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Appendix B Significant dates in UK history
55 and 54 bc: Julius Caesar's expeditions to Britain
ad 43: Roman conquest begins under Claudius
122-38: Hadrian's Wall built
c.409: Roman army withdraws from Britain
450s onwards: foundation of the Anglo-Saxon
597: arrival of St Augustine to preach Christianity to
the Anglo-Saxons
664: Synod of Whitby opts for Roman Catholic rather
than Celtic church
789-95: first Viking raids
832-60: Scots and Piets merge under Kenneth
Macalpin to form what is to become the kingdom of
860s: Danes overrun East Anglia, Northumbria and
eastern Mercia
871-99: reign of Alfred the Great in Wessex
1066: William the Conqueror defeats Harold
Godwinson at Hastings and takes the throne
1086: Domesday Book completed: a survey of English
landholdings undertaken on the orders of William I
1215: King John signs Magna Carta to protect feudal
rights against royal abuse
13th century: first Oxford and Cambridge colleges
1301: Edward of Caernarvon (later Edward II) created
Prince of Wales
1314: Battle of Bannockburn ensures survival of
separate Scottish kingdom
1337: Hundred Years War between England and France
1348-49: Black Death (bubonic plague) wipes out a
third of England's population
1381: Peasants' Revolt in England, the most significant
popular rebellion in English history
c.1387-c.1394: Geoffrey Chaucer writes The
Canterbury Tales
1400-C.1406: Owain Glyndwr (Owen Glendower)
leads the last major Welsh revolt against English rule
1411: St Andrews University founded, the first
university in Scotland
1455-87: Wars of the Roses between Yorkists and
1477: first book to be printed in England, by William
1534-40: English Reformation; Henry VIII breaks with
the Papacy
1536-42: Acts of Union integrate England and Wales
administratively and legally and give Wales
representation in Parliament
1547-53: Protestantism becomes official religion in
England under Edward VI
1553-58: Catholic reaction under Mary I
1558: loss of Calais, last English possession in France
1588: defeat of Spanish Armada
1558-1603: reign of Elizabeth I; moderate
Protestantism established
c.1590-c.1613: plays of Shakespeare written
1603: union of the crowns of Scotland and England
under James VI of Scotland
1642-51: civil wars between King and Parliament
1649: execution of Charles I
1653-58: Oliver Cromwell rules as Lord Protector
1660: monarchy restored under Charles II
1660: founding of the Royal Society for the Promotion
of Natural Knowledge
1663: John Milton finishes Paradise Lost
1665: the Great Plague, the last major epidemic of
plague in England
1666: the Great Fire of London
1686: Isaac Newton sets out his laws of motion and
the idea of universal gravitation
1688: Glorious Revolution; accession of William and

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