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in prisons
in schools
See also Churches
Religious Orders
Remand homes
Remploy Ltd. ..
Rent control
Rent tribunals . .
Repertory theatre companies
Research, scientific and industrial
. 91
144, 190
• • 93
• • 386
84, 175
. . 219
39, 40,
agricultural 200, 204, 209, 263, 273-4,
aircraft . . . . 112, 320, 361
anti-locust . . .. . . . . 206
associations . . .. 196, 199, 210, 290
botanical . . . . . . . . 207
broadcasting . . . . 206, 464
building and civil engineering 205, 308
chemistry . . .. .. 206, 323-4
coal . . . . . . 205, 289, 290
Colonial development . . .. 206
defence 57, 110-2, 113, 197, 201, 202,
204, 210
Department of 40, 56, 196, 197, 198-9,
201, 205, 207, 208, 217, 251, 284,
305, 308, 403, 404
Development Fund, grants for 197, 205
ecological . . . . . . . . 200
employment in
Executive Council for
expenditure on
fellowships . .
fire prevention
fuel . .
gas . .
. . 298
194, 209
. . 204
. . 198
195, 196, 209-10, 284
164, 195, 199, 200
102, 199, 308
204-5, 278
.. 205
205, 284
• • 205
205, 301
Government responsibility for 40, 192,
196-8, 201
grants for . . .. . . 195, 196
in universities and technical colleges 160,
162, 194-5, 198, 210, 273, 284, 301,
308, 403
industrial 195-6, 198-9, 210, 251, 404
industrial health . . . . 289, 403
land use and planning . . . . 205
learned societies .. . . 192-4
marine navigation . . . . . . 205
medical 141, 150-1, 192, 197, 199-200,
206, 209
meteorological . . 47, 196, 204
mines, safety in .. 56, 205, 289
Research, scientific and industrial—contd.
National Research Development
Corporation . . . . .. 196
naval . . .. 110-1, 112, 113, 204, 205
nuclear 111-2,113,201-4,210,315,335-6
nutrition . . . . . . 205, 206
overseas liaison in, 193, 194, 204, 206,
207-9, 284
petroleum technology . . . . 292
plant pathology . . . . 204, 272
postal, radio and telecommunica¬
tions . . .. . . 206, 371
Privy Council Committees for 39-40,
198, 199, 200
radio telescope . . . . 195, 209
roads .. .. .. 205, 308
veterinary . . .. 200, 204, 264, 273
water supplies .. .. .. 305
See also individual manufacturing
Retail trade 277, 288, 379, 394, 451-5
Retirement pensions .. .. t33“4
Reuters Ltd. .. .. .. .. 471
Revenue .. 233, 406, 409-14, 415
River Boards . . . . . . 304-5
River pollution, prevention of .. 305
Road Research Laboratory . . . . 308
Road transport. . . . 344-5, 346, 352-4
Roads . . . . 205, 344, 351-2, 358
Roman Catholic Church 30, 91, 184,
189-90, 191
schools . . .. 93, 157, 190
Royal Academy .. . . .. 213
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art . . 220
Royal Academy of Music .. 217, 224
Royal Air Force 47, 104, 108, 109, no,
119-22, 125
Reserve . . . . .. . . 122
Royal Aircraft Establishment (Farn-
borough) . . . . no, 204, 320
Royal Albert Hall . . .. . . 223
Royal Auxiliary Air Force . . . . 122
Royal Ballet and School .. .. 225
Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew) 47, 207
Royal College of Art .. .. .. 214
Royal College of Music . . 217, 224
Royal Commissions:
appointment and functions of . .42-3
on Ancient and Historical Monu¬
ments .. .. .. .. 215
on Local Government (Greater
London) . . . . . . . . 69
on Mental Health . . 141 footnote
on Population . . . . . . 8
on the Press . . . . 466, 468
Royal Family:
ceremonial .. .. .. .. 27

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