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ENGLAND.—Church of England.
ENGLAND.—Church of England.
Constitutions and Canons.
Constitutions and Canons.
— Capitvla Sive | Constitvtiones | Ecclesiastic* per
Archiepiscopum, | Episcopos, & reliquum Clerum Cantu-
J ariensis Prouincise in Synodo inchoata Londini | vice-
simo quinto die mensis Octobris, anno Domini mille- |
simo quingentesimo nonagesimo septimo, regnique Sere-
nissimae in | Christo Principis, Dominae Elizabeth®,
Dei gratia | Angliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae Eegin®, Fidei
Defensoris, &c. | tricesimo nono, congregates tra'ctatae,
ac postea per ipsam | Regiam Maiestatem approbatae &
confirmatae, & | vtrique Prouinciae tain Cantuariensi
quam Ebo- | racensi vt diligentius obseruentur, eadem
| Regia authoritate sub magno Sigil- | lo Angli* pro-
mulgat®. j [Typographical ornament.]
Londini | Excudebant Deputati Christo- | pheri
Barker, Regiae Maiestatis | Typographi. | Anno Domini
IS97- |
4°. 7 in. Roman letter. A-CJ, D2 ; (4)+23 pp.+(1) p •—(1 2)
wanting, probably blank, (3) title, (4) blank, 1-19 Canons,’20
blank, 21-23 Exemplaria Licentiae Matrimonii, (1) blank.
Bound with “ Articuli, 1571”. Herbert, \i. 1088
[Ornament.] Constitvtions | And Canons [ Ecclesias¬
tical!, | Treated vpon by the Bishop of Lon- I don,
President of the Conuocation for the | Prouince of
Canterbury, and the rest of | the Bishops and Clergie
of the | said Prouince: | And agreed vpon with the
Kings Maiesties | Licence in their Synode begun at
London Anno | Dom. 1603. And in the yeere of the
raigne of our | Soueraigne Lord lames by the grace of
God King | of England, France and Ireland the first, I
and of Scotland the 37. | And now published for the due
obseruation of | them by his Maiesties authoritie, vnder
the | great Seale of England. | [One band of ornaments.]
Imprinted At London | by Robert Barker, Printer
to the Kings | most Excellent Maiestie. | Anno 1604 |
4 .7 in Roman letter. A-Y4 ; (176) pp :—(1-2) wanting, probably
blank, (3) title, (4) blank, (5-16) the table, (17-173) the work, (174)
colophon as on title, (175, 176) wanting, probably blank
- [Ornament.] Constitvtions | And Canons | . . . and
the rest of the | . . . sayd Prouince : | And agreed vpon
with the Kings Maiesties Licence in their Sy-1 node bemm
at London Anno Dom. 1603. And in the | yeere oHlie
raigne of our Soueraigne Lord lames | by the grace of
God King of England, | France and Ireland the first
and | of Scotland the 37. | ^ And now published for the
due obseruation of them by his | Maiesties authoritie,
vnder the great | Seale of England. | [Double band of
Imprinted At London | by Robert Barker ... I
Anno. 1604. | • • • 1
4°. 7 in. Roman letter. A-P4 ; (116) pp:—(1) title (2) blank
B 3I4 the table’ <12> blank’ (13-116> the work. Wanulg ^gs.
[Ornament.] Constitvtions | And Canons | Ecclesiasti¬
cal!. | Treated vpon by the Bishop of Lon- I don,
President of the Conuocation for the j Prouince of Canter¬
bury, and the rest of the | Bishops and Clergie of the I
sayd Prouince: | And agreed vpon with the Kings
Maiesties Licence in their Sy- | node begun at London
Anno Dom. 1603. And in the | yeere of the raigne of
our Soveraigne Lord lames | by the grace of God Kin^
of England, | France and Ireland the first, and I of Scot”
land the 37 [sic\. | IT And now published for the due
observations of them by his | Maiesties authority, vnder
the great | Seale of England. [Ornament.]
Imprinted At London | by Robert Barker, Printer to
the Kings | most Excellent Maiestie. I Anno. 1612.
fj-jfi11/, A-P4; (120) pp:—(1) title, (2) blank,
(3-11) table, (12) blank, (13-120) the work. B.M. 543.
- [Ornament.] Constitvtions | And Canons | Ecclesias¬
tical!, | Treated vpon by the Bishop of Lon- | don,
President of the Conuocation for the | Prouince of
Canterbury, and the rest of the | Bishops and Clergy
of the | sayd Prouince: | And agreed vpon with the
Kings Maiesties licence in their | Synod begun at Lon¬
don, Anno Dom. 1603. And in the | yeere of the Raigne
of our Soueraigne Lord lames | by the grace of God,
King of England, France, | and Ireland the first, and
of | Scotland, the 37. | And now Published for the due
obseruation of them, by his Maie- | sties Authority
vnder the Great Seale of England. |
London, | Printed by lohn Norton, for loyce Nor¬
ton, and | Richard Whitaker, and are to bee sold at
their | shop, at the Kings Armes, in Pauls I Church¬
yard. 1633. I
4 . 7 in. Roman letter. A-P4; 116pp: Collation as inforenoina,
but quite a different edition.
- [Ornament.] Constitvtions, | And Canons | Ecclesias¬
tical!. | Treated upon by the Bishop of | London, Pre¬
sident of the Convocation for | the Province of Canter¬
bury, and the rest of | the Bishops, and Cleargy of | the
sayd Province : | And agreed upon with the Kings Ma¬
jesties Licence in | their Synod begun at London, Anno
Dom. 1603. And | in the yeere of the raigne of our
Soveraigne Lord, | lames by the grace of God, King of
England, | France, and Ireland, the first, and of | Scot¬
land, the 37. | And now published for the due observation
of them, by his Ma- | jesties authority under the Great
Seale of England. I
i-ionuon, | Ermted by iolm Norton, tor loyce Norton,
and Richard Whitaker, and are to | be sold at their shop,
at the Kings Armes, in | S. Pauls Church-yard. 1633. |’
4°. 7 in, Roman letter. A-P4; (116) pp:—(1) title, (2) blank,
(3-11) the table, (12) blank, (13-116) the work.
- Constitutions | And | Canons | Ecclesiasticall | Treated
upon by the Bishop of Lon- | don, President of the
Convocation for the | Province of Canterbury, and the
rest of the | Bishops and Clergy of the | said Province;
J And agreed upon with the Kings Majesties Licence
in | their Synod begun at London, Anno Dom. 1603.
And in | the Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord |
James, by the Grace of God, King of Eng- | land, France,
and Ireland the first, | and of Scotland the 37. | And
now published for the due observation of them, by his
Majesties | Authority under the Great Seal of England.
| [Six decreasing lines of ornaments.]
London, | Printed by John Norton, for Joyce Nor¬
ton, | and Richard Whitaker, at the Kings- | Arms, in
St. Pauls-Church-yard, 1633. |
4°. 7J in. Roman letter. A-K4;
(3-10) the table, (11-80) the work.
(80) pp:—(1) title, (2) blank,
- Constitutions j And [ Canons | Ecclesiasticall; | Treated
upon by the Archbishops of | Canterbury and York,
Presidents of the Convoca- | tions for their respective
Provinces of Canter- | bury and York, and the rest of
the Bishops | and Clergie of those Provinces ; | And
agreed upon with the Kings Majesties | Licence in their
severall Synods begun | at London and York. | 1640. |
In the yeer of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord Charles,
I by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, |
France, and Ireland, the Sixteenth. | And now Published
for the due observation of them, by His Majesties |
Authority under the Great Seal of England. | [Royal
London : | Printed by Robert Barker, Printer to the
| Kings most Excellent Majestie : And by the [ Assignes
of John Bill. 1640. |
4°. 7 in. Roman letter. A-G4; (56) pp :—(1) blank save sig.
letter A within an ornament, (2) blank, (3) title, (4) blank, (5-54)
the work, (55) table, (56) blank.

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