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STONHOUSE {Sir James) Bart. Prayers for the use of
private persons, families, children, and servants. . . .
Twenty-first edition. London, Blvimjtons, 1825.
12'-'. 7 iu. 55 pp. + (1) p.
■ New edition. London, . . . 1835.
12°. 7 in. 60 pp. \
STONOR (Thomas) Baron Camoya. See Camoys Peerage.
Minutes of evidence given before the committee of
privileges to whom the petition of T. Stonor . . . was
referred. . . . [1838-39], fol. |
[Eeport on] a manuscript in the library of . . . Lord ;
Camoys [by J. Stevenson]. Hist. mss. Commission ii.,
p. 33. 1871, fol.
STONYHURST COLLEGE. [Eeport on] the manuscripts
in the library of Stonyhurst College, belonging to the
Society of Jesus. Second and concluding notice of the !
MSS. preserved at Stonyhurst College. [By J. Steven- i
son.] Hist. mss. Commission ii., pp. 143-146; in. pp. '
334-341. 1871,'72, fol.
Supplemental report upon the mss. at Stonyhurst
College [by J. Stevenson]. Hist. mss. Commission x., \
app. 4, pp. 176-199. 1885, 8°. I
STOPFORD (Edwakd Addehlby) Arohdaaoon of Mcath.
The Work and the counterwork ; or, the Eehgious re¬
vival in Belfast, with an explanation of the physical
phenomena. . . . Fifth edition.
Dublin, Hodges, Smith and Co., 1859.
8". 8 in. 100 pp.
STOPPORD-SACKVILLE ( ) Mrs. Sec Sackville
( s.) Mrs.
STORAGE (Baldasakke) Istoria doUa famiglia Acquaviva
reale d' Aragona, con un discorso prodromo dolla nobilta,
nomi ed insegne degli antichi e de' moderni. . . .
Uoma, Eernaho, 1738
4". 11 in. (18) + 146 pp. With autograph of Alexandri Sonronij.
STORCH (LuDWio) Sec Sydow (f. von) Thiiringen und
der Harz, mit ihren Merkwiirdigkeiten, Volkssagen und
Legenden. . . . [By L. S., etc.] 1839-44, 8°.
STORER (James Sakgant) Sec Cukrie (j.) m.Jj., of Liver-
pool. Views in North Britain, [by J. S. S., cic] illus¬
trative of the books of Eobert Burns. . . . 1805, 8".
STORIES. See Children's Literature ; Fairy Tales ;
Fiction ; Legends ; Eomances.
STORMS. Grosvenor (b.) d.d. A Discourse [on Hosea
viii. 7], occasioned by the late dreadful storm, and ac¬
commodated to the design of the publick fast, Jan. 19,
170| 1704,8°.
Manningham (t.) Bishop of Chichcstcr. A Sermon
[on Isa. xxvi. 9] upon the late dreadful storm . . .
1704, 4".
PiDDiNGTON (h.) The Horn-book of storms for the
Indian and China seas. . . . 2nd edition. 1845, 8°.
Eees (d.) Baptist Minister. A View of the divine con¬
duct, in the government of this lower world : being a
discourse in commemoration of the dreadful storm in
Nov. 1703. . . .
Sinner's (The) thundering warning-piece, being an
account of the great damage done by the late dreadful
thunder and lightning on the 16th of July last . . .
particularly at Tatnum-Court, Islington. . . . [? 1708], 8".
Stennet (j.) Jj.h., the Youmjcr. God's awful summons
to a sinful nation considered; in a sermon . . . preach'd
. . . 27th of Nov., 1737, in commemoration of the
dreadful storm of wind, which happened upon that day
in 1703 1738, 8°.
STORMS. Stinton (b.) A Sermon [on Jeremiah h. 15, 16]
preach'd ... in commemoration of the great . . . storm
in Nov. 1703. ... 2nd elition. 1714, 8°.
Sec also Thunderstorms ; Winds.
STORRAR (William M.) The Key to psychology and
philosophy. . . . Southport, Hudson and Co., [1898].
8°. 8J in. 16 pp.
STORTENBEKER (William) See Bataviaasch Genoots-
CHAp VAN KuNSTEN EN Wetenschappen. Tijdschrift
voor Indische taal- land- en volken kunde. . . . [Edited
by W. S., cic] 1853-81,8°.
STORY. The Story of sinful Sally. Told by herself. . . .
London, J. Marshall, [? 1796].
8". 6J in. 8 pp. Cheap Repository (23).
The Story teller, containing a choice selection of
Glas'joiu, 1850.
Scottish Songs, (87).
amusing and entertaining stories.
12°. 6 in. 24 pp.
• The Story-teller; or, Minor library of fiction : a collec¬
tion of the choicest tales, legends, and traditions of all
nations. . . . Vol. i., [11.] Loiidon, 1833.
8°. 10 in. 2 vols. in 4. 1.(6)+ 826 pp. 11. (4)+ 828 pp.
STORY (George) Chaplain in tin Army. A True and
impartial history of the most material occurrences in
the kingdom of Ireland during the two last years. . . .
Written by . . . [G. S.]. 1691, 4°. See True.
STORY (John) U.O.L., Principal of Broadijate Hall. A
Copie of a letter lately sent by a gentleman student in
the lawes of the realme, to a frende of his concernyng
D. Storie. Harleian Miscellany, vol. 8, pp. 608-613.
1811, 4°.
A Declaration of the lyfe and death of John Story. . . .
Harleian Miscellany, vol. 3, pp. 100-108. 1809, 4°.
[Another edition.]
Collection of tracts, vol. 1,
SoMERS (j.) Baron Somers,
pp. 477-487. 1809, 4°.
STORY (John) Traveller. J. Story's travels through
Sweden . . . Collection of voyages and travels, vol. 1,
pp. 209-237. 1745, fol.
STORY (Thomas) A Journal of the life of Thomas Story :
containing an account of his remarkable convincement
of, and embracing the principles of truth, as held by the
people called Quakers; and also, of his travels and
labours in the service of the gospel. . . . [Edited by
James and John Wilson.]
Ncivcastlc upon Tync, Isaac Thompson and Co., 1747.
Fol. 12J in. (4) + iv. + 708 + 8pp.
STOSCH (Friedrich) Schediasma de libris rarioribus ad
emendationem Novorum Lipsiensium num. xxvi. 1749.
, . . Lingae, J.A. Korff, 1750.
8°. 6* in. (2)+ 22 pp.
STOSCH (Philipp von) Baron. See Winckelmann (j. j.)
Description des pierres gravees du feu Baron de Stosch
. . . [with dedication by P. S.] 1760, 4".
STOSS (Veit) Sec Daun (b.) Beitriigezur Stross-Forschung.
V. S. und seine Schulc in Deutschland, Polen und
I Ungarn. . . . 1903, 8".
STOTHARD, afterwards BRAY (Anna Eliza) Courtenay
of Walreddon : a romance of the west. . . .
i London, Longmans, 1846.
8°. 7^ in. Engraved front and title+ vi. +418 pp.
De Foix : or, Sketches of the manners and customs of
the fourteenth century; an historical romance. . . .
London, Longmani, 1845.
S°. 7 in. Engraved front and title + (4) + 372 pp.
The White hoods : an historical romance. . . .
London, Longmans, 1845.
8"'. 7 in. Engraved front and title + xliv. + 392 pp.

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