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ENGLAND.—Laws and Statutes.
Henry VIII. 1509-1547.
Anno xxiii. H. vm. | The kynge our soueraigne lorde
| Henry the eight by the grace of god | kynge of
Englande and of Fraunce | defender of the faythe and
lorde of | Irelande at the session of his highe | Courte
of parliament after diuerse | prorogations, holden at
westmister | the .xv. day of January, in the .xxiii. |
yere of his moste noble reigne to the | honour of al-
myghtye god and holy | churche, and for the common
weale | and profitte of this his realme, by | the assente
of the lordes spiritualle | and temporall, and the com¬
mons in | this presente parliament assembled, | and
by auctoritie of the same, hath | ordeigned establisshed
and en- | acted certayne good statu- | tes lawes and or-
di- | naces in maner [ and fourme | folow- | ing. |
London, T. Berthelet, [? 1532].
Fol. 11^ in. Gothic letter. A-D6, E4; xxviii. leaves:—i.a title,
within a woodcut border, i.b table, ii.-xxviii.a statutes, 23rd year
of Henry vm., xxviii.a line 27 [Colophon] C Imprinted at London
in Fletestrete by | Thomas Berthelet printer to | the kynges most
noble | grace. Cum pri- | uilegio. | , xxviii.b blank.
*»* A continuation of “ The Great boke of statutes,” to the 15th
year of Henry vm.
Anno xxiiii | Henrici | vm. | Actis Made | in the
Session of this present parlya- | mente, holden vppon
prorogation at | Westmynster, the .1111. daye of Fe- |
bruane, in the .xxiiii. yere of the | reygne of our moste
dradde souerayne | lorde kynge Henry the .vm. and
there con | tinued and kepte tyll the .vn. day of Aprill
| than nexte ensuinge : to the honour of god | and holy
Church, and for a com- | mon weale and pro- | fyte of
this his | realme. |
Londini In Aedibvs Tho- | mae Bertheleti Re- | gii
Impressoris. I Cvm Privilegio A Re- I ge Indvlto. I
[? 1533;]
Fol. 11J in. Gothic letter. A-C6; xviii. leaves :—i.a title, i.b table>
ii.-xviii.b statutes, 24th year of Henry vin., xviii.b arms of the
king of England and France.
%* A continuation of “The Great boke of statutes,” to the 15th
year of Henry vm.
Anno .xxv. | Henrici | vm. | Actis Made | In The
Session Of | This Present Parliment | holden vppon
prorogation at West- | mynster, the .xv. daye of lanuarie,
| in the .xxv. yere of the reigne of our moste dradde
so- | ueraygne lorde kynge Henry the .vm. and | there
contynewed and kepte tylle the | xxx. daye of Marche
than | nexte ensuinge: to the ho- | nour of god and |
holy Church, | and for | the | common weale and profyte
| of this his realme. [
Londini In Aedibvs Tho- | mae Bertheleti Re- | gii
Impressoris. j Cvm Privilegio A Re- | ge Indvlto. |
[? I534-]
Fol. 11£ in. Gothic letter. A-G6; xxxvii. (error for xli.) leaves
+ (1) leaf:—i.a title, i.b table, ii.-xli.b statutes, 25th year of Henry
vm., xli.b arms of the king of England and France, (1) blank.
*.* A continuation of “ The Great boke of statutes,” to the 15th
year of Henry vm.
Anno xxvi. j Henrici | vm. | Actes Made In The |
session of this presente parly- | ament holden vpon
prorogation at | westfn, the .111. daye of Nouebre, | in
the .xxvi. yere of the reygne | of our mooste drad
soueraigne lorde | kynge Henry the vm, and | there
continued and kepte tyll [ the .xviii. day of Dece- | ber
nexte insuynge. | To the honor | of god, | and | for the
comon weale and | profite of this | realme. |
[Londini] Tho. Berthelet | Excvdebat. | Cvm Pri¬
vilegio. | [? 1535.]
Fol. 11J in. Gothic letter. A-C8, D8; xxvi. leaves :—i.a title,
within a woodcut border, i.b table, ii.-xxvi. statutes, 26th year of
Henry vm., xxvi.b line 34 [Colophon] Thomas Bertheletvs Re- |
givs Impressor Ex- | evdebat. |
%* A continuation of “ The Great boke of statutes,” to the 15th
year of Henry vm.
ENGLAND.—Laws and Statutes.
Henry VIII. 1509-1547.
Anno xxvii. | Henrici | vm. | Actes Made In The |
session of this present parly- | ament holden vpon
prorogation at | Westm, the .mi. day of February, | in
the .xxvii. yere of the reygne | of our moste drad
soueraygne lorde | kynge Henry the .vm. and | there
contynued and kepte tyll | the .xim. day of Apryll |
next ensuynge. To | the honour of | God, and | for the
| common weale and | profyte of this | realme. |
[Londini] Tho. Berthelet | Excvdebat. | Cvm Pri¬
vilegio. | [? 1536.]
Fol. 11J in. Gothic letter. A-G6, H4; xlvi. leaves:—i.a title,
within a woodcut border, i.b table, ii.-xlvi.b statutes, 27th year of
Henry vm., xlvi.b arms of the king of England and France.
*** A continuation of “ The Great boke of statutes,” to the 15th
year of Henry vm.
Anno XXVIII. | Henrici | vm. | Actes Made In The |
parlyament begone and hoi- | den at Westpi, the .vm.
daye of | June, in the .xxviii. yere of the | reygne of
our most drad soueraigne | lorde kynge Henry the .vin.
Z | there contynued and kepte tyll the | dissolution of
the same parliament j the .xviii. of luly, to the | honour
of God, | and for | the | common wele and | profyte of
this | realme. |
[Londoni] Tho. Berthelet | Excvdebat. j Cvm Pri¬
vilegio. | [? 1537.]
Fol. 11J in. Gothic letter. A-C6, D8; xxvi. leaves :—i.a title,
within a woodcut border, i.b table, ii.-xxvi.b statutes, 28th year
of Henry vm., xxvi.b arms of the king of England and France.
%* A continuation of “ The Great boke of statutes,” to the 15th
year of Henry vm.
Edivard VI. 1547-1553.
Anno Qvinto | Et Sexto Edvardi | Sexti. | Actes—
made in the Session of this | present parlament, holden
vpo proro- | gacion at Westminster, the .xxiii. daie | of
lanuarie, in the fiueth yere of the | reigne of our moste
drad souereigne | Lorde, Edward the .vi. by the grace |
of God, kyng of Englande, Fraunce, | and Irelande, de-
fendour of the faith, | and of the Churche of Englande
and | Irelande, in yearth the supreme hed: | and there
continued and kept to | the .xv. daie of Aprill, in the |
vi. yere of the reigne of | our saied souerei- | gne lorde,
as | foloweth | [London], R. Grafton, 1552.
Fol. 10 in. Gothic letter. A-E6, F4; xxxiii. leaves + (1) leaf:—
i.a title, within a woodcut border, i.b table, ii.-xxxiii.b statutes,
5th and 6th years of Edward vi., xxxiii.b line 30 [Colophon]
Richardvs Grafton | typographus Regius excude- | bat. Mense
Aprili. | 1552. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. | , (1)
Oak boards, br. calf, with bookplate of Sir John Hussey
Anno Septimo | Edvvardi Sexti. | ^ Actes IK | made
in the Parlamente hoi- | den at Westminster, the first
daie of | Marche, in the .vii. yere of the reigne | of our
moste redoubted Souuereine | Lorde Edwarde the .vi.
By the grace | of God, King of Englande, Fraunce, |
and Irelande, defendour of the faieth, | and of the
Churche of Englande, and | also of Irelande in earth the
supreme | head: And there continued to the | dissolu-
cion of the same being | the laste daie of the | saied
moneth of | Marche, as | foloweth. |
London, R. Grafton, 1553.
Fol. 10 in. Gothic letter. A-F6, GH4 ; xl. + (4) leaves :—i.a title,
within a woodcut border, i.b table, ii.-xl. statutes, 7th year of
Edward vi., (l-4a) An acte for the Kinges Maiesties moste
gracious generall and free perdone, (4a) line 40 [Colophon] Londini
in sedibus Richard! Graftoni | typographi Regii excusum. | Mense
Aprilis. | Anno Domini .m.d.liii. | Cum priuilegio ad imprimen¬
dum solum. | , (4b) blank.

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