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*,* No. 4 is dated " June-July, 1901". Nos. 6 and 7 and 10 and
11 were severally published together under the respective dates
"Sept.-Oot., I'JOl," and " Jan.-Feb. 1902" and no. 12 is dated
"March-April, 1902". Each number has a paper wrapper and
nos. 10 and 11 have "1901" in place of "1902" except on the
wrappers, which have the correct year. Nos. 10-12 and nos, 1, 2,
vol. II., have the words "and Numismatist" added beneath the
title on the paper wrappers. Mis. St. Jour. 101 (8).
OMAHA PHILATELIST. The Omaha philatelist.
Omaha, Neb., E. L. Shepard, etc., 1896-98.
8°. 9 in. 19 nos. in 5 vols.
Vol. I. Sept.-Dec, 1896. Nos. 1-4.
„ II. Jan. -Apl., 1897. „ 1-4.
„ III. May -Aug., „ „ 1-4.
„ IV. Sept.-Dec., „ ,, 1-4.
„ V. Jan. -Mar., 1898. „ 1-3.
*,* Nos. 3 and 4 of vol. i., and nos. 1 and 2 of vol. 11. were pub¬
lished by Shepard and Thurston. Each number has a coloured
paper wrapper.
ONCE A MONTH. Once a month or, the stamp collec¬
tor's advertiser. Manchester, G. Gloyn, etc., 1863-64.
8°. 11-11 in. and 4°. 10 in. Nos. 1-5, Sept. 15, 1863-Jan. 20, 1864.
•,*Nos. 1-3 are octavo and nos. 4, 5, quarto. The last number
was published by Q'oyn, Alley and Gloyn. Nos. 1-3 consist en¬
tirely of advertisements.
[New Series.] Manchester, G. and H. Gloyn, 1864.
4°. 8J in. Nos. 1-9, Mar. 15, May 1-Dec. 20, 1864.
*^* Tiiere is a coloured paper wrapper to each number. A copy
of the prospectus is bound up with the iournal. A second copy
of no. 9 is bound up with the late Miss Fenton's working copies
of vols. I., II., of the " Stamp collector's magazine".
ONCE A WEEK. Once a week. No. ccxv. August 8,
1863. [Contains an article " Timbromanie ".]
London, E.G., Bradbury and Evans, 1863.
8°. 94 in. pp. 193-195.
*,* The number has a paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Jour. 141 (5).
ONCE IN A WHILE. Once in a while.
Ganton, 0., T. G. Nighman, Jr., 1875-76.
*,* Cuttings of the " Stamp collectors' column [or] corner," etc.,
in vol. I., nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 and vol. 11., nos. 1, 2-3, dated re¬
spectively, Jan.,'Mar., Apl.,May, 1875, Jan., Mar., Apl. and May,
1876, are mounted in Stamp Scrap-book, vol. 11., pp. 73, 74 and
vol. III., pp. 123-128.
ONE DIME. One dime.
Salem, Ind., Gharles W. Peugh, 1887-93.
82°. 5 in. and 4°. 7-6J in. 65 nos. in 6 vols.
Vol. I. Dec, 1887-Nov., 1888. Nos. 1-12.
„ II. „ 1888- „ 1889. „ 1-12.
„ III. „ 1889- „ 1890. „ 112.
„ IV. „ 1890- „ 1891. „ 1-12.
„ V. „ 1891- „ 1892. „ 1-12.
„ VI. „ 1892-Apl., 1893. „ 61-65.
*,* Vols. I.-III. and nos. 1-3 of vol. iv. are 32°. and the remaining
numbers are quarto. There is a coloured paper wrapper to each
number. The wrapper of no. 1, vol. i., gives the place of publi¬
cation as Kossuth, Ind., as do the wrappers of all subsequent
numbers, commencing with no. 4, vol. iv.
ONEONTA PHILATELIST. The Oneonta philatelist.
Oneonta, N. Y., Oneonta Stamp Association, 1898.
in. Nos. 1-4, April-July, 1898.
*,* Wanting all four nos.
ONTARIO PHILATELIST. The Ontario philatelist.
St. Gatharines, Out., Widdicombe and Beatty, etc.,
8°. 8|-9 in. 19 nos. in 2 vols.
Vol. I. Mar., 1896-April, 1897. Nos. 1-12.
„ II. „ -Sept., 1898. „ 1- 7.
*,*Nos. 4-12, vol. I., were published by W. A. Beatty and the
seven numbers of vol. 11. by R. G. Widdicombe. Nos. 11 and 12
were published together under the date " March and April, 1897 "
and there is a coloured paper wrapper to each number. No. 5 is
dated " August, 1896," but the wrapper has "July and August,
1896 ". There is no number for February, 1897. The journal was
consolidated with the " Stamp reporter" of St. Catharines, Ont.,
after September, 1898. Mis. St. Jour. 95 (5).
Niagara Falls South, Ont., M. H. Bigger, 1888.
8°. 8f in. No. 1, October, 1888. Mis. St. Jour. 56 (5).
filatelica chilena.
Santiago de Ghile, Jose Ignacio Vives Solar, etc.,
8°. 10 in. Nos. 1-10, July 1, 1894-June 15, 1895.
*^* Nos. 9, 10 were published by Agustin Rojas L. No. 1 has the
date " 1884 " altered to " 1894," no. 2 has the date " Julio " pasted
over with a label beating " Agosto," and there is no number for De¬
cember, 1894, or for April, 1895. Mis. St. Jour. 130 (2).
telist. Orange, N. J., W. L. Brower, 1890.
8°. 8^ in. Nos. 1-2, January-February, 1890.
Mis. St. Jour. 32 (2).
County philatelist. Published monthly in the interests
of stamp collecting.
Middletown, Orange Gounty, N. Y., The Orange
Gounty Philatelist Go., 1890.
16°. 5| in. No. 1, August, 1890. Mis. St. Jour. 68 (6).
ORIENT. The Orient. Volume in., no. 2, June, 1885.
[Contains an article " The Rarest stamp," reprinted from
the " Toronto philatelic journal ".]
New York, H. W. Warner and F. M. Warner, 1885.
8°. 9i in. p. (2). Mis. St. Jour. 143 (10).
ORIENT PHILATELIQUE. L'Orient philat61ique.
T.-Severin, Boumanie, Virgile Samboteano, 1897.
8°. lOf in. [No. 1], March 1, 1897.
*,* The contents consist entirely of advertisements.
Mis. St. Jour. 110 (8).
journalof philately. [Prospectus of a journal to be pub¬
lished by A. Woodward, Yokohama, on December 1,
1894, but which was never issued.]
Mis. St. Jour. 123 (4).
philatelist. Gonstantmople, J. Melkenstein, 1886-87
8°. llj in. Nos. 1-6, July 25, Sept. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 15, 1886, Feb.
5, Mar. 15, 1887.
*,* There is a coloured paper wrapper to each number. No. 6 was
edited by Robert Hruby. Mis. St. Jour. 73 (4)
ORIGINATOR. The Originator. An amateur and phi
latelic publication.
Beading, Pa., H. F. Nickolaus, 1903
8°. 9J in. Nos. 1-2, January 1, February, 1903.
•,• Only partly philatelic. Mis. St. Jour. 143 (12)
ORTSSTEMPEL. Der Ortsstempel. Festschrift zur Stift
ungsfeier des " Philatelisten-Vereins, Essen ".
Essen, 1894
Fol. 13J in. 2nd year. No. 1, January 30, 1894.
*,* Printed by autographic lithography and the contents are of a
humorous description. Mis. St. Jour. 128 (15)
OTTAWA PHILATELIST. The Ottawa philatelist.
Ottawa, F. L. Ghevrier, etc., 1892-93.
8°. 8J in. Nos. 1-4, [Oct.], 1892-Dec., 1892, April, 1893.
*,* Nos. 2-4 were published by W. J. Sabourin. No. 1 is dated in
error " December, 1892," and nos. 1-3 have coloured paper wrap¬
pers. No. 4 has the number in Roman figures.
Mis. St. Jour. 56 (2).
OUR ADVERTISER. Our advertiser.
Boston, Mass., [? ].
in. No. 1.
*»* Only partly philatelic. The number has no date. Wanting.
OUR AMERICAN YOUTH. See Ameeican boys.
CHRONICLE. See American boys.
girls journal. Minneapolis, Minn., [? ], 1904.
in. Nos. 1- .
*,* Only partly philatelic. Wanting all nos.

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