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ENGLAND.—Miscellaneous Sub-Headings.
London. — n. Civic and Municipal Institutions.—
Liveby Companies. —■ Distillers. The Case of the
master, wardens and Company of distillers of London
. . . offered to . . . the House of Commons. [? 1710],
London. — iv. Appendix. — Miscellaneous. The
Propositions made by the citie of London, for the raising
of a million of mony for the quick subduing of the . . .
rebels in Ireland, well weighed, ... by divers gentlemen
here in towne, and . . . consented unto, by the . . .
House of Commons, and presented unto the Lords for
their concurrence therein, and to joyn in an humble
Petition to his Majesty for his consent thereunto. . . .
1642, 4°.
McArthub (j.) Financial and political facts of the
eighteenth century. . . . 3rd edition. 1801, 8°.
Morgan (w.) F.R.S. An Appeal to the people of Great
Britain, on the present alarming state of the public
finances, and of public credit. . . . 1797, 8°.
Facts addressed to the . . . people of Great Britain
respecting the expence of the war, and the state of the
national debt.. . . 1796, 8°.
Additional facts addressed to the . . . people of
Great Britain, respecting the expences of the war, and
the state of the national debt. . . . 1796, 8°.
A Review of Dr. Price’s writings on the subject
of the finances of this kingdom. . . . 1792, 8°.
N., n. The Present interest of England; or, a Con¬
futation of the Whiggish conspiratours antimonyan
principle. . . . 1683, 4°.
Observations on a late state of the nation. . . .
(Appendix.) 2nd ed. 1769, 8°.
The fifth edition. 1782, 8°,
Observations upon the act for the redemption of the
land tax; shewing the benefits likely to arise from the
measure, . . . with practical remarks upon the detail of
the.act. . . . [1792], 8°.
Occasional observations on a double-titled-paper,
about the clear produce of the civil-list revenue, from
midsummer 1727 to midsummer last. 1761, 8°.
—- On the expediency ... of striking off a part of the
national debt. . . . Pamphleteer, vol. 18. 1821, 4°.
Osborne (t.) Isi Duke of Leeds. The Earl of Danby’s
answer to Sir B. Howard’s book entituled An Account of
the state of his Majesties revenue. . . . 1680, fol.
The Answer of the . . . Earl of Danby to a late
pamphlet. . . . 1680, fol.
Paine (t.) The Decline and fall of the English system
of finance. . . . 4th edition. 1796, 8°.
— Philipps (f.) Bestauranda; or, the Necessity of pub-
lick repairs, by setling of a certain and royal yearly
revenue for the King. . . . 1662, 4°.
-— Philips (e.) The State of the nation, in respect to her
commerce, debts, and money. Second edition. . . . 1726,
Phillipps [Sir t.) Bart. Index of leases of manors
and lands in England, granted since the Reformation.
1832, fol.
EN GLAND.—Miscellaneous Sub-Headings.
Phillipps {Sir f.) Bart. Particulars of grants in the
Augmentation Office, temp. Edward vi. [? 1838], fol.
Particulars of grants. Temp. Queen Elizabeth.
[? 1840], fol.
Philo-Dicaeus. The Standard of equality, in sub¬
sidiary taxes and payments. . . . Harleian Miscellany,
vol. 9. 1812, 4°.
Philo-Zythepsus. The Grievances of the brewers in
and about Edinburgh, in a letter to a member of Parlia¬
ment. [? 1707], 4°.
Pitt [Bight Hon. w.) The Speech of ... W. P. ... on
. . . the 17th day of February 1792, on proposing the
application of an additional sum for the reduction of the
public debt. . . . 1792, 8°.
Plan (A) for raising the supplies during the war. . . .
Postlethwayt (m.) Great-Britain’s true system;
wherein is clearly shewn, that an increase of the public
debts and taxes must, in a few years, prove the ruin of
the monied, the trading, and the landed interests. . . .
1757, 8°.
Present (The) state of the nation, particularly with re¬
spect to its trade, finances, etc. 1768, 8°.
4th edition. 1769, 8°.
Price (r.) Jj.D. Observations on the nature of civil
liberty . . . and the justice and policy of the war with
America. . . To which is added an appendix, containing
a state of the national debt. . . . 2nd edition. 1776, 8°.
8th edition. 1776, 12°.
The State of the public debts and finances at sign¬
ing the preliminary articles of peace in Jan. 1783. . . .
1783, 8°.
2nd edition. 1783, 8°.
Postscript. . . . 1784, 8°.
Proceedings (The) of the . . . House of Lords in rela¬
tion to the Bill for taking, examining and stating the
publick accounts of the kingdom. . . . 1702, fol.
Project of finance; or, a Proposed method of affording
relief to the country at large in the present crisis, 1816.
. . . Pamphleteer, vol. 11. 1818, 8°.
Proposal (A) for liquidating 66,666,666| of the three
per cents, by converting the land tax into a permanent
annuity. . . . 1798, 8°.
Proposal (A) for the liquidation of the national debt;
the abolition of tithes ; and the reform of the church
revenue. 2nd edition. 1783,8°.
Proposals for carrying on the war with vigour, raising
the supplies within the year, and forming a national
militia. ... 1757, 8°.
Proposals for raising three millions for the service of
the year 1712, by a lottery of annuities for 32 years, re¬
deemable by Parliament. . . . 17 {-1, fol.
Prynne (w.) A Legall vindication of the liberties of
England, against illegall taxes and pretended Acts of
Parliament lately enforced qn the people. . , , 1649, 4°.

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