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crops 276, 277, 279, 287, 395, 396, 401
protection products 174, 233
dairying 277, 280, 287
education and training 148, 292-3
employment in 276, 283
expenses and income 283, 292-3
exports 286, 290
farms, number, size and types 5, 276-7, 283-4,
285, 287, 288, 292
farm tenure 276, 288-9
feedingstuffs 279, 281,283, 291,295
fertilisers 279, 295
Fisheries and Food, Ministry of 46, 54,136, 170,
174,191,285-6, 287, 292, 295, 297, 395,
396, 401
food supplies, home grown 190, 276, 281-3,
289, 290
fruit growing 281-2, 290
glasshouse crops 281,282
grassland 5, 276, 277, 279, 280, 284, 286
hill farming 276, 277, 280, 286
horticulture 277, 281-2, 285, 286, 292
improvement schemes 288, 289
infestation control 290-1,396
land drainage 5, 46, 288
levies 76, 286
livestock 276, 277, 280-1, 283, 285, 286, 287,
289, 377
imports 279, 280, 286, 290
marketing boards and schemes 280, 285, 286-7,
mechanisation 279, 283, 284-5, 287
milk production and distribution 277, 280, 285,
286, 287, 289
nursery crops and bulbs 281,282
pest clearance 290-2, 396
plant health service 46, 291,396
policy of Government 46, 280, 285-90, 291
See also European Community, Agricultural
price guarantees 286
production 190, 214 276, 277-80, 283, 286,
research see Research, scientific
rough grazing 276, 279, 285
smallholdings 287-8
soils, 5, 276, 277, 281,282, 285
subsidies and grants 284, 286, 287, 289, 290
veterinary services 280, 290-1, 396
Aid to overseas countries see Finance
Force see Defence and Royal Air Force
freight traffic 321
operators certificate 318, 319
pollution, prevention of 49, 55, 168, 174, 175,
176, 226, 398
safety 318-9
Airline Users Committee 318
service agreements, international 319
control of 319, 321 -2
Services, National 31 9
training courses 319
Transport see Civil Aviation
and aero-engines industry 190, 191,195, 203,
204, 213, 214, 215, 218, 225
aerospace industry 50, 213, 231, 394, 395
Society of British Aerospace Companies 231
carriers 113
civil 318, 321,397, 399
Establishments, Royal 319, 406
landing systems 319
military 113, 114-5, 231,319
research 50, 231,397, 399
Airdrie 217
Airmal services see Civil Aviation
Airports see Civil Aviation
Air-taxi 321
Airways Boards, British (BAB) 318, 320-1
Albert Hall, Royal 411
Anonymous 119
drinks, duties on 357
treatment for 133
Aldeburgh (festival) 411
Alderney (newspaper) 426
Aldershot 213
Aliens 12, 49
Allied Command Europe Mobile Forces
110, 111
Ambergate (electronic exchange) 324
Ambulance services 134
Amenities preservation societies 17, 18,166
Amersham 393
Amlwch 262, 312
Amphibians 6
Ancient Monuments 48, 1 66, 169, 407
Angle Bay 262
Anglesey 1
Communion 186
Consultative Council 186
See also Church: of England
Angling 445
Animals 5, 46, 280, 290-1,396
control of diseases and pests 290-1,396
imports of 280, 290
Antibiotics 291,403
Appellate courts 37, 85, 86, 87, 89
Appleton Laboratory 390, 406
Apprenticeship 241
Archbishops 29, 40, 1 85, 1 86
Architects 418
associations and societies 418
Institute of British, Royal (RIBA) 418
Architecture 1 56, 1 66, 41 8
Archives, National Register of 419
Ardyne Point 217
Area Boards:
electricity 263, 265, 268
gas 256
local government 66, 67
Armagh 57
Armed Forces see Defence
Armenian Church 188
Arms and ammunition import controls 376
Army 109, 110, 111, 11 3, 114, 11 5
arms and services 111
Board 110
equipment 114
Museum 41 5
Reserve Forces 115
Staff College 113
See also Defence
Arrest, law relating to 83-4, 100
Arson 91
centres 1 68, 409
collections and exhibitions 408, 409, 415-6,
colleges and schools 155, 407, 417
Commissions, Royal Fine 418

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