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1666-7: 19 Chables II
Nos 3488-94
By the Act for rebuilding London the Lord Mayor, &c.,
has to declare before 1 April which are the Streets and
Lanes of note, and which the High and Principal Streets.
A list is given of 119 streets and lanes of note, and the
following six high and principal streets : (1) The street from
Temple Bar through St. Paul’s Churchyard into Cheapside
and on to Algate. (2) The street from Newgate to Cheap-
side. (3) The new street from Guildhall to Cheapside. (4)
Lumbard Street. (5) Fenchurch Street. (6) The street from
London Bridge to Cornhill and thence to Bishopsgate. This
to be printed and published.
B.L. B.M. 21. h. 5 (38). N° 3488.
29 MARCH.—BY THE KING. A Proclamation
For the free Exportation of Woollen Manufactures,
until the Twenty fifth day of December next.
Whitehall: 29 March 1667.
Savoy: Assigns of Bill & Barker: 1667.
1 f. Gothic letter.
Arms 75 of turers practise.
Recites Procl. 15 April 1666 [No. 3458, q.v.]. On the
advice of the Privy Council the liberty to export woollens
to all places except Dort and Hamburg is extended for 12
months longer till 25 Dec., without prejudice to the Com¬
pany of Merchant Adventurers and their Charter.
B.L. B.M. 21. h. 2 (40); 1851. c. 9 (4). P.C. (32 a).
Dalk. 1 (222). Queen’s 79. B. 12 (123); 79. C. 1 (69).
TT.L.C. Sel. 2. 29 (185). Guild. 1 (347); v2 (2). P.R.O. 3
(242). MS. copy, S.P.D. 195 (71); see S.P.D. 195 (42).
Rot. Pat. 18 Chas. II. p. 5. n. 18. d. If0 3489.
27 APRIL.—BY THE KING. A Proclamation
Prohibiting the Importation of Allome.
Whitehall: 27 April 1667.
Savoy : Assigns of Bill & Barker : 1667.
1 f. Gothic letter.
Arms 75 bles- Kingdoms intent
As sufficient alum is made in England, thanks to the care
of James I, following his example [No. 1151, q.v.], it is
ordered that no person may hereafter import alum on pain
of forfeiture, &c. Customs officers to seize any. Mayors,
&c., to aid.
B.L. B.M. 21. h. 2 (41). P.R.O. 3 (243). P.C. (33).
Queen’s 79. B. 12 (127). U.L.C. Sel. 2. 29 (186).
Rot. Pat. 18 Chas. II. p. 5. n. 19. d. 3490.
Act declaring what Streets and streight and narrow
Passages within the City of London and Liberties
thereof, burnt down in the late dismall Fire, shall
be enlarged and made wider, and to what propor¬
tion ; for notification thereof to the Owners or
Parties interested in the Ground to be taken away
for the said Enlargements.
Guildhall: 29 April 1667.
[London] : J. Flesher: [1667].
2 ff. Gothic letter. Avery.
Arms, City of Poultrey 2) be Convenient
Fleet Street to be 45 ft. broad. From Cheapside to Poultrey
40 ft. Blowbladder Street 40 ft. Ave Maria Lane 18 ft.
Thames Street 30 ft. and others. [King Street] to be 36 ft.,
Panier Alley 9 ft., paved with freestone. Other alleys,
(9) named, also ordered to be enlarged. All widening to be
done before 20 May next.
B.L. B.M. 21. h. 5 (39). Ifo 3491.
[Begins] An Order made by the Lord Mayor . . .
[Rules to be followed in rebuilding London.]
Whitehall: 8 May 1667.
[London] : J. Flesher: [1667].
1 f. Gothic letter. Edw. Walker.
Arms 81 and City equal Lane thereunto.
Approving Orders of Lord Mayor, &c., made 29 April last.
These imply regularity and similarity of building. No signs
across streets. A postern to be made at Newgate. Holborn
Bridge to be enlarged. Party-walls and piers to be first
set out under the surveyor’s supervision. 6s. 8d. surveyor’s
fee per foundation to be paid. Narrow passages to be en¬
larged. Fleet Street houses standing back may be brought
up to the same frontage as the others.
Present: Duke of York, Archbp. of Canterbury, L. Chan¬
cellor, L. Privy Seal, D. of Albemarle, Marquess of Dor¬
chester, L. Chamberlain, Earl of Bridgwater, Berkshire,
Bathe, Carlisle, Craven, Lauderdail, Middleton, L. Arlington,
Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Sec. Morice, Mr. Chancellor
of the Duchy, Sir William Coventry.
B.L. B.M. 21. h. 5 (41); 1851. c. 9 (5); 816. m. 9 (17).
Guild. 1 (348). N0 3492.
18 JUNE. —[BY THE KING.] His Majesties
Declaration To all His loving Subjects, to preserve
Inviolable the Securities by Him given for Moneys,
and the due Course of Payments thereupon in the
Receipt of the Exchequer.
Whitehall: 18 June 1667.
Savoy : Assigns of Bill & Barker : 1667.
1 f. Gothic letter.
Arms 75 Subjects, thereof of
Certain goldsmiths who have advanced money to us on
the revenue have been pressed by creditors, which would
endanger public safety. The payments of the Exchequer
will be punctually made, and these creditors are to be
assured of the solvency of our said subjects the gold¬
B.L. B.M. 1851. c. 9 (6), (7); 190. g. 13 (283). P.C.
(33 a). P.R.O. 3 (244<q. Queen’s 79. B. 12(131); 79.
C. 1 (73). Guild. 1 (349); 2 (3). Antiq. 2 (146).
N° 3493.
[Begins] Whereas it is generally Reported . . .
[Concerning the pay of the Navy.]
Whitehall: 25 June 1667.
Savoy : Assigns of Bill & Barker : 1667.
1 f. Gothic letter. Richard Browne.
Arms 75 served vertisements and
It is reported that many seamen and soldiers who have
served at sea have to lose some part of their wages to recover
the rest. The Treasurer of the Navy has advertised at
Westminster-Hall Gate his desire to prevent these abuses.
A Committee [marked with * of those present] is appointed
to sit in the Council Chamber and hear any complaints of
exactions. Complaints in writing to be handed to the
Clerk of the Council with a note of the address of com¬
Present: *DukeofYork, *Prince Rupert, Arch, of Canter¬
bury, L. Chancellor, *D. of Albemarle, L. Chamberlain,
E. of Bridgwater, Berkshh-e, Anglesey, Craven, *Lauderdaill,
Yisct. Fitzharding, L. * Arlington, *Berkeley, * Ashley, Mr.
“^Comptroller, * Vice-Chamberlain, ""Secretary Morice, Chan¬
cellor of the Dutchy, *Sir William Coventry, *Sir John
B.L. B.M. C. 21. f. 1 (39 e); 1851. c. 9 (8), (9); 190. g. 13
(159). P.C. (34). Queen’s 79. C. 1 (216). P.R.O. S.P.D.
207 (15). N° 3494.

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