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CLERC DE LANDRESSE (Ernest Augustin Xavier)
See Klapkoth (h. j. von) Catalogue des livres . . . com-
posant la bibliotheque de feu M. Klaproth . . . (deuxieme
partie. Livres chinois, tar tares et japonais. [By E. A.
X. 0. de L.].) 1839, 8°.
Catalogue des livres . . . coinposant la bibliotheque de
feu M. Ern. Clerc de Landresse. . . . (La vente aui-a
lieu ... 4 decembre 1862, etc.)
Paris, J. F. Delion, 1862.
8°. 8J iu. viii. + 122 pp.
Maurice) Gomte. L'Ancien regime et la Eevolution. . . .
Nouvelle edition. (Oeuvres completes d'Alexis de Tocque-
ville, publi^es par Madame de Tocqueville, iv.)
Paris, G. Levy, 1887.
8°. 9 in. (4)+xiv. + 4'i6 pp.
- De la Democratie en Amerique. . . . Quatrieme edition.
Tome premier[-quatrieme].
Paris, Gharlcs Gosselin, 1836-40.
8°. Sin. 4 vols.
With autograph of Baron Stockman.
Tocqueville (c. a. h. m.) Gomte. L'Ancien regime et
la Eevolution . . . Nouvelle ed. . . . (Oeuvres com¬
pletes d'A. de T. publiees par Madame de Tocqueville.)
1887, 8°.
CLERGY. Bennet (w. j. e.) A Pastoral letter to the
parishioners of Frome. ... 1852, 8°.
- Crockford's clerical directory for 1898 . . . 30th issue.
1898, 8°.
- Meadows (a.) Priests and physicians. Shipley (o.)
The Church and the World. 1868, 8°
EicHARDS (t.) Giirate of All Saints, Northampton.
Hints for religious conversation with the atHicted in mind,
body, or estate, and with such others as stand in need of
spiritual assistance; especially at the times when they
are confined by sickness. . . . 1757, 12°.
Stella clericorum. 1488, 4°.
[Another edition.] ['? 1495], ^°-
- Advice to a young clergyman, how to conduct himself
in the common offices of life. . . . Harleian Miscel¬
lany, vol. 3. 1809, 4°.
- The Clergy vindicated; or, the Eights and privileges
that belong to them, asserted; according to the laws of
England; more particularly, touching the sitting of
Bishops in Parliament; and their making proxies in
capital.cases. London, E. T. and B. H., 1679.
Pol. llj in. 35pp. + (l) p.
- See also Celibacy ; Curates ; Ministers ; Ordina¬
tion ; Preachers ; Preaching ; Priests.
CLERICAL SUPPORT. Animadversions on Dr. Burnet's
History of the rights of princes in the disposing of ecclesi¬
astical benefices and church lands. . . . 1682, 4°.
- Bernard (r.) Bector of Batcombe, Somersetshire. Two
twinnes : or, two parts of one portion of scripture. . . .
II. of the ministers maintenance. . . . 1613, 4°.
- Clement vii., Pope. S. D. Clementis PP. viii. consti-
tutio de consensibus adnotandis. [30 Jan. 1525.]
[? 1525]. fol.
CLERICAL SUPPORT. England. — Departments of
State.'—Committee for Gojnpotmding loith Delitiquents.
Impropriations purchased by the Commissioners sitting
at Goldsmiths-Hall, for compositions with delinquents;
by ordinance of botli Houses of Parliament; with a list
of the names of such persons from whom they have
purchased any revenue for augmentation of the main¬
tenance of preaching ministers in severall parishes within
this Kingdome. . . . 1648, 4°.
Gregory xiii., Pope. S. D. N. D. Gregorii Papae xiii.
declaratio quod ordinarii collatores praetextu literarum
Nicolai Papae Quinti pro concordia Germaniae, conferre
non possunt beneficia ecclesiastica post tres menses ex
quo vacarunt, si de illis intra hoc tempus a sede apos-
tolica provisum est. [? 1576], fol.
Gregory xiv., Pojye. S.mi D. N. Gregorii . . . xiiii. re-
vocatio . . . indultorum . . . Cardinalium super coUatione
beneficiorum. 1591, 8°.
• Handley (h.) The Fatal opulence of bishops : an essay
on a neglected ingredient of church reform. . . . 1902, 8°.
J., J. 'E-TTielKia, or, a Vindication of the justice and
equity of a proposal, that every minister should be
allowed, in consideration of his supply of the cure, and
of other burthens of the Church, out of the profits of his
benefice ... in proportion to the value of it, to the time
of avoidance. . . . 1704, 4°.
Julius hi., Pope. Eegulae sive constitutiones Julii
. . . III. super fructibus beneficiorum inexactis, et aliis
ad idem pertinentibus. [26 June, 4 Aug. 1550.]
[? 1550], fol.
Letter (A) ... on the augmentation of a particular
class of poor livings without burthening the public.
1810, 8°.
Lindsay (Hon. c.) The Eight of all the parishioners to
the free use of their parish church. . . . 1859, 8°.
Memorial concerning an application to Parliament for
augmenting small stipends in Scotland. [? 1750], 8°.
Molyneux (.1. w. H.) Preaching the gospel to the work¬
ing classes impossible under the pew system. . . . 1858,
Paul v., Pope. S. D. N. Pauli . . . Quinti declaratio
reservationis beneficiorum per assecutionem pacificam
vacaturam. [25 Feb. 1609.] 1610, fol.
S. D. N. D. Pauli ... v. moderatio indultorum
. . . cardinalium super coUatione beneficiorum. [22 Oct.
1609.] 1609, fol.
S. D. N. D. Pauli ... v.
declaratio reserva¬
tionis beneficiorum cubiculariorum honoris nuncupa-
torum. [10 Febr. 1617.] 1618, fol.
- Pius v., Saint, Pope. BuUa . . . Pii . . . Quinti super
reservatione beneficiorum. [27 Jan. 1566.] 1567, fol.
Bulla . . . Pii . . . Quinti super collatione parochi-
alium ecclesiarum. 1566, fol.
- [Another edition.] 1566, fol.
- Prynne (w.) Jus Patronatus; or, a Brief, legal and
rational plea for advowsons, or patrons ancient, lawfull,
just and equitable rights, and titles to present incumbents
to parish churches or vicaridges, upon vacancies. . . .
1654, 4°.
- Eeasons (The) for applying to the King and Parliament
for an augmentation of stipend to the ministers of the
Church of Scotland, examined. . . . Second edition.
1748, 8°.

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