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Committees 36-7
control 37-8
Counsel 45-53
Secretaries 39, 41,42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
52, 54, 55, 57
Parole Boards 93, 102
Patent Office 53
Library 402
Paymaster General 40, 52
Pay review bodies 191
limit 194
Peers and Peeresses 25, 29, 38, 49 99
Pembroke 171,262, 266
Penal systems 90-8
Advisory Council 102
Scottish Council on Crime 103
attendance allowance 119, 120, 124, 125
graduated pension scheme 120, 122, 123
invalidity allowance 120, 121,125
payment of, by Post Office 323
public service 52, 62
retirement 120, 121,122,123, 125
supplementary, old persons' 121,125
war 49, 120, 121,126, 127
widows 120, 121,122,123, 124
Penzance 320
Periodical Publishers Association 429
Periodicals 204, 223, 224, 399, 400, 418, 419,
420, 421,422, 423, 432, 476
Permanent Boundary Commissions 30
Personal social services 66-7, 68,137-40
Council 137
Personnel Management, Institute of 221
Pesticides and Other Toxic Chemicals,
Advisory Committee on 291
Pesticides Safety Precautions Scheme 291,
Pest Infestation Control Laboratory 291,
Peterborough 167, 214, 238
Peterhead 266, 293, 313
Petroleum and petroleum products 47, 48,
190, 195, 196, 203, 213, 216, 218, 220, 223,
228, 247, 249, 251,259-63, 312, 368, 370,
379,382, 383
British Petroleum Ltd 204, 263
National OH Corporation {BNOC) 195, 261
chemicals industry 204, 213, 215, 220, 223,
equipment industry 201,217, 226
exports 262, 313
imports and consumption 191,193, 217, 249,
251,259, 261-2, 312, 321,368
indigenous production 55, 217, 249, 251,261
industry 47, 204, 217, 250, 260, 261
oilfields 55, 217, 259, 261,322, 356
communications with mainland 322
Offshore Technology Board 393
pipelines 258, 261,262-3, 312
Prevention of sea pollution by 170, 174,175-6,
production platforms 216, 217, 241
refineries and refining 204, 213, 21 5, 216, 217,
226, 262, 312, 313
research 217, 256, 263, 392-3
revenue tax 356
tankers 261,312, 313, 314
terminals 217, 241,258, 313, 314
monobuoy 312
Pharmaceuticals 135, 214, 215, 233
Committee on Safety of Medicines 134
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Pharmacists 130, 131,135
Photographic equipment 228
Physical Laboratory, National 394
Physical Recreation, Central Council of
(CCPR) 439
Physically handicapped see Disabled
Physiological Systems and Disorders
Board 389
Physiotherapists 132,135
Pig industry 277, 281,285, 289
Pilotage 319
gas 257, 258, 262, 263, 312
oil 258, 262, 263, 312
Pitlochry 368, 397
and Transport Research Advisory Council 393
Association, Town and Country 166
boards and councils, economic 192
development areas and schemes 164-5,166,
169,170-77, 208-12, 220
environmental 67, 164, 208, 210
inquiry commissions 166
policies 164, 166, 167
public participation 164, 165, 166
regional 166,192, 208, 210
voluntary planning organisations 165-6
Plant health 46, 167, 291,390, 396, 398
Pathology Laboratory 291,396
Plastics 215, 216, 232, 233, 240, 248
Playing fields 147, 162,168,170, 440, 441
Association, National (NPFA) 162,440
Plimsoll line 314
Plymouth 14, 111,213, 436
Poetry festivals and societies 419, 421
Poisonous wastes 174,175,176, 177
Polaris vessels 110,113
Police 49, 67, 68, 79, 81-4,168
associations 84
Authorities 67, 81-2
cadets 82, 83
civilian staff 83, 84
committees 81
Council 82
Economic Planning Unit 84
relations with public 84
Research Services Unit 84
Scientific Development Branch 84
women 82, 83
broadcasts 437
party system 31-3
Pollution, prevention of:
air 48,136, 168,174-6, 302, 398
rivers 48,174, 272,274, 275
sea (by oil) 170, 174,175, 398
water supply 48, 128,136, 174,175, 272, 274,
Polytechnics 151,152,155, 158, 407, 417
Pony club 446
Poole 213
Population 7—9, 10,12—15,128,167, 168,
214, 216, 368
age distribution 10
birth and death rates 7, 8-9,10
censuses 7, 12, 52
and Surveys, Office of 7, 43, 52
density 8, 12-15, 68

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