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FAWCETT (Benjamin) See Baxter (r.) The Dying
thoughts of the Rev. R. Baxter, abridged by B. F.
[? 1837], 1^°.
Christian stedfastness. ... A sermon [on Phil. iv. 1]
occasioned by the death of... R. Darracott . . . preached
at Wellington in Somerset, April 15, 1759. . . .
Salop, J. Cotton and J. Eddowes, [1759].
8°. 7£ in. 51 pp.+ (1) p.
FAWCETT (Edward Douglas) Hartmann the anarchist;
or, the Doom of the great city. . . . Illustrated by F. T.
Jane. London, E. Arnold, 1893.
8°. 7£ in. viii. + 214 pp.
FAWCETT (Right Hon. Henry) Essays and lectures on
social and political subjects. By H. Fawcett and M. G.
Fawcett. London, Cambridge [printed], 1872.
8°. 8| in. vi. + (2) + 368 pp.
FAWCETT (Millicent Garrett) Mrs. See Fawcett
(Right Hon. h.) Essays and lectures on social and
political subjects. By H. F. and M. G. Fawcett. 1872,
FAWKES (Ayscough) [Report on] the manuscripts of A.
Fawkes ... of Farnley Hall, co. York [by A. J. Hor-
wood]. Hist. mss. Commission vii., pp. 509-511. 1879,
FAWLER (George) See Lawson (g.) Catalogus librorum in
bibliothecis. . . . G. L., G. Fawleri, etc. 1681, 4°.
FAWNE (Luke) A Beacon set on fire; or, the Humble
information of certain stationers, citizens of London, to
the Parliament and commonwealth of England, concern¬
ing the vigilancy of Jesuits, papists, and apostates,
(taking advantage of the divisions among our selves and
the states great employment,) to corrupt the pure doc¬
trine of the Scriptures, introduce the whole body of
popish doctrine and worship, seduce the subjects of this
commonwealth unto the popish religion, or that which
is worse, by writing and publishing many popish books.
[Signed by Luke Fawne and five others.] . . .
London, 1652.
4°. 7} in. 16 pp.
A Second beacon fired : humbly presented to the Lord
Protector and the Parliament by the publishers of the
first; with their humble petition, that they would do
what may be expected from Christian majestrates, in
suppressing blasphemous books. [Signed by Luke
Fawne and five others.] . . . London, 16^4.
4°. 7J in. (2)+ 12 pp.
FAXARDO (Petrus) Bishoj) of Buenos Aires. See Guax-
FAXARDO Y AZEVEDO (Antonio) Varios romances es-
critos k los sucessos de la liga sagrada desde el sitio de
Yiena, hasta la restauracion de Buda, yo otras pla9as,
conseguidas en tres anos, en que se celebran doze heroes
insignes de estos tiempos. . . .
Valencia, J. de Bordazar, d expensas de J. Rodrigo,
4°. 8 in. (8) + 80 (error for 116) pp. The numbering is very irregu¬
lar. There are 31 romances.
Bound with “ Gazetas de Zaragoza," 1705-1706.
FAYD'HERBE (Lucas) See Yanderpoel (a.) Notice sur la
vie et les ouvrages de L. F., sculpteur et architecte
malinois. . . . 1854, 8°.
FAYE (Leon) Mauze en Aunis. . . . Poitiers.—Sociite des
antiquaires de I’Ouest. MYmoires, vol. 22. 1856, 8°.
Notice sur deux dolmen situ6s dans la commune
d’Ardillifires. . . . Poitiers.—Societe des antiquaires de
I’Ouest. Memoires, vol. 5. 1839, 8°.
Notice sur le monast^re de Montazai de 1’ordre de
Fontevraud. . . . Poitiers.—Societe des antiquaires de
I’Ouest. M6moires, vol. 20. 1854, 8°.
Notice sur les pierres closes de Charras. . . . Poitiers.
—Sociite des antiquaires de I’Ouest. Memoires, vol. 13.
1847, 8°.
—— Recherches sur 1’ancienne maison de Chatelaillon, en
Aunis. . . . Poitiers.—Societe des antiquaires de I’Ouest.
M6moires, vol. 13. 1847, 8°.
Nouvelles recherches sur I’ancienne maison de Chatel¬
aillon. . . . Poitiers.—SocieU des antiquaires de V Quest.
Memoires, vol. 20. 1854, 8°.
FAYENCE. See Pottery.
FAYUM. Egypt Exploration Fund. — Graeco-Rojnan
Branch. Fayum towns and their papyri. . . . 1900, 4°.
FAZELLUS (Thomas) T. F. . . . de rebus siculis decades
duae. . . . Graevius (j. g.) Thesaurus antiquitatum
Italiae, vol. 34. 1723, fol.
Rervm | Sicvlarvm | Scriptores Ex Recen- | tioribus
prascipui, in vnum corpus nunc | primum congesti,
diligentiqj reco- | gnitione plurimis in locis | emendati. |
Avetorvm Nomina Et Mate- | riam Versa Pagina Cog¬
nosces : | in calce vero adiectus est rerum verborumqj |
obseruatu digniorum Index | copiosissimus. I [Device.]
Francofvrti Ad Moenvm, | Apvd And. Wechelvm. |
' m.d.lxxix [1579]. | i
Fol. 13 in. Roman letter. (:)J, A-Z'3, Aa-Zz6, AAA-QQQ6; (8) +
705+ (39) pp:—(1) title, (2) to the reader, (3) dedication by T. F.
to Philip 11., King of Spain, (4-6) preface by T. F. to Charles V.,
Emperor of Germany, (7) list of authors, (8) index prioris decadis,
1-705 the work, (1-37) index, (38, 39) blank.
With bookplate of Count Heyden, called Bilderbusch and
autographs of Ant. Winter, H. C. Mertloch, G. Mert-
loch, and Georg-Joannes Kautzius, 1615.
FAZOLDUS (Joannes) See Fasoldus.
F - - D, A., Miss. A Letter from Miss F - - d [Ford, after¬
wards Mrs. Thicknesse], addressed to a person of dis¬
tinction [i.e. the Earl of Jersey]. With a new ballad to
an old tune. Sent to the author by an unknown hand.
The second edition. With a postscript. London, 1761.
8°. 7f in. 55 pp. + (1) p., 1 folding plate.
A Dialogue occasion’d by Miss F - - d’s [Ford,
afterwards Mrs. Thicknesse] Letter, addressed to a
person of distinction [i.e. the Earl of Jersey]. 1761,
8°. See Dialogue.
Letter (A) to Miss F - - d [Ford, afterwards Mrs.
Thickness, in answer to her “letter addressed to a
person of distinction,” i.e. the Earl of Jersey.] 2nd
ed. 1761, 8°.
FEA (Carlo) Descrizione ragionata della sagrosanta patriar-
cal basilica e cappella papale di S. Francesco d’Assisi,
nella quale recentemente si 6 ritrovato il sepolcro e il
corpo di si gran santo, e delle pitture e sculture di cui
va ornato il medesimo tempio. . . .
Roma, Stamperia earner ale, 1820.
Fol. 17J in. xxii. + (2) + 48 pp., 10 plates. Wanting plate iv.

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