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The Prime
Minister, The
Privy Council,
Laundy, Philip. The Office of Speaker Cassell 1964
McKenzie, R. T. British Political Parties. 2nd edn
Heinemann 1963
Morrison, Lord. British Parliamentary Democracy
Asia Publishing House 1962
Government and Parliament: A Survey from the
Inside. 3rd edn Oxford University Press 1964
Plaskitt, H. and Jordan, P. Government of Britain
University Tutorial Press 1963
Richards, Peter G. Honourable Members: A Study of the
British Backbencher Faber 1964
Schofield, A. N. Parliamentary Elections. 3rd edn Shaw 1959
‘The Times’. House of Commons 1964 The Times 1964
Wilding, Norman and Laundy, Philip. An Encyclopaedia of
Parliament. Rev. edn Cassell 1961
The British Parliament
COI Reference Pamphlet RF.P.5448/65 HMSO 1965
The Growth of Parliamentary Government in Britain
Reference Pamphlet RF.P.5625 COI 1963
The Organisation of Political Parties in Britain
Reference Paper R.4769/65 COI 1965
Parliamentary Elections in Britain Reference Paper R.5513 COI 1963
Benemy, F. W. G. The Elected Monarch: The Development
of the Power of the Prime Minister Harrap 1965
Daalder, Hans. Cabinet Reform in Britain, 1914-1963
Oxford University Press 1964
Dunnill, Frank. The Civil Service: Some Human Aspects
Allen & Unwin 1956
Jennings, Sir Ivor. Cabinet Government. 3rd edn
Cambridge University Press 1959
Mackintosh, John P. The British Cabinet Stevens 1962
New Whitehall Series: For the Royal Institute of Public
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, by
Sir John Winnifrith Allen & Unwin 1962
The Colonial Office, by Sir Charles Jeffries Allen & Unwin 1955
Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise, by Sir James Crombie
Allen & Unwin 1962
The Foreign Office, by Lord Strang and others
Allen & Unwin 1955
The Home Office, by Sir Frank Newsam Allen & Unwin 1955
The Ministry of Labour and National Service, by
Sir Godfrey Ince Allen & Unwin i960
The Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, by
Sir Geoffrey King Allen & Unwin 1958
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, by
Sir Harry Melville Allen & Unwin 1962
The Scottish Office and other Scottish Departments, by
Sir David Milne Allen & Unwin 1958
The Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, by
Sir Gilmour Jenkins Allen & Unwin 1959
The Treasury, by Lord Bridges Allen & Unwin 1964
The Ministry of Works, by Sir Harold Emmerson
Allen & Unwin 1956
Ogilvy-Webb, Marjorie. The Government Explains
Allen & Unwin 1965
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