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RAINERIO (Antonio Francesco) Poesie. Rubbi (a.)
Parnaso italiano, vol. 31, pp. 77-88. 1787, 8°.
RAINERUS, de Pisis. Pantheologia sive Summa universae
Niirnbcrg, Anton Kobergcr, 3 August, 1474
Fol. 16 in. Vol. 3 only. Vols. 1 and 2 wanting. Gothic letter,
without printed signatures, numeration or catchwords ; 2 cols.,
57 lines.
Collation: [a"*, b ( + 10* " Et")'", c-mi", n'^, o-z'", A-E'»]; 283
leaves (1-283).
Leaf lii Q necessarifi fuit christfi patri & quo Capitulum |
primum. | [P]Assio circa passione sex p ordi- | ne. ...
Leaf 280a col. 2, line 7 [Colophon] Anno a natiuitatc dni
milosimoquadriugentesimo | septuagesimoquarto. tercio nonas
augusti diuina ] fauonte clemctia finita absolutaq5 ost hoc dilu-
cida I acprcclara suma fratris Raijuerij de pisis ordiuis | pdicatoru
q & pantheologia quasi tota thoologia | ex nominis iaterpretatione
dicta est p prouidfi & | magne Industrie viru improssorie artis
magistru | Anthoniu Cobcrger ciuem Nurmbergenseni, C^ & | ad-
modu diligenti studio vt cam legenti apparebit | correcta cst.
Ex eiusdem itaq5 pfate sfime optato | fine sit laus & gloria
Christo lesu qui cii patre & | spiritu sancto est vnus deus budict'
in seculorum | secula. Amen.*. |
Leaf 2801' blank.
Leaves 281-283 wanting, probably blank.
With inscription " Monasterij B. M. V. Campiliorum,"
and with an inscription in rod following the colophon
" Hie liber opatus est p Rcucnd' prcni ao dnin dniii
Paulum Abbatem pro sex florenis vng" Anno dui jc
Haiti "13017 (vols. 1 and 2), Panzer u. 171, Proctor 1967.
Pantheologia, seu Summa universac theologiac.
Venice, Hcrynann Lichtenstcin, 12 Sept., i486.
Fol. 12^ in. 2 vols. Gothic letter, with printed signatures
and numeration but without catchwords; 2 cols., 65 and 66
Collation .- Vol. i. a", b-", c" (not signed) 16 leaves; (1-16), a'",
b-ys, z^ ?«, aa-lP, mm nns; 292 leaves (17-308).
Leaf la Incipit tabula sup prima pte pan- | theologie: . . .
Leaf 71 In tabulam sequento super pan- | thcologia profatio
quedam. | . . .
Leaf 11a C. In tabula sequentc sup pma pte p.athcologie
pfatio. I . . . '
Leaf 161), col. 2, line 63 Finit tabula tertia prime partis hui'
operis. |
Leaf 173- blank.
Leaf 17l> [NjOn inutile iudicaui si ad honoro sanctissime tri-
I nitatis. . . .
Leaf 18a (Sig. a 2 and numbered 2) C Ad reuerendissimiS in
christo patrcm 2 dominu. B. | misciatione diuina sanote Romane
ecclesic dignissimfi | episcopum cardinale sabinensem : placentinu
vulgariter | nuncupatu : protectorc singularissimuordinis prodica-
I torum : fratris Jacobi floretini ordinis minorum prefa | tio in
scquens opus fratris Rainerij de Pisis ordinis [ predicatorum in¬
cipit. 1 . . ■
Leaf 307>i (numbered 291), col. 2, line 29 [Colophon] Fin^t
prima ps sum me fratris Rainerij dc Pisis or- | dinis pdicato^ ;q3
diligentissime accuratissimeq5 emen- | data: atq3 impressa
Venetijs cura ac impcnsis Herman- | ni Liechtesteyn Coloniensis :
Anno ab incarnatue dni | millesimo quadringentessimo octuage-
simosexto : pridie | idus Scptembris. | Rcgistru chartarii. | . . .
After the register; Soquitur secunda pars | de littera L. |
Vol. II. a«, b", cs (not signed) 22 leaves (1-22). A-Z». AA-NN»,
00 PP" ; 300 leaves (23-322).
Leaf la Incipit tabula super scda pte pan- | thoologie: | . . .
Leaf 9a In tabulam sequente super secun- | da parte pan-
theologie pfatio queda. | . . .
Leaf ISii Incipit secuda pars secude tabule hui'? operis.
Cuius. I . . .
Leaf 22b, col. 2, line 63 Finit tabula tertia secude partis hui'
operis. |
Leaf 23a blank.
Leaf 23b [NJOn inutile iudicaui si ad honore sanctissime tri-
I nitatis. . . .
Leaf 2'lii (sig. A2, numbered 2) C Q trib' modis otingit laudare
deu. Cap. i. | . . .
Leaf 322a (numbered 300) Col. 2, line 31 [Colo2>lwn] Finit
secuda summe fratris Rainerij de Pisis ordi- | nis pdicatol/^ X in
hoc cdpletu est totfi opus summe Rai [ neriane maxima cum
diligentia: sumaqj cura ac vigilia | emendatfi atq3 ordinatu:
Impressum venetijs impensis | Hermani Lieohtenstoyn Colo-
niens'': Anno ab incarna- ] toe diii. M. cccclxxxvj. pdio Idus
Septembris. | Registrum chartaru. | . . . Lavs Deo. |
Leaf 322b blank.
Initials in tits second volume richly decorated.
Hain *13019, Panzer iii. 229, Proctor 4788.
RAINERUS (Leodiensis) Roineri annales. Pertz (g. h.)
Monumonta Germaniae historica. Scrip., vol. 16, pp.
651-680. 1889, fol.
De Claris scriptoribus monasterii sui libolli iii.—In
novem ante-natalitias antiphonas ab O exordientes
commentatio.—Speculum poenitentiae, seu Vitao S. Pela-
j giae libri 11.—Palmarium virginale seu De vita et pas-
I sione S. Mariae Virginis Oappadocis libri 11.—Flos eremi,
seu De vita S. Theobaldi monachi et eremitae . . . libri
j II.—De conflictu duorum ducum et animarum mirabili
I revelatione, ac de milite captive per salutarem Hostiam
liberato libelli 11. [in verse].—De adventu reliquiarum S.
i Laurentii M. Roma Leodium liber metricus. Cum aliis
. . . carminibus et epigrammatibus.—Triumphalis Bulo-
nici libelli v.-—Euracli XLX episcopi leodiensis vita.—
Reginardi episcopi leodiensis L. vita.^—Reineri . . . de
casu fulminis super ecclesiam monasterii sui liber.—
Libellus gratiarum actionis super dedicationo nova
ecclesiae monasterii sui. Breviloquium de incendio ec-
clesiae S. Lamberti Leodii.—Lachrimarum libolli iii.—
De profectu mortis libri 11. Pez (b.) Thesaurus anec-
dotorum novissimus, vol. 4, pt. 3. 1723, fol.
Ex Reinori ad S. Jacobum monachi chronico loodiensi.
Bouquet (m.) Recueil des historiens des Gaules, vol.
18, pp. 610-638. 1822, fol.
Roineri . . . leodiensis opera historica [de episcopis
leodicnsibus et monachis S. Laurentii]. Pertz (g. h.)
Monumenta Germaniae historica,—Scrip., vol. 2(), pp.
559-620. 1868, fol.
RAINES (Francis Robert) Sec Assheton (n.) The
Journal of N. A. . . . Edited by ... F. R. Raines. . . .
1848, 4°.
See DuGDALB {Sir w.) Garter Kinrj of Arms. A Frag¬
ment illustrative of Sir W. D.'s visitation of Lancashire,
from a manuscript in the possession of . . . F. R. Raines.
. . . 1851, 4°.
See DuGDALE [Sir w.) Garter King of Arms. The Visi¬
tation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made in the
year 1664-5. . . . Edited by the Rev. F. R. R. . . . 1872-
73- 4".
See Fparington (w.) The Derby household books. . . .
Edited by . . . F. R. R 1853, 4°.
■ See Flower (w.) The Visitation of the county palatine
of Lancaster made in the year 1567. . . . Edited by F. R.
Raines. . . . 1870, 4°.
Sec Gasstrell (f.) Bishop of Chester. Notitia
Costrionsis, or Historical notices of the diocese of
Chester. . . . Now first printed . . . with . . . notes by . . .
F. R. Raines. . . . 1845-50, 4".
See King (t. w.) Lancashire funeral certificates . . .
with additions by . . . F. R. Raines. . . . 1869, ^°-
See Langley ( ) of Prestioieh. The Autobiography
of Mr. Langley of Prestwich, seventeenth century.
With an introduction and notes by the Rev. F. R. R.
1878, 4°.
See Piers (j.) successively Bishop of Rochester and of
Salisbury, and ArchbisJiop of York. A Visitation of the
diocese of Chester, . . . held in the chapter house of
the collegiate and parish church of Manchester, 1590. . . .
With illustrative notes by the Rev. F. R. R. . . . 1875,
Sec Saint George (Sir r.) Clarencieitx King of Arms.
The Visitation of the county palatine of Lancaster, made
in the year 1613. . . . Edited by . . . F. R. R. . . . 1871,

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