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BIE (Jacques db) Livre. . . . Continued.
69. AdriGn de Croy, Comte de Reux, great-grandson of 23, 24.
The engravings numbered from 61 to 69 were not entirely finished
at the time of the death of Charles, due de Croy, and his suc¬
cessors did not continue the work. They are, as tlie others, full
length standing portraits, and represent the branches of Chimay,
etc. The names and titles of the persons represented are not
engraved on the plates, but by the arms the right names liave
been found.
[69 bis. Portrait of Philippe do Croy Chimay d'Arenbcrge, prince
du St. Empire et du dt. Chimay. Bust, engraved about 1675.
This does not belong to the work of Do Bie and is only added as
an extra illustration.]
Views of Cadles. 7 plates (70-76).
70. Hevorle and chateau d'Heverle.
71. Village et chateau de Moutcornot. Lc chateau et bascourt do
72. Village depondans de la baronnic de Bicrbecke. La maison
de Valbecke.
73. La ville de Reux. La villc do Cliievre.
74. View of a chateau. Not named. La Maison d'Arschot.
75. Prinoipaute de Porcean. Chateau de Poroeau.
76. Seigncurio d'Araiues. Duche do Croy.
With a manuscript genealogical tree, drawn np to illustrate the
descents of the House of Croy, and by help of which the portraits
have been arranged in their proper order. It is believed to be the
most complete copy in existence.
*,^* Executed by order of Charles, due do Croy, but was unfinished
when the Duke died on 13 January, 1612. The text which should
accompany the plates has never been printed.
BIECHLIN. See Buechlin.
BIEDERMANN (Johann Gottfried) Genealogie der
hohen Graf en Hiiuser im friinckischen Kriiijse . . .
Erster Theil. [All published.]
Erlangen, J. F. Becker, 1745.
Genealogie der hohen FLirstenhiiuser im frankischen
Krayse . . . Brster Theil. [All published.]
Bayreuth, F. E. Dietzel, 1746.
Geschlechtsregister der Reichsfrey unmittelbaren Eit-
terschaft Landes zu Franken loblichen Orts Baunach.
. . . Bayrcuth, F. E. Dietzel, 1747.
Geschlechtsregister der . . . Orts-Gebiirg. . . .
Bamherg, G. A. Gertner, 1747.
Geschlechtsregister der . . . Orts Steigerwald. . . .
Niirnbcrg, F. Kongott, 1748.
■ Geschlechtsregister der . . . Orts an der Altmiihl. . . .
Bayreuth, F. E. Dietzel, 1748.
Geschlechtsregister des hochadelichen Patriciats zu
Niirnberg. . . . Bayreuth, F. E. Dictzel, 1748.
■ Geschlechtsregister der Eeichsfrey unmittell)aren Eit-
terschaft Landes zu Franken loblichen Orts Ebon und
Werra. . . . Bayreuth, F. E. Dietzel, 1749.
■ Geschlechtsregister der . . . Orts Ottenwald. . . .
Culmbach, J. A. Spindlern, 1751.
Geschlechtsregister der loblichen Eitterschafft im
Voigtlande. . . . Gidmhach, J. A. Spindlern, 1752.
AUgemeine Eegister liber samtliche Bidermannische
genealogische Tabellen . . . gefertiget von G. S.
[? Cidmbach], 1771.
Pol. 13J in. 11 parts in 4 vols.
J. G. B. Geschlechtsregister des Patriciats der vorma-
ligen Eoichstadt Niirnberg bis zum Jahre 1854 fortgesetzt
und herausgegeben von C. F. W. von Volckamer.
Niirnherg, Sebald, 1854.
Fol. 14 in. iv.-|-146-f(2) pp.
BIEL (Gabriel) See Liturgies.—Latin Eite.—Missals.—
General.—Abridgements and Extracts. Epitoma ex-
positionis Canonis Missae magistri G. B. [or rather of
G. B.'s edition of the work of Eggelingus of Brunswick.]
1499, 4",
BIEL (HiERONVMUs Wigand) Historia seculi tertii variorum
fabulis maculata quam . . . sub praesidio Jo. Andreae
Schmidii . . . sibi sumet ventilandam author H. W. B.
• • • Helmstadii, typis G. W. Hammii, [1709].
4°. 7J in. 44 pp. Botmd ivith other Theses.
BIEL (Joannes Christianus) J. C. B. animadversiones ad
J. G. Altmanni de gallicinio in aedibus pontificis audito
observationem. Ugolinus (b.) Thesaurus antiquitatum
sacrarum, vol. 27. 1763, fol.
J. C. B. dissertatio do purpura lydia. . . . Ugolinus (b.)
Thesaurus antiquitatum sacrarum, vol. 13. 1752, fol.
- J. C. B. dissertatio de purpura lydia ad illustrandum
locum Act. XVI. 14. Ugolinus (b.) Thesaurus antiquita¬
tum sacr.irum, vol. 29. 1765, fol.
BIELENSTEIN (A.) Die Lettische Sprache nach ihren
Lauten und Formen erklarend und vergleichend darges-
tellt. . . . Erster [zweiter] Theil.
Berlin, F. Dummler, 1863.
8°. 9 in. 2 vols. i. (4)-hxvi.-(-485 pp. +(1) p. 11. (2) +viii.+428 pp.
BIELOWSKI (August) Sec Ossoli^ski (,r. m.) Count of
Teczyn. Wiadomosci historyczno-krytyczne do dziejow
literatury Polskiej. . . . [Tom. iv., wydany [by A. B.] z
r^kopismow posmiertnych.] 1819-22, 8°.
Monumenta Poloniae historica. Pomniki dziejowe Polski
wydat A. B. Tom. pierwszy [drugi].
Lwoio, Nakladem Wiasnym, 1864, '72.
4". lOJ in. 2 vols. i. xxxii.-)-946 pp., 8 plates, n. xxvi.-f 998 pp.,
7 plates. Tom. 8, etc. puhlislied after the editor's death by the
" Akadcmija Umiejitnosci " of Cracow.
BIELSCIUS (Joachim) Sec Bielski.
BIELSKI (Joachim) See Bielski (m.) Kronika Polska, M.
Bielskiego. Nowo przez J. Bielskiego . . . wydana. . . .
1597, fol.
S'ee Lasicki (j.) Glades Dantiscanorum. . . . (J. Bielscii
satyra in quendam Dantiscanum, qui . . . multa nefaria
de rege et regno Poloniae scribere . . . ausus est. . . .)
PisTORius (j.) of Nidda. Polonicae historiae corpus,
etc., vol. 3. 1582, fol.
BIELSKI (Margin) Kronika | Polska, | Marcina Bielskiego.
I Nowo I Przez loach. Bielskiego | syna iego wydana.
I Cum Gratia & Priuilegio S. E. M. |
W Krakowie, | W Drukarni Jakuba Sibeneychera |
Eo- I ku Panekiego 1597. |
Fol. 12 in. Gothic letter. )('•, A-Z=, Aa-Zz« Aaa-Yyy«:—(12) + 804
-I- (12) pp: —(1) title within woodcut border, words underlined are
printed in red, (2) arms of Poland, (3) list of the monarchs of
Poland, (4) blank, (5-11) preface, (12) privilege, 1-804 the work,
(1-9) index, (10) [Colo2)hon] Cum Gratia & Priuilegio S. R. M. |
W Krakowio, | W Drukarni Jakuba Sibeneychera | Roku Panok
1597 I , (11, 12) wanting.
- Kronika . . . z doprowadzeniem az do Augusta iii.
przedrukowana [a.d. 550-1734]. Bohomolec (f.) Zbior
Dziejopisow Polskich, vol. 1. 1764, fol.
BIEN. Bion vengas mal, si vienes solo. Comedia. By
P. Calderon de la B.arca. 1785, 8°.
BIENFAISANT (Le). [Edited by Perier.] Numero-
specimen. 26 juin 1849. [Paris], Cosson, 1849.
Fol. 15 in. (4) pp. Newspapers. Second Republic (1848), vol. 2 (31).
BIERLING (Friedrich Wilhelm) F. W. B. dissertatio
philologica de veterum hebraeorum circa vitulam de-
collandam ritibus. Ugolinus (b.) Thesaurus antiquita¬
tum sacrarum, vol. 26. 1763, fol.

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