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H . . M
H . . M., V. D. Catalogue d’une collection de livres (prove-
nant de la collection de feu M. Y. D. H . . m) . . . sur
I’Am^rique, la Terre-Sainte, la Eussie et la Pologne . . .
dont la vente se fera ... 15 ... et 17 d6cembre, 1860.
. . . Paris, Tross, i860.
8°. 8J in. 32 pp.
HOA TSIEN KI. See Hua Chien Chi.
[The folloiving entries are arranged in the chronological
order of Bishop Hoadly’s works, so far as possible.]
HOADLY (Benjamin) successively Bishop of Bangor, of
Hereford, of Salisbury, and of Winchester. Serious
advice to the good people of England. . . . [By B. H.]
1710, fol. See Serious.
HOADLEY (Benjamin) See Hoadly.
HOADLY (Benjamin) successively Bishop of Bangor, of
Hereford, of Salisbury, and of Winchester. See Birchley
(w.) pseud. An Introduction to the Bishop of Bangor’s
intended collection of authorities. ... 1718, 8°.
See Clarke (s.) D.D., etc. The Works of S. Clarke
(published from the author’s manuscript by J. Clarke).
. . . With a preface giving some account of the life,
writings and character of the author, by Benjamin, Lord
Bishop of Winchester. 1738, fol.
See Criticus (philanagnostes) pseud. An Account of
all the . . . pamphlets that have been published on either
side in the present controversy, between the Bishop of
Bangor, and others, to the end of. . . 1718. ... (A con¬
tinuation ... to the end of . . . 1719. . . .) 1719-20, 8°.
See Dawson (t.) d.d. A Passage in the dedication of a
treatise call’d, Suspiria sacra, vindicated from the excep¬
tions of the Lord Bishop of Bangor. ... 1719, 8°.
See G-lb-rt, Bishop of S—m. A Letter from . . .
G[i]lb[e]rt, late Lord Bishop of S[aru]m, to . . . B[e]-
nj[a]m[i]n, L[or]d B[isho]p of B[a]ng[o]r. ... [A
satire.] Third edition. 1717, 8°.
Faults on both sides ; or, an Essay upon the
original cause, progress, and mischievous conse¬
quences of the factions in this nation. . . . By way
of answer to the Thoughts of an honest tory [by
Bishop Hoadly]. . . . Second edition. 1710, 8°.
See Faults.
Most faults on both side ; or, the Shallow politicks,
foolish arguing, and villanous designs of the author
of a late pamphlet [by Bishop Hoadly] entitul’d
Faults on both sides consider’d and expos’d. . . .
1710, 8°. See Most.
• The True genuine Tory-address, etc., 1710. [A political
satire by Benjamin Hoadly.] Somers (j.) Baron Somers,
A Collection of tracts, vol. 12. 1809, etc., 4°.
The True genuine Tory-address, and the true
genuine Whig-address set one against another; to
which is added a farther explanation of some hard
terms now in use . . . being an answer to a late . . .
paper, falsly call’d the True genuine Tory address,
etc. [By B. H.] 1710, fol. See True.
■ Fourth edition. 1718, 8°.
- See Nicolson (w.) successively Bishop of Carlisle, etc.
A Collection of papers scatter'd lately about the town in
the Daily-Courant, St. James’s-Post, etc. [relating to the
controversy between Bishop Hoadly and Dr. A. Snape].
. . . 1717, 8°.
- The second edition. 1717, 8°.
• See Sherlock (t.) successively Bishop of Bangor, etc.
The Lord Bishop of Bangor’s defence of his assertion,
viz. That the example of our Lord is much more
peculiarly fit to be urged to slaves than to subjects,
consider’d. . . . 1718, 8°.
• See Sherlock (t.) successively Bishop of Bangor, etc.
Some considerations occasioned by a postscript from the
. . . Bishop of Bangor, to the Dean of Chichester [T.
Sherlock], offered to his Lordship. . . . Second edition.
1717, 8°.
■ See Silvius, pseud. Silvius’s letter [on his controversy
with Bishop Hoadly, regarding the doctrine of sincerity]
to . . . Dr. Sherlock. ... 1719, 8°.
• See Stebbing (h.) Archdeacon of Wilts. Remarks
upon a position of the . . . Bishop of Bangor concerning
religious sincerity. . . . 1718, 8°.
■ See Stebbing (h.) Archdeacon of Wilts. The True
meaning and consequences of a position of the . . .
Bishop of Bangor concerning sincerity, asserted, against
his Lordship’s general charge of misunderstanding, and
the particular exceptions of the Rev. Mr. Pyle. ... 1719,
■ See Sykes (a. a.) A Second letter to . . . Dr. Sherlock,
being a reply to his Answer, etc., proving the doctrines
maintain’d by the Doctor in his Sermon Nov. 5, 1712,
to be the same with those charged upon the Bishop of
Bangor, as pernicious. . . . With ... a postscript ... by
the . . . Bishop of Bangor. 1717, 8°.
- The Voice of the addressers ; or, a Short comment upon
the chief things maintain’d, or condemn’d in our late
modest address [to Queen Anne, praying for a dissolution
of Parliament. By B. H.]. 1710,8°. See Voice.
- A Preservative against the principles and practices of
the nonjurors both in church and state ; or, an Appeal to
the consciences and common sense of the Christian laity.
. . . The third edition. London, J. Knapton, 1716.
8°. 7J in. (4) + 102 + (2) pp.
- See V., a. A Letter to . . . Dr. Sherlock, one of
the Committee of Convocation, appointed to draw
up a representation concerning the Bishop of
Bangor’s Preservative and Sermon. Comparing the
dangerous positions and doctrines contained in the
Doctor’s sermon, preach’d Nov. 5th. 1712, with
those charged upon the Bishop. . . . (Second edition.)
1717, 8°.
■ An Expostulatory letter to the B - - of B - - [i.e.
Bishop of Bangor] concerning a book lately publish’d
by his Lordship, entitul’d, a Preservative against the
principles and practices of the nonjurors, etc. [1717],
8°. See Expostulatory.
- The Layman’s letter to the Bishop of Bangor; or,
an Examination of his Lordship’s Preservative
against the non-jurors. . . . 1716,4°. See Layman’s.
- A Modest enquiry into the Bishop of Bangor’s
Preservative against the non-jurors. ... 1717, 8°.
See Modest.
• Some arguments made use of in the Bishop of
Bangor’s Preservative against the principles and
practices of the nonjurors . . . consider’d. . . . 1716,
8°. See Some.

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