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(1250) Columns 2371 and 2372 -
DOBEL (Daniel) The Seventh-day sabbath not obligatory
on Christians; or, a Treatise, shewing, that the seventh-
day sabbath is abrogated. In five parts. Together with
a particular examination of ... a book, entitled, the
Ancient and honourable way, and some remarks on a
piece, entitled, the Seventh-day sabbath farther vindi¬
cated, and another, entitled, the Second defence, these
two last by M. E. Cornthwaite. . . .
Canterbury, 1737.
8°. Sin. vi. + 68pp.
- An Appendix, containing, answers to objections against
some passages in a book, entitled, the Seventh-day
sabbath not obligatory on Christians. . . .
Canterbury, F. Abree, 1739.
8°. 8 in. (2)+ 25 pp.+ (1) p. Bound with other tracts.
DOBERAN, Monastery of. Diplomatarium doberanense,
primum ab anno 1190 usque ad anno 1300, chartas 111
complexum . . . [11. ab anno 1301 usque ad annum 1376,
chartas 100 complexum.] Westphalen (e. j. von)
Monumenta inedita rerum germanicarum, vol. 3, pp.
1467-1646. 1743, fol.
DOBIE (David) See Thomson (j.) Street-haivker. The Trial,
sentence and behaviour of J. Thomson and D. D., who
are to be executed at Edinburgh, . . . 18th August . . .
for the . . . murder ... of M. Paterson. . . . 1830, 12°.
- A True . . . history of the . . . Gilmerton crime, or, the
. . . murder ... of M. Paterson by . . . Dobie and
Thomson; together with . . . the trial, sentence, and
execution of the criminals. ... To which is added, a
vindication of the character of Scotland, from the sup¬
posed stain of the . . . crimes of Burk and Hare. . . .
Edinburgh, Forbes and Owen, [1830].
12°. 7 in. 12 pp.
DOBIE (James) See Pont (t.) Cuninghame topographized
. . . 1604-1608. With continuations and illustrative
notices by ... J. Dobie. . . . 1876, 4°.
- Examination of the claim of John Lindsay Crawfurd,
to the titles and estates of Crawfurd and Lindsay; con¬
taining an exposure of the forgeries on which that claim
is founded, and a refutation of the statements in the
book entitled, " The Crawfurd Peerage" [by A. M.
Adams] and in other publications on his case.
Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1831.
4°. 12J in. Large Paper, ix. pp. + {l) p.+ 137 pp. + (1) p.+ 3 pp.
+ (1) p., 1 errata slip, and 3 plates.
With letter signed by Lady Mary Lindsay Craufurd.
[Another copy.]
4". lOJ in.
Bound ivith " The Craivfurd Peerage ".
DOBIE (John Shedden) See Pont (t.) Cuningharae topo¬
graphized . . . 1604-1608. With continuations by . . .
J. Dobie . . . Edited by J. S. Dobie. 1876, 4°.
DOBIE (William) of Beith. The Parish church and
church-yard of Kilbirnie. [By W. D.] . . . 1850, 8°.
See Paeish.
DOBNECK (Johann) Cochlceiis. See Bible.—Psalms.
[Latin.] Beati Brunonis . . . expositio in psalterium
totum a Joanne Cochlaeo restitum ... La Bigne (m.
de) Maxima bibliotheca, vol. 18. 1677, fol.
- See Bible.—John, Gospel of. [Latin.] Euperti . . .
commentariorum, in Euangelium Johannis libri xiiii.
[Edited by J. D.] 1526, fol.
- See Bible.—Eevelation. [Latin.] Euperti . . . com¬
mentariorum, in Apocalypsim Johannis libri xii.
[Edited by J. D.] 1526, fol.
DOBNECK (Johann) Cochlceus. See Bucee (m.) De
Concilio, et legitime judicandis controversiis religionis,
crimunum, quae in Mart. Bucerum J. Cochlaeus ad
illustrissimos principes. . . . S. Eo. Impeijr per Ger-
maniam . . . confutatio. Epistola J. Cochlaei ad eosdem
ordines, in M. Bucerum. . . . 1545, 4''.
See Jeeome, Saint. Duo sermones de Beata Virgine
Maria, Dei Genitiice, nostra Domina: unus S. Hie-
ronymi, in eius laudem ; alter Mart. Lutheri, in eius
iniuriam. . . . [Edited by J. D.] 1548, 8°.
See LuTHEE (m.) Adversus armatum virum Cokleum
M. Lutherus. . . . [1523], 4°.
See LuTHEE (m.) Wydder den gewaffeten man Cocleum
D. M. Luther schoner bescheyd vom glauben und
wercken. . . . [1523], 4°.
See EuPEETUs, Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Heribert
at Deutz. Euperti . . . opera duo. . . . [Edited by J.
D.] 1526, fol.
See Teebue, Council of. Acta et decreta Concilii Tribu-
riensis. . . . [Edited by J. D., Cochlaeus.] 1525, 4°.
Ad Sem- | per Victricem j Germaniam, lohan | nis
Cochlsei TrapaKAv^o-is : utpri | stinaBcostatite fidei &uirtutis
I memor, insolentissima Lu- | theranorum factione ab |
dicata, in errores | se abduci non | patiatur. |
C Apud sanctam Vbiorum Agrippinam | in aedibus
Heronis &c. | Anno m.d.xxiiii [1524]. |
8°. SJin. Italic letter. A-P; (144) pp :—(l) title, within a wood¬
cut border, (2-142) the work, (143, 144) wanting, probably blank.
With bookplate of Cortielius Paine, Panzer ix. 430.
[Ornament.] AEticuli. ccccc. | Martini Lutheri. Ex
sermoni- | bus eius Sex & Triginta, Quibus singulatim
responsum est ] a lohane Cochleo coendelstino, partim
scripturis, partim co | trarijs Lutheri ipsius dictis. Anno.
m.d.xxv. I
Prouerb. xviij. | Impius cum in profundu uenerit
peccato2|:, cotemnit. j Sed sequitur eum ignominia &
opprobrium. | [Ornament.] [Coeln, Peter Quefitel, 1^25.]
4°. 7f in. Roman letter. A-S^; (144) pp:—(1) title, (2) dedica¬
tion to John, Abbot of the Monastery of St. Panthaleon, Coeln,
dated Coeln, 3 id. Aug., 1525, (3) sermoncs Lutheri xxxvi., (3-138)
the work, (139-142) index, (143) errata, line 22 [Colophon] IT
Colonice in offlcina honesti ciuis IPetri Quentel. | Anno, m.d.xxv.
Mense Septembri. | , (144) blank.
With bookplate of II. vanden Block, ajid autograph of J.
F. Vandevelde. Panzer vi. 393.
Confvtatio. | xci. articulorum: e tribus | Martini
Lutheri Theutonicis sermonibus | excerptorum, Authore
lohanne | Cochlaeo, uiro eruditissimo, | ad Christi, beatae
Ma I riae uirginis, ormq3 | sanctoy hono- | re ac gloriii. |
Tres Lutheri ad populum | sermones. | i. De laudibus &
ueneratione Mariae uirginis, arti. 29. | 11. De diuite &
Lazaro, ac de statu animaru. articuh. 28. | iii. De sancta
Cruce & reliquijs sancto^. Articuli. 34. |
[Coeln, Peter Quentel, 1525.]
4°. 7J in. Roman letter. X-G\ D^; (36) pp :—(1) title, (2) dedi¬
cation to Friedrich Martorff, dated, ex Moguutia, 8 nonas Nouem-
bris, 1524, (3-36) the work, (36) line 18 [Cohphon] "I Colonise in
ofificina honesti ciuis Petri | Quentell. Anno, m.d.xxv. |
Panzer vi. 393.
[Another copy.]
Bound with Clichtoveus'
' De Sacramento cucharistiae.
1526 (5).
- Consy I deratio lo ] hannis Cochlaei, de futuro | Con-
cordiae in Eeligione | Tractatu, Vuorma | tiae habendo. |
Ad Eoma. 13. | Qui potestati resistit, Dei ordinationi |
resistit. | Qui autem resistant, ipsi sibi damnatio | nem
acquirunt. ] m.d.xlv. |
[Ingolstadt, Alexander Weissenhorn, 1545.]
4°. 7J in. Roman letter. A-F->, G^; (52) pp:—(1) title, within a
woodcut border, (2) blank, (3-51) the work, (51) line 28 [Colophon']
lugolstadij Excudebat Alexander Vueys- | senhorn. Mense
lanuario | m.d.xlv. | , (52) blank. Kuczynski 480.

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