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The Philatelist.
Philadelphia, Pa., C. Y. Abbott, 1885-86.
8°. 8J in. 9 nos. in 2 vols.
Vol. I. Mar., Apl., May, Summer, Winter, 1885. Nos. 1-5.
,, II. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, 1886. ,, 1-4.
*^* No. 5, vol. I., and nos. 1-4, vol. 11., have coloured paper wrappers
and there is a supplement of two pages to no. 4, vol. i. The pages
of nos. 1-4, vol. I., excepting the first page of each of these four
numbers, are headed " The Philadelphia Philatelist".
Mis. St. Jour. 31 (3).
PHILATELIST. "Der Philatelist". Organ fiir die Ge-
samt-Interessen der Briefmarkenkunde.
Magdeburg, Richard Skalweit, 1886.
8°. 9 in. Nos. 1-6, April 10-September 15, 1886.
\* Produced by an autographic process. Nos. 4-6 have the title,
notices and representation of the Mulready envelope printed by
lithography and the date and number filled in by hand with pen
and ink. Some of the copies of no. 4 are numbered in Roman
numerals while others bear an Arabic figure. Wanting no. 1.
Mis. St. Jour. 145 (7).
PHILATELIST. The Philatelist.
Wabash, Ind., Walter Franklin Skisser, 1892.
32°. 4J in. No. 1, December 10, 1892.
*,* The number has a coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Jour. 71 (10).
PHILATELIST. The Philatelist. For the advancement
and elevation of philately.
Denver, Colo., Lewis Bishop, 1893.
8°. 9 in. Nos. 1-4, Apl. 10, May 10, June 25, July and August,
%* There is a coloured paper wrapper to each number. Bound
up in the same volume is a copy of the prospectus of the journal.
Mis. St. Jour. 61 (4, 6).
PHILATELIST. The Philatelist.
Waterville, Wash., Philatelist Publishing Co., etc.,
8°. 9 in. Nos. 1-4, March-June, 1896.
*,* Nos. 3 and 4 were published by F. M. Dallam, Jr.
Mis. St. Jour. 101 (3).
PHILATELIST. The Philatelist. Issued quarterly.
East Brady, Pa., H. C. Moore, 1899-1900.
16°. 5i in. and 4°. 6 in. Nos. 1-3, July, October, 1899, January,
*,* Nos. 1 and 2 are 16°. and no. 3 is quarto. There is a coloured
paper wrapper to each number. Mis. St. Jour. 150 (14).
PHILATELIST. Der Philatelist.
Bheinfelden, Schweiz, Philatelisten-Club, etc., 1901-
Fol. 12J-12J in. 10 nos. in 2 vols.
1st year. April 15-Dec. 15, 1901. Nos. 1-8.
2nd „ Jan. 1-Feb. 28, 1902. „ 1-2.
*,* Nos. 6-8 and nos. 1, 2, of the second year, were published by
the Genossenschaft fiir Hebung und Forderung der Philatelie.
There is no number for October, 1901. Mis. St. Jour. 128 (7).
PHILATELIST. The Philatelist. The Magazine of the
Philatelic Society of the M. M. S. S. [Manchester
Municipal Secondary School.] Manchester, 1906-07.
8°. 8 in. Nos. 1-4, [April, June, October, 1906, September, 1907].
*,* Produced by a hectographic process and edited by F. W.
Atack. No. 4 was published by the Philatelic and Geographical
Society, and all four numbers are undated. Only some forty copies
or less of each number were made. Mis. St. Jour. 132 (5).
PHILATELIST. See Bucarestek Philatelist.
burg, Mass).
See New England Philatelist {Fitch-
See N. Y. Philatelist.
PHILATELIST EXCHANGE. Philatelist exchange.
Toledo, 0., Philatelist Publishing Co., etc., 1892.
16°. 6-5J in. Nos. 1 and 12. Mar. 30, June, 1892.
*,* There is a coloured paper wrapper to each number. The title
on no. 12 reads " The Philatelist exchange " and this number was
published by Edward W. Heck, who edited both numbers. Two
copies of no. 1 are bound up one of which has page (4) entirely
blank, Mis. St. Jour. 69 (8).
PHILATELIST JOURNAL. Philatehst journal.
Nibe, Danmark, A. Peter sen, 1894.
4°. llj in. [Proof number without date of month] and nos. 1-3,
April 20-June 15, 1894.
*»* The contents consist entirely of advertisements.
Mis. St. Jour. 87 (22).
PHILATELIST-ORIENTAL. Philatelist-Oriental. In¬
sertions Organ fiir Briefmarken Import et Export.
Galatz, Bumdnien, David Steiner, 1893.
Fol. 13 in. Nos. 1-2, May-June, 1893.
*,* A copy of the prospectus of the journal is bound up with the
two numbers. Mis. St. Jour. 73 (17).
PHILATELISTA. O Philatehsta. Organ dedicado aos
colleccionadores de sellos.
>S. Paulo, Brazil, Carlos e Jose Machado de Oliveira,
8°. lOf in. 9 nos. in 2 vols.
Ist year. Mar.-May, July, Sept., Nov., 1884. Nos. 1-6.
2nd „ Feb. 15, May 31, Aug. 31, 1885. „ 7-9.
*^* No. 8 has a coloured paper wrapper. Mis. St. Jour. 99 (9).
PHILATELISTA. O Philatelista.
Lisboa, Faustino A. Martins, 1887-88.
8°. 9^ in. and fol. 13J in. 14 nos. in 2 vols.
1st year. Apl.-Dec, 1887. Nos. 1-9.
2nd „ Jan.-Apl., Aug., 1888. Nos. 10-14.
%* Printed on buff paper. Nos. 1-3 are octavo and the jemaining
numbers are folio. This was the first philatelic journal published
in Portugal.
Serie 11. Lisboa, Faustino A. Martins, 1893.
Fol. 21J in. No. 1, June, 1893.
Serie iii. Lisboa, Faustino A. Martins, 1894-95.
8°. 9 in. Nos. 1-12, Oct., 1894-Apl. 15, 1895.
*J^ After no. 2 the journal was issued fortnightly. There is a
supplement of eight pages to no. 12, a catalogue " Catalogo prcQO-
corrente " by F. Hugo, 16 pages, ran through nos. 3 and 4, and a
catalogue " Centro Philatelico Portuguez. Oatalogo e pre<;o-cor-
rente . . . per Faustino A. Martins " ran through nos. 5-8.
■ Serie iv. Lisboa, Faustino A. Martins, 1895-96.
8°. 9J in. Nos. 1-12, May, 1895-Apl., 1896.
PHILATELISTA. 0 Philatelista.
Porto Alegre, Brazil, Club Philatelico Porto-Ale-
grense, 1888.
Fol. Hi in. Nos. 1-7, January 1-July 1, 1888.
Mis. St. Jour. 87 (8).
PernambuGO, Brazil, F. Tondella, etc., 1890-91.
4°. 8| in. 15 nos. in 2 vols.
1st year. Oct. 15-Dec. 15, 1890. Nos. 1- 3.
2nd ,, Jan. -Dec, 1891. ,, 1-12.
*^* Nos. 7-12, vol. II , were published by the Sociedade Philatelica
de Pernambuco, and nos. 11 and 12 were published together. No.
7, vol. II., has an illustrated supplement of two pages printed on
one side only. Mis. St. Jour. 91 (1).
Porto, Portugal, Joaquim Joao Covas Junior, 1900.
8°. 8J in. Nos. 1-4, April-July, 1900.
*^* Printed on yellow paper. The contents consist entirely of
advertisements. Mis. St. Jour. 132 (3).
eiro. Eevista mensal dedicada aos colleccionadores e
negociantes de sellos.
Bio de Janeiro, J. Costa, 1899-1900.
8°. lOf in. Nos. 1-12, July, 1899-June, 1900.
*,* Nos. 9 and 10 and 11 and 12 were severally published together,
and there is a coloured paper wrapper to each number.
Mis. St. Jour. 105 (6).
eiro. Jornal mensal dedicado aos colleocionadores e
negociantes de sellos e cartoes postaes.
Pernambuco, L. A. Alves da Silva e A. B. Barboza
Vianna, etc., 1906.
Fol. 13J in. Nos. 1-4, May 15-August 15, 1906.
*,* No. 4 was published by Joge Sotero e Oscar Ramos. Wanting
no. 4,

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