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BUGENHAGEN (Johann) Fommer. Was vnd we | Iches
die sunt sey in dG | heyligen geist dauon Sanct Ma- |
theus am. 12. cap: redt die nit | vergebenn wirt loannis
I Peiignhagn, Pfarers | zw Wittenberg | Auch wie man
die Psalmen lesen soil | vnd mues ein vnnderrichtung,
I Verbum domini manet In eternum. | M D.XXiiij. |
[? Nilrnherg, 1524-]
4°. 8 in. Gotliic letter. A-C ; (24) pp :—(1) titlo, within a wood¬
cut border, (2) blank, (3-23) the work, preceded by a preface by
Leonardua Eleutherobius, dated " Lintz, am sontag Quasimodo-
geniti Anno Jc. jm Fierundzwaintzigistem lare," (24) blank.
With stamp " Soc. licg. Loud, ex dotio Hem: Howard Nor-
folcicnsis ".
Kuczyriski 321. Appears to be a different edition from
Panzer 2278 to tvhicli Kuczynski refers.
Wie es vns zu Wit- | temberg in der Stadt gegangen
I ist, in diesem vergangen Krieg, | bis wir, durch Gottes
gnaden, erloset sind, | Vnd vnser hohe Schule, durch
den Durch- | leucKtigsten, Hochgebornen Fiirsten vnd
I herrn, Herrn Moritzen, Hertzogen zu Sach | ssen, des
heiligen Eomischen Eeichs Ertz- | marschahl vnd Chur-
fiirsten, Landgra- | uen in Doringen, vnd Marggrauen |
zu Meissen, vnsern genedigsten | Herrn, widerumb auff-
I gericht ist. | Warhafftige Historia, be- | schrieben
durch lohan Bugenhagen | Pomern, Doctor vnd Pfar-
herr | zu Wittemberg. | m.d.xlvii. |
[Wittenberg, Veit Creii,tzer, 1547.]
4°. 8 in. Gotliic letter. k-W, F^, G^; (52) pp :—(1) title, (2) blank,
(3-51) the work, dated at end Gesclirieben zu Wittemberg, |
M.D.xlvij. iij. Augusti. | , (51) line 20 [Colophon'\ Gedruckt zu
Witteniberg, | Durch Veit Oreutzer. | m.d.xlvii. | , (52) blank.
Kiiczi/nski 333.
- Zvvo wunderbarlich | Hystorien, zu bestettigung der |
lere des Euangelij. | lohann Pomer. | Philipp. Melanch-
thon. I [? Wittenberg, ? ,? 1530.]
4°. 8 in. Gothic letter. A^; (8) pp:—(1) title, (2) blank, (3-7)
the work, (8) blank. Kuczyriski 1931.
- Oratio J. B. . . . de Eucharistia. . . . See Luther (m.)
M. L. Sermo . . . super Sacramento Corporis et Sangu-
inis Christi. . . . 1527, 8".
- Eyn Eatschlag herr Johan Pommer . . . wie man das
Sacrament empfahen soil, under ayner, oder bayder
gestalt. . . . <S'ec Von der Evangelischen Messs. [? 1524.]
- Ain schone offenbarung des Endchrists durch J. B. . . •
See MEiiANCHTHON (p.) Ain warhafftigs urtayl. . . .
[? 1524], 4°.
- Vom Ehebruch und weglautfen. . . . Sac Luther (m.)
Von Ehesachen. . . . 1540, '41, 4°.
BUGG (Francis) A Finishing stroke : or. Some gleanings
collected out of the Quakers books, by way of prologue,
never before published . . . whereby the great mystery
of the little whore is farther unfolded. . . .
London, 11. Wilhin, 1712.
Fol. 13 in. (2) + vi.-fxl*. pp.
• Quakerism struck speechless; or, a Farther discovery of
the great mystery of the little whore, whose witchcrafts
are hereby farther laid open . . . whereby the Quakers
are once more set in their true light. . . . Part 11.
London, T. Bcnnet, 1706.
Fol. 13j in. (4) pp.-t-pp. 01-156. Wantinrj parts 1, 3-7.
BUGG (George) See N., i. The Curates' appeal to the
equity ... of the British legislature [by G. B.] examined
. . . Pamphleteer, vol. 17. 1821, 8°.
BUGIS LANGUAGE. Vocabulary (A) of the English,
Bugis and Malay languages. . . . 1833, 8°.
BUGIS LAWS. Code (A) of Bugis maritime laws, with a
translation tind vocabulary. . . . 1832, 12°.
BUGIS LITERATURE. Kalabu, Dacn. Boegineesch
hcldendich of Daeng Kalaboe. . . . [1858], 8°.
Ei-Aja, Da en. Boegineesch heldendicht ope den
eersten Bonischen veldtogt van 1859. ... 1862, 8".
BUGLIO (LuiGi) Abrege de la vie et de la mort du E. P.
G. de Magaillans . . . par . . . L. B. Sec Magalhaens
(g. de) Nouvelle relation de la Chine. . . . 1688, 4°.
BUGNOTIUS (Ludovicus Gabriel) Sec Barclay (j.) J.
Barclaii Argenis, nunc primum illustrata [by L. G.
Bugnotius]. 1664, 8".
Archombrotus et Theopompus, sive Argenis secunda et
tertia pars, ubi de institutione principis. [By L. G.
Bugnotius. A sequel to the " Argeuis " of J. Barclay.]
Lugd. Batav. et Boterod., exofficina Hackiana, 1669.
8°. 74 in. (24)-f 624+ (16) pp.
BUHLE (Johann Gottlieb) Histoire de la philosophic
moderne, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'a Kant;
precedee d'un abrege de la philosophic ancienne, depuis
Thales jusqu'au xiv.e siecle . . . traduite de I'allemand
par A. J. L. Jourdan, . . . Tome premier[-sixieme].
Paris, Fournier, 1816.
8°. 8 in. G vols.
BUHSE (F. A.) Bergreise von Gilan nach Asterabad. . . .
Baer (c. E. von) Beitrage zur Kenntniss des russischen
Eeiches, vol. 13, pp. 215-236. 1849, 8°-
BUILDER (The); an illustrated weekly magazine. . . .
Volume I. [-xxxix.] (Dec. 31, 1842-Dec. 25, 1880.)
London, 1843-80.
Fol. 13 in. 39 vols. in 38.
BUILDING. See Architecture ; Carpentry ; Engineer¬
ing ; Masonry.
First annual report. London, Metclilm and Son, 1904.
8". 8Jin. (2) + 23pp.-f(l)p.
BUILDWAS ABBEY. Eyton (r. w.) The Monasteries of
Shropshire. . . . Buildwas Abbey. . . . [1858], 8°.
BUIRETTE DE BELLOY (Pierre Laurent) Memoires
historiques ; i. Sur la maison de Coucy. 11. Sur la dame
de Faiel. iii. Sur Eustache de Saint-Pierre. . . .
Faris, Veuve Duchesne, 1770.
8°. 7A in. iv. 4-157 + (3) pp. With bookticket of A. I'. M. Gilbert.
[Another edition.]
Paris, Delalain, 1770.
*,* A reissue of the foregoing, with a new titlepage and preface.
The text in both copies appears to be identical.
BUISSERET (Jean Nicolas Joseph de) Liste officielle des
Beiges decores d'ordres etrangers autorises a en porter
les insignes (16 aoiit 1831-31 decembre 1862), precedee
des dispositions de la loi, de I'arrete organique et de
notices concernant les ordres etrangers. . . .
Brnxclles, H. Tarlier, 1863.
8°. 10 in. 78+ (2) pp.
BUIST (George) ll. i>. Index to books and papers on the
physical geography, antiquities, and statistics of India.
. . . Bombay, Education Society's Press, 1852,
8°. inlaid to fol. 14 in. 103 pp.+ (1) p.
Memoir of Sir A. Burnes, c. b., by G. B. Sec Burnes
(.T.) Notes on his name and family. . . . 1851, 8°.
BUKA (E) haapii raa neia ei parau Tahiti. [Tahitian primer.'
[? Tahiti, ? 1822
16°. 5j in. 8 pp.
BUKHARIA. Sec Bokhara.

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