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1660: 12 Charles II
Nos 3255-60
Arms 23 of a pre-
Another edition of No. 3254, q.v.
B.L. B.M. 1851. c. 8 (63); C. 21. f. 1 (20 aa). Adv.
Pamph. 41 (86). Queen’s 79. B. 10 (79). P.R.O. Dub.
1. D. (17). T.C.D. RR. cc. 47 (47). K.I.D. P. 553.
N° 3255.
mation For the preventing of the Exportation of
Wools, Wool-Fells, Woollen-Yarn, Fullers Earth,
and other Scouring Earths, out of this Kingdom.
Whitehal: 15 September 1660.
London: Bill & Barker: 1660.
3 ff. Gothic letter.
Arms 62 of We 2) Wool- 3) Pre- due
As woollen cloth is the staple trade of this kingdom, and
the exportation of wool and scouring earths encourages the
foreign making of cloth, their export is prohibited. Customs
officers and ships’ officers allowing it responsible for full
penalties. 2,000 tod may be sent to Jersey, 1,000 to Guern¬
sey, 200 to Alderney, and 100 to Sark for home manufacture.
All to be sent under bond, not to be reshipped, from Pool,
Southampton, or Weymouth only. Informers to have half
the penalty.
B.L. B.M. 669. f. 26 (5); C. 21. f. I (20 bb); 1851.
c. 8 (64); 21. h. 1 (126). Dalk. 1 (146). Adv. Pamph. 41
(80). Bodl. Fol. ©. 660 (88). U.L.C. Sel. 1. 12 (30). Ch.
561. Queen’s 79. B. 10 (69); 79. B. 9 (71). P.R.O. Dub.
1. D. (18). T.C.D. RR. bb. 42 ; RR. cc. 47 (48). Antiq.
1 (30). Hodgkin (imp.). P.R.O. 2 (20). Original signed,
P.S.B. 2269; MS. draft with alterations, S.P.D. 16 (5).
Kot. Pat. p. 1. n. 15. d.
September 22. Ijo 3256.
mation For Apprehension of Edward Whalley and
William Goffe.
Whitehall: 22 September [1660].
London : Barker & Bill: 1660.
2 ff. Gothic letter.
Arms 68 and der 2) also a-
Edward Whalley (Colonel) and William Goffe (Colonel)
are with others excepted from pardon. Having fled from
England they have now returned and are in biding.
They are to be apprehended. Their harbourers will be
punished. £100 reward for either of them dead or alive.
B.L. B.M. 669. f. 26 (9); C. 21. f. 1 (20 cc); 1851. c. 8
(65); 21. h. 1 (128). Dalk. 1 (147). Adv. Pamph. 41 (88).
Bodl. Fol. ©. 660 (92). Queen’s 79. B. 10 (83); 79. B.
9 (83). P.R.O. Dub. 1. D. (19). T.C.D. RR. bb. 42; RR.
cc. 47 (49). Antiq. 1 (31). Hodgkin. Guild. 1 (281). Ch.
563. U.L.C. Sel. 1. 12 (38). P.R.O. 2 (23). Original
signed, P.S.B. 2269; MS. draft, S.P.D. 16 (53).
Rot. Pat. p. 1. n. 14. d. Ifo 3257,
CIL.] [Begins] Whereas divers Scandalous Un¬
truths and . . .
[Against issuing Almanacks or Prognostications without
Whitehall: 25 September [1660],
Sine nota.
1 f. Roman letter. Edw. Nicholas.
and in at
Owing to the publication of scandalous untruths and
treasonable assertions in several Almanacks and Prognosti¬
cations, none are to be printed and published unless licensed
by George Wharton, Esquire. Booksellers, printers, and
authors to take notice.
B.M. 669. f. 26 (16). P.R.O. MS. copy, S.P.D. 16 (60).
October 2. No 3258.
mation For speeding the Payment of the Arrears of
Seventy thousand Pounds for three Moneths Assess¬
ments, due and payable the First of August last
Whitehall: 26 September 1660.
London : Bill & Barker : 1660.
1 f. Gothic letter.
Arms 62 made, nance them
Whereas in our absence an Ordinance of both Houses of
Parliament was made for an assessment of £70,000 a month,
to be paid in full to the Receiver-General before 1 August,
which is not yet paid : all Commissioners are to put their
powers in full execution at once to recover all arrears and
pay them in forthwith.
B.L. B.M. 669. f. 26 (10); C. 21. f. 1 (20 dd); 1851. c.
8 (66); 21. h. 1 (130). Dalk. 1 (148). Adv. Pamph. 41
(100). Bodl. Fol. ©. 660 (95). Queen’s 79. B. 10 (91);
79. B. 9 (89). P.R.O. Dub. 1. D. (14). T.C.D. RR. bb.
42; RR. cc. 4 7 (50). Antiq. 1 (32). Guild. 1 (282). Ch.
565. U.L.C. Sel. 1. 12 (35). P.R.O. 2 (25). Original
signed, P.S.B. 2269; MS. draft, S.P.D. 16 (76).
Rot. Pat. p. 1. n. 16. d. N0 3259.
mation For Payment of the Duty of Excise, together
with the Arrears thereof.
Whitehall: 26 September [1660].
London : Bill & Barker: 1660.
2 ff. Gothic letter.
Arms 68 the Contrivements 2) Future, Royal
The payment of excise and the arrears thereof are to be
kept up, as so much of the public expenses are charged on
it. Arrears are excepted from the Act of Indemnity.
Justices are to execute 32nd article of an Act published
14 Aug. 1649 relating to the brewing of beer.
B.L. B.M. 669. f. 26 (11); C. 21. f. 1 (20 ee); 1851. c.
8 (67); 21. h. 1 (129). Dalk. 1 (149). Adv. Pamph. 41
(96). Bodl. Fol. ©. 660 (94). Queen’s 79. B. 10 (95);
79. B. 9(93). P.R.O. Dub. 1. D. (13). T.C.D. RR. bb. 42 ;
RR. cc. 47 (51). Antiq. 1 (33). Guild. 1 (283). Ch. 564.
U.L.C. Sel. 1. 12 (86). P.R.O. 2 (26). Original signed,
P.S.B. 2269 ; MS. draft, S.P.D. 16 (77).
Rot. Pat. p. 1. n. 17. d. 326O.
mation For the Suppressing of disorderly and
unseasonable Meetings, in Taverns and Tipling-
houses, And also forbidding Footmen to wear Swords,
or other Weapons, within London, Westminster, and
their Liberties.
Whitehall: 29 September [1660].
London: Bill & Barker: 1660.
2 ff. Gothic letter.
Arms 68 Debauched, Now 2) at contrary
Mentions good effect of late Proclamation against vice [No.
3211, q.v.]. Debauched persons will never be employed by
the King. No person to stay in any tavern, &c., after 9 p.m.
No tavern-keeper to harbour them after that hour, except
they are lodgers. Mayors, &c., to enter ale-houses, &c., and
search for and apprehend offenders. Obstructing officers
made an offence of contempt of the King. No pages, foot¬
men, and ‘ lacquies ’ to wrear swords or weapons in London
and Westminster, &c.
B.L. B.M. 669. f. 26 (13); 1851. c. 8 (68), (69); 21. h. 1
(131); C. 21. f. 1 (20 ff). Dalk. 1 (151). Adv. Pamph. 41
(102). Bodl. Fol. ©. 660 (96); Ashm. H. 23 (243). Queen’s
79. B. 10 (111); 79. B. 9 (101). P.R.O. Dub. 1. D. (15).

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