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HILATELIC MONTHLY NEWS. Philatelic monthly
news. A paper for stamp collectors.
Lo7idon, E.G., B. Walford White, 1892.
8°. 8 in. Nos. 1-4, Apl. 10-July 10, 1892.
*^* No. 4 has a coloured paper wrapper. Amalgamated with the
" Stamp collector" in July 1892. Mis. St. Jour. 54 (2).
monthly referee.
Norwood, London, S.E., etc., B. T. Morgmi and Co.,
etc., 1901-02.
8°. 8J in. 19 nos. in 2 vols.
Vol. I. Feb. 25, 1901-Jan. 25, 1902. Nos. 1-12.
„ II. „ 25, -Aug., 1902. „ 13-19.
\* There is a title-page and an index to vol. i., and a coloured
paper wrapper to each number. No. 19 was published by J. T.
Bolton, at West Croydon, Surrey, and this number has " whole no.
9 " in place of " 19," except on the wrapper, which is correctly
numbered. Nos. 4 and 11 have supplements of illustrations of
stamps, and no. 19 has a supplement of four pages of advertise¬
[Continued as :]
■ ■ The Monthly philatelic referee.
West Croydon, J. T. Bolton, 1902.
8°. 8J in. Vol. II. 2 nos.
Vol. II. Sept., Oct., 1902. Nos. 20-21.
*^* There is a coloured paper wrapper to each number. Although
the title reads "The Monthly philatelic referee " the headings of
the pages of both numbers read " The Philatelic monthly referee ".
Both numbers are wrongly numbered "whole no. 9," but the
numbering on the wrappers is correctly given. There is a supple¬
ment of four pages of advertisements to no. 20.
PHILATELIC NEBRASKAN. The Philatelic Nebraskan.
For stamp collectors.
OmaJia, Neb., The Nebraska PhilateliG Publishing
Co., 1897.
32°. 4J in. No. 1, January, 1897. Mis. St. Jour. 104 (7).
PHILATELIC NEBRASKAN. The PhilateHc Nebraskan.
Alliance, Neb., Philatelic Nebraskan Publishing Co.,
16°. 5-5J in. Nos. 1-2, January 15-February 15, 1897.
Mis. St. Jour. 150 (8).
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatelic news.
Toronto, John Kelly, 1877.
8°. 9 in. No. 1, January, 1877.
*,* Wanting.
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatelic news.
Cleveland, 0., Havens and Hamlin, etc., 1878.
8°. 7J in. Nos. 1-5, Jan.-May, 1878.
*,* No. 5 was published by Oliver S. Hart. Mis. St. Jour. 41 (6).
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatelic news. Official
journal of the Springfield Philatelic Association.
Springfield, Mass., Springfield Philatelic Association,
8°. 6J in. 9 nos. in 2 vols.
Vol. I. Jan.-June, 1880. Nos. 1-6.
„ II. Oct.-Dec., 1880. „ 1-3.
*^* After the completion of volume i., the volume was supplied in
a coloured paper wrapper. There is a slip supplement to no. 3,
vol. 2. Mis. St. Jour. 68 (24).
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatelic news. A monthly
stamp journal.
Philadelphia, Pa., etc., F. H. Schwartz, etc., 1883-
8°. 9J-10J in. 13 nos. in 2 vols.
Vol. I. Apl., 1883-Apl., 1884. Nos. 1-3, 6-12.
„ II. „ 1886-June, 1886. „ 1-3.
*^j* There are no nos. 4 and 5, vol. i., but no. 6, which is dated
September, 1883, is stated to be for July, August and September.
No. 8 is numbered " 51" in error and there is no number for De¬
cember, 1883. Nos. 9-12 were published by W. L. Emory, at
Fitchburg, Mass., and the numbers of vol. 11., by I. C. Greene, at
the last-named place. Nos. 2 and 3, vol. 11., were published to¬
gether and there are coloured paper wrappers to nos. 2-12, vol. I.
Amalgamated with the " Philatelic Herald," Portland, Me., in
August, 1886. Vol. I. Mis. St. Jour. 10 (9).
I) II- n » » 8 (5).
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatelic news.
Chicago, III., Harry J. Berry, Jr., 1886.
8°. 8 in. Nos. 1-3, Feb. 25, Apl. 1, May 1, 1886.
*^* There is a coloured paper wrapper to each number.
Mis. St. Jour. 65 (3).
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatehc news.
Cambridgeboro, Pa., H. B. Wilber, etc., 1888-90.
12°. 7^ in. and 8°. 9-9| in. 17 nos. in. 3 vols.
Vol. I. Feb.-Aug., 1888. Nos. 1- 7.
„ II. Aug -Dec, 1889. „ 8-12.
,, III. Jan.-Sept., 1890. „ 1- 5.
*^* Nos. 1-7 are 12°. and the remainderioctavo. Nos. 6 and 7 were
published together and nos. 11 and 12, vol. 11., and nos. 1 and 2,
vol. III., have coloured paper wrappers. Vol. iii., no. 3, is wrongly
numbered vol. 11., no. 3. No. 2 was published by the Philatelic
Publishing Co. and no. 8, vol. 11., to no. 4, vol. iii., inclusive, by
H. B. Wilber and Co. There are no numbers for February, April,
May, and June, 1890. A copy of the prospectus issued previous to
the re-publication of the journal in August, 1889, is bound up in
front of no. 8. Mis. St. Jour. 12 (6).
PHILATELIC NEWS. The Philatelic news.
Elizabeth, N. J., Cave and Co., 1889.
8°. 8f in. Vol. III. Nos. 1-2, Nov. 1-Xmas, 1889.
*,* Each number has a coloured paper wrapper, the front wrapper
of no. 2 being dated " December, 1889". No other numbers ap¬
peared. Mis. St. Jour. 63 (2).
PHILATELIC NEWS. Philatelic news.
Utica, N. Y., Frank B. M. Sheldon, 1890.
16°. 5J in. and 8°. 9J-9 in. Nos 1-8, April-November, 1890.
*,* Nos. 1-4 are 16°. and the remaining numbers are octavo, and
nos. 3, 4 have coloured paper wrappers. Mis. St. Jour. 140 (11).
[Continued as :]
■ The Utica investigator.
Utica, N. Y., Frank B. M. Sheldon, 1890-91.
Fol. llf in. and 8°. 8f in. Nos. 9-11, December, 1890-February
14, 1891.
*,* Only partly philatelic. Nos. 9,10 are folio and no. 11 is octavo.
A no. 12 was published on March 2, 1891, but this number con¬
tains no philatelic matter. Mis. St. Jour. 140 (lift).
PHILATELIC NEWS. See Youth's magazine.
letter. A monthly journal for stamp collectors.
Minneapolis,Minn., Harry S. Swensen, etc., 1895-97.
8°. lOj in. 19 nos. in 2 vols.
Vol. I. Feb., 1895-April, 1896. Nos. 1-12.
„ II. Sept. 15, 1896.-Mar-, 1897. Nos. 1-7.
*,,* The seven numbers of vol. 11. were published by Geo. W.
Achard and there is a coloured paper wrapper to each of the nine¬
teen numbers. No. 4, vol. i., is dated "May and June, 1895,"
there is no number for February, 1896, no. 12 being dated " March
and April, 1896". No. 9 is wrongly numbered " no. 8 " and no. 1,
vol. II., is wrongly numbered " no. 7 " and the wrappers of nos. 8
and 9 bear no date or numbering. The wrapper of no. 5, vol.
II., has the numeral "5" added in pen and ink.
[Second series.]
Minneapolis, Minn., G. W. Achard, 1897.
in. No. 1, September, 1897.
\* Wanting.
PHILATELIC NONPAREIL. The Philatelic nonpareil.
Boston, Mass., Edwin A. Durgin, 1889-90.
8°. 9 in. Nos. 1-3, Nov. 15, 1889-Jan. 15, 1890.
*,* No. 3 has a coloured paper wrapper. Mis. St. Jour. 22 (8).
PHILATELIC NOTES Philatelic notes.
Norwich, N. Y., F. E. Thorp, 1886.
8°. 7-7i in. Nos. 1-2, May-June, 1886.
*,* There is a coloured paper wrapper to no. 1. The year of publi¬
cation is wrongly given on each number as " 1885," but on the
wrapper of no. 1 the date is correct. Bound up with the two
numbers is a copy of the prospectus of the journal dated February
24, 1886. Mis. St. Jour. 67 (3).
PHILATELIC OBSERVER. The Philatelic observer.
A monthly journal for philatelists.
Bournemouth, T. Stevens, 1882.
8°. 8J in. Nos. 1-2, Jan.-Feb., 1882.
*,* A copy of the prospectus of the journal is bound up with it.
Mis. St. Jour. 30 (9).

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