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nearly 4,000 students from foreign countries. About 200 British Council1 scholar¬
ships tenable usually for one year in the United Kingdom, are awarded annually
to graduates of overseas universities. Twelve Marshall Scholarships for university
study in Britain are offered annually by the United Kingdom Government to
graduates from the United States of America, and the universities and colleges
themselves offer many scholarships for which graduate students of any nationality
^ utilities and other educational institutions in the United Kingdom annually
reserve a proportion of their places for students from the United Kingdom
dependences. At the end of i957, there were 9,923 students from United Kingdom
dependencies studying in the United Kingdom, many of them at universities Of
this number, 1,298 held scholarships. The chief sources of grante are f^ds set
aside by Colonial Governments (sometimes supplemented by United Kingdom
Colonial Development and Welfare funds) and funds provided by public boards
and corporations in the territories. , . , , , . , , _ ,
A wide range of public and private fellowships and scholarships for advanced
study in Britain are awarded annually to members of Commonwealth countries
overseas. Under the Athlone Fellowship Scheme the United Kingdom Govern¬
ment has from 1951 awarded 38 fellowships a year to engineering graduates in
Canada for up to two years’ further study, training or research in institutions or
m Under the United Nations Programmes of Technical Assistance, 500 holders of
fellowship awards came to Britain in i957 for study or training a larger number
than were received in any other country. Similarly, under the Technical Co¬
operation Scheme of the Colombo Plan for Economic Devdopment in South and
South-East Asia, between 300 and 400 trainees annually come to Britain
industrial training or postgraduate research, for specialised instruction or for study
V1 Underthc^aghdad Pact, about 30 fellowship holders a year, mainly in medicine
or Veterinary science, come’to Britain; and under the British Technical Assistance
Programme for Yugoslavia, 150 trainees will come to Britain over a period o
eighteen months.
Arrangements for Overseas Students
Students from overseas are given many opportunities to get to kn™ m°rf 01
Britain in their leisure time and to make friends with Bntish people. The Brit
Council offers a wide range of interesting and instructive activities. The Couned
has overseas students' centres in London and in other
provide a varied programme of lectures, discussions and °*er activ .
Many British people like to invite students to their homes and the British Council
* The British Council exists to promote a wider knowledge n”1
the English language overseas and to develop closer cultural Sbers
Offi* hTusuahy YesignaSl as the Government's principal instrument forthejmptej
maintains staffs'whtg'in'aboutbirover^a^countries^fo^erEngh^i^^^es^ provide tcfndtu:
information on British life and thought and j^o'^g ““nges study
from overseas.

The item on this page appears courtesy of Office for National Statistics and may be re-used under the Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information.