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GILPIN (John) Citizen of London. The Life of J. G. . . .
To which is added, by way of appendix, the celebrated
history of his journey to Edmonton [in verse by W.
Cowper]. ... A new edition, with a frontispiece.
London, S. Bladon, 1785.
12°. 7J in. (6) + ii. +140 pp. Wanting the frontispiece.
GILPIN (Sawrey) See Gilpin (w.) Prebendary of Salisbury.
Two essays. ... To these are added three plates of
figures, by S. C. . . . 1804, 8°.
GILPIN (William) Governor of the Territory of Colorado.
Notes on Colorado; and its inscription in the physical
geography of the North American continent. . . .
London, Witherby and Co., [1870].
8°. 7 in. 52 pp.
GILPIN (William) Prebendary of Salisbury. Dialogues on
various subjects. . . . Lotvdon, Cadell and Davies, 1807.
8°. 9 in. (4)+ 537 pp.+ (1) p.
An Essay on prints. . . . Fourth edition.
London, R. Blamire, 1792.
8°. 8J in. xiii.+ (3) + 174 + xi. pp.+ (1) p.
An Exposition of the New Testament; intended as an
introduction to the study of the Scriptures, by pointing
out the leading sense, and connection of the sacred
writers. . . . London, R. Blamire, 1790.
4°. 11 in. vii. pp. + (l) p.+ xlvii. pp.+ (1) p. + 671 pp.+ (1) p.
—— Two essays: one, on the author’s mode of executing
rough sketches; the other, on the principles on which
they are composed. To these are added, three plates of
figures, by S. Gilpin. . . .
London, Cadell and Davies, 1804.
8°. 8 in. 43 pp.+ (1) p., 4 plates.
GIL POLO (Gaspar) See Montemayor (j. de) Diana. . . .
[Pt. 3, by G. Gil Polo.] 1598, fol.
GINANNI (Marco Antonio) Conte. L’Arte del blasone
dichiarata per alfabeto con le figure necessarie per la in-
telligenza de’ termini. . . . Venezia, G. Zerletti, 1756.
4°. 13 in. 392 pp., 36 plates, but all included in the pagination.
GINGERBREAD (Giles) Sec Giles.
GINGINS LA SARRAZ (Frederic Charles Jean de)
Baron. Sec Estavayer (c. d’) Cartulaire du chapitre de
Notre-Dame de Lausanne . . . publie . . . en entier, avec
preface [by F. de Gingins]. 1851, 8°.
See Hisely (j. j.) Cartulaires de la chartreuse d’Oujon.
. . . Cartulaire de 1’abbaye de Montheron, avec avant-
propos, tables et repertoires par F. de Gingins. 1854, 8°.
Annales de 1’abbaye du Lac-de-Joux, depuis sa fondation
jusqu’a sa suppression en 1536. . . .
Lausanne, M. Ducloux, 1842.
8°. 8£ in. Societe d’Histoire de la Suisse romande, Mimoires et
documens, 1.
—-—- Histoire de la cite et du canton des lllquestres, suivie de
divers autres opuscules. . . . Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1865.
8°. 8£ in. SocidU de Histoire de la Suisse romande, xx.
Memoire sur le rectorat de Bourgogne. . . .
Lausanne, M. Ducloux, 1838.
8°. 8J in. SociUi d’Histoire de la Suisse romande, Mimoires et
documens, 1.
Recherches historiques sur les acquisitions des sires de
Montfaucon et de la maison de Chalons dans le Pays-de-
Yaud. . . . Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1857.
8°. 8J in. Society d’Histcire de la Suisse romande, xiv.
Recueil de chartes, statuts et documents concemant
1’ancien 6v6che de Lausanne, par F. de Gingins-la-Sarra et
F. Forel. . . . Lausanne, G. Bridel, 1846.
8°. 8J in. Societe d’Histoire de la Suisse romande, vn.
GINGIRO. Fernandez (a.) Missionary. Voyagie van
... A. F. na Gingiro gedaan. . . . Aa (p. vander) Die
Aanmerkenswaardigste . . . zee- en landreizen, vol. 8.
1706, fol.
GINGUENE (Pierre Louis) See Histoire litdraire de la
France. . . . Par des religieux benedictins de la congre¬
gation de St. Maur. . . . (Continud par des membres de
ITnstitut [i.e P. L. G., etc.].) 1733, etc., 4°.
Histoire litt^raire d’ltalie. . . . Tome premier [-neuvieme],
Paris, Michaud Freres, 1811-19.
8°. 8 in. 9 vols.
Notice d’un manuscrit italien . . . dans la Bibliotheque
nationale . . . et annonce comme contenant un poeme de
F. Frezzi, sous le titre de Cosmografia con varie istorie
e viaggi. . . . Paris.—Academic des inscriptions, etc.,
Notices et extraits, vol. 6, pp. 483-488. 1801, 4°.
GINISTY (Paul) See Dostoevsky (t. m.) Crime et chati-
ment; drame . . . tire du roman russe de Dostoievsky
par P. Ginisty et H. Le Boux. 1888, 8°.
GINSBURG (Christian David) See Mesha, King of Moab.
The Moabite stone . . . with an English translation, and
a historical and critical commentary by C. D. G. 1870,
GINTZROT (Christian) C. G. in der Gesellschaft der
Jacobiner an seine Mitburger. Strasburg den 7 October
1792. . . . Strasburg, Lorenz und Schuler, [1792].
4°. 10 in. (2) + 10 pp.
GINX’S. Ginx’s baby, his birth and other misfortunes.
[By J. E. Jenkins.] London, Strahan and Co., 1870.
8°. 7 in. (8)+ 224 pp.
GINZROT (Johann Christian) Die Wagen und Fahrwerke
der Griechen and Romer und anderer alien Volker;
nebst der Bespannung, Zaumung und Verzierung ihrer
Zug- Reit- und Last-Thiere. . . . Erster [zweiter] Band.
Milnchen, J. Lentncr, 1817.
4°. 11 in. 2 vols. 1. (4)+xxiv. + (4) + 470 pp., 48 plates. 11. (6) +
x. + (2) + 634 pp., 56 plates.
GIOBBI-FORTEBRACCI (Giovanni Vincenzo) Lettera
istorico-genealogica della famiglia Fortebracci da Mon¬
tone. . . . Bologna, G. Monti, 1689.
4°. 8J in. 115 pp. + (1) p.
Red mor, with arms of Clement x. as Cardinal on the
GIOERANNSON (Johan) Hyperboreorum Atlanteorum
. . . Edda . . . versione latina donata . . . opera et studio
J. G. See Mallet (p. h.) Northern antiquities, vol. 2.
1770, 8°.
Bautil, det ar: alle Suea ok Gotha rikens Runstenar,
upreste ifran verldenes ar 2000 til Christi ar 1000. . . .
Stockholm, L. Salvius, 1750.
Fol. 15 in. Numerous woodcuts. (12) + 5 pp. + (l) p. + 320+ 8 pp.
+ register, dated 1826, 8 pp. The work does not appear to be com¬
plete; p. XZ ends with a catchword “ Om,” and p. 8. immediately
before the register has a catchword “pd ’’.
With autograph of F. Berggren, and bookplate of George
J. R. Gordon.
Disputatio academica, de genealogia regum Svioniae,
quam . . . submittunt, praeses, J. Goransson, et respon-
dens, J. Brunsell. . . . Upsaliae, [1746].
4°. 7* in. (2)+ 17 pP. + (l) p.
—— Swea rikes konungars historia ok attartal, ifran 2200 ar
fore Christum, intil 1749. . . . Af J. Goransson. [Hennes
Kgl, Hoghets af Svearike, Lovisa, Ulricas Svearikes,
Vendes ok Gotes Kron Prinsessas . . . langfadgar eller
forfader, man efter man raknad, ifran forna Svea konun-
gar. . . . Stockholm, Grefing, 1749, ’48.
8°. 6f in. (32) + 416 + 23 + (9) pp., 2 maps, 1 plate, 1 folding table.

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