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Appendix A
Office of Water Services (OFWAT)
Centre City Tower, 7 Hill Street,
Birmingham B5 4UA
Tel: 0121 625 1300 Fax: 0121 625 1400
Economic regulator of the water industry in
England and Wales (see page 447).
Other offices and agencies
COI Communications
Hercules Road, London SE1 7DU
Tel: 020 7928 2345 Fax: 020 7928 5037
An agency of the Cabinet Office, COI
Communications’ main responsibilities include
consultancy, procurement and project
management of marketing communications
activity on behalf of government departments,
agencies and other public sector clients (UK).
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545745 Fax: 01625 524510
The Data Protection Act 1998 sets rules for
processing personal information and applies to
some paper records as well as those held on
computers. It is the Commissioner’s duty to
compile and maintain the register of data
controllers and provide facilities for members of
the public to examine the register; promote
observance of the data protection principles; and
disseminate information to the public about the
Act. The Commissioner also has the power to
produce codes of practice and is responsible for
freedom of information.
HM Land Registry
32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PH
Tel: 020 7917 8888 Fax: 020 7955 0110
A government department, executive agency and
trading fund responsible to the Lord Chancellor.
Its main purpose is to register title to land in
England and Wales and to record dealings once
the land is registered. HM Land Registry provides
access to information on over 18 million
registered property titles. It has 24 district land
registries in England and Wales, each providing
land registration services for different counties
and unitary authorities.
Office for National Statistics
1 Drummond Gate, London SW1V 2QQ
Tel: 020 7533 5888 Fax: 01633 652747
National Statistics Public Enquiry Service
Tel: 0845 601 3034
A government department and an executive
agency accountable to the Chancellor of the
Exchequer. The Director is the National
Statistician and Registrar General for England and
Wales. He is also the Head of the Government
Statistical Service.
Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road, Southampton SO 16 4GU
Tel: 023 8079 2000 Fax: 023 8079 2615
Customer helpline tel: 08456 05 05 05
An executive agency and government department
in its own right, which reports through the Office
of the Deputy Prime Minister, providing official
surveying, mapping and associated scientific work
covering Great Britain (GB).
Public Record Office
Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU
Tel: 020 8876 3444 Fax: 020 8878 8905
A government department reporting to the Lord
Chancellor. Responsible for the records of the
central government and courts of law dating from
the 11th century. Advises government departments
on the selection of records for preservation and
makes records available to the public (UK).
Northern Ireland Executive
Website: uk
Office of the First Minister and Deputy
First Minister
Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast BT4 3SR
Tel: 028 9052 8400
Economic policy; equality; human rights;
executive secretariat; liaison with the North/South
Ministerial Council, British-Irish Council, British-
Irish Intergovernmental Conference and Civic
Forum. Liaison with the Northern Ireland Office
on excepted and reserved matters. European
affairs; international matters; liaison with the

The item on this page appears courtesy of Office for National Statistics and may be re-used under the Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information.