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Baptist Union. Baptist Handbook: edited and published
under the direction of the Council of the Baptist Union of
Great Britain and Ireland
For 1955 Carey Kingsgate Press
Catholic Directory, 1955 Burns, Oates & Washbourne
Church of England. Official Yearbook of the National
Assembly of the Church of England
For 1954-5S For the Church Assembly,
Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge
Church of Ireland. The Irish Church Directory and Year
For 1955 Church of Ireland Printing & Publishing Company
Church of Scotland. Year Book
For 1954 Church of Scotland Committee of Publications
Church Relations in England Church Information Board
Congregational Union of England and Wales. Congrega¬
tional Year Book
For 1955 Congregational Union of England and Wales
Congregational Union of Scotland. Year Book
For 1954-55 Congregational Union of Scotland
Episcopal Church in Scotland. The Scottish Episcopal
Church Year Book and Directory
For 1955—56 Representative Church Council of the
Episcopal Church in Scotland
Methodist Church. Minutes of the Annual Conference of
the Methodist Church, 1954 Methodist Publishing House
Presbyterian Church of England. Official Handbook
For 1954-55 Presbyterian Church of England
Presbyterian Church of Wales. Year Book
For 1955 Presbyterian Church of Wales
Salvation Army. Year Book
For 1955 Salvationist Publishing & Supplies
Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. Year Book of the
General Assembly For 1955 Lindsey Press
United Free Church of Scotland. Handbook
For 1954 United Free Church of Scotland
Who’s Who in the Free Churches (and other denominations)
1951, edited by L. G. Pine Shaw Publishing Company
Science . .
Bailey, Sir Edward. Geological Survey of Great Britain
Thomas Murby
British Council. Scientific and Learned Societies of Great
Britain :AHandbook compiled from Official Sources. 57thedn
Allen & Unwin
Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. Gazetteer of Agri¬
cultural and Forestry Research Stations in the British Coitv-
s. d.
1955 U 6
1954 15 o
1954 20 o
1955 7 6
1954 5 0
1955 4
1955 17 6
1954 2 6
1955 6 6
1954 12 6
1954 5 0
1955 4 6
1955 3 9
1955 4 0
1954 2 6
1952 22 6
1951 30 o
1952 30 o

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