscal
rates . .
research institutes
. • 77
160, 376 footnote,
378, 381
Royal Commission on Scottish
Affairs .. •• SS footnote
Royal Scottish Academy (Music) . . 397
scholarships .. . • • • • • 347
schools . • • • 339> 34°—1> 342
Secretary of State for 36, 54 footnote,
55> 79> 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 92, 115,
164, 166, 175, 183, 35i
Sheriffdoms . . • • 74 footnote
shipbuilding areas . . • • 128, 189
Solicitor-General .. • • 37. 57
South of Scotland Electricity Board 175,
178, 179
State Management Districts • • 56
teachers’ training colleges . . • • 342
technological education . . 345-6
town and country planning 35C 357.
358, 359, 360, 361, 362
Transport Users’ Consultative
universities . .
w ater supply
welfare centres
young offenders, treatment of
Youth Employment Service
Youth hostels
Youth Services
Scotland Yard
. . 217
160, 344
■ 185
• 334
. 260
• 350
. 348
• 90
Scottish Agricultural Improvement
Council . •
Scottish Agricultural Securities
Corporation . . ■ • • • IS > 292
Scottish Community Drama
Association . . • • • • 394 5
Scottish Council (Development and
Industry) . • ■ • • • • * 134
Scottish Council of Physical
Recreation . . • • • • • • 330
Scottish Council of Social Service 319, 32°
Scottish Country Industries Develop¬
ment Trust .. • • • • '' 1 1
Scottish Education Department 56, 2bo,
Scottish Health Services Council . . 332
Scottish Home Department 55-6, 163, 381
Scottish Land Court . . •• 74, ^54
Scottish Leaving Certificate
Examination.. •• 3^2
Scottish National Blood Transfusion
Association . . • • • • • • 333
Scottish Office. . •• ■ • 55
Scottish Old People’s Welfare
Committee . . • • • • • • 320
Scottish Omnibus Group • • . . 219
Scottish Police Federation . . • • 90
Scottish Special Housing Association 353
Scottish Trades Union Congress . . 265
Scottish Water Advisory Committee 185
Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes . . 161
Scouts and Guides .. 347, 34 9
Sea Cadet Corps • • • • Io6> 349
Sea pollution, prevention of . . 211 12
conditions of employment 211,213 H
. 210
training • • • • 2I°’ 212 11
Select Committee on Estimates . 200
Select Committee on Nationalized
Industries . .
Select Committee on Public Accounts 279
Selection, Committee of (Parliamentary) 31
Services’ Land Requirements, Inter¬
departmental Committee on • • 351
Sewerage .. •• 48,64,67,329
Shakespeare Memorial Theatre
Company . . • • • • 393, 39t
Sheriff Court .. • • •• 74’7
Shipbuilding industry 126-7, 128, 139,
142, 189-90
o, • • 208-16
Shipping •• •• •• 2II
conferences . .
Cross-Channel services . • 215’ 222
General Register and Record Office
of .. • • •• •• •• 211
insurance . . • • • * 2I0’ 294
medical advice, service for. . • • 2S1
merchant fleet, composition 20 9
organizations . • • • 210 1
ports.. •• •• 214-16,229-31
radiocommunications • • • • 251

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