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MEZZADRI (RoMOLo) Timbres-poste pour collection.
Prix-courant N. 5. Rome, 1900.
16". 6 in. 29 + (3) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 114 (8).
■ Prix-courant N. 6. Borne, 1900.
8°. 7 in. 30 + (2) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 108 (6).
Prix-courant N. 7. Borne, 1901.
8°. 7 in. 31 pp. + (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 108 (7).
MICHAILOFP (JoH.) No. 13. Preisliste iiber Marken,
Briefumschlage, Karten etc. von Finland.
Wiborg, Finland, 1891.
8°. 7 in. 10+ (2) pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 123 (2).
MICHAUD ET CIE. (V.) 1895. No. 12. Catalogue des
timbres-poste, timbres-taxe, telegraphes, colis-postaux,
enveloppes, cartes-lettres at cartes-postales de la Bel-
gique et de I'Etat Independant du Congo. Cabinet de
Numismatique et de Tirabrologie. V. M. et Cie.
Bruxelles, 1895.
8°. 8i in. 15 pp. + (1) p.
*,* Nos. 1-11 were catalogues of coins and medals see page (16) of
the above. Mis. St. Pamph. 82 (11).
MIGNANI E C. (F.) Prezzo corrente dei francoboUi in
vendita presso F. M. e C. Bologtia, 1878.
8°. 7 in. 8 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 56 (24).
MIJER (M. J.) Beschrijving van alle Nederlandsch Oost-
Indische Frankeerzegels, Portzegels, Briefomslagen en
Briefkarten, van 1864 tot heden, volgens officieele
bescheiden, die zich bevinden in het Archief der Poster-
ijen te Batavia, door Mr. M. J. M. Batavia, 1889.
8°. 8J in. 60 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 25 (8).
MILAN (Expositions Reunies, Milan, 1894) Exposition
internationale postale philathelique. [Prospectus.]
Milan, [1894].
8°. 8J in. 15 pp. + (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 25 (15).
Esposizione internazionale postale-filatelica. [Pro¬
spectus.] Milano, [1894].
8°. 8J in. 16 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 25 (16).
Catalogo della Esposizione Internazionale Postale-
Filatehca. Milano, 1894.
8°. 8f in. 27 pp. + (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 73 (7).
Relazione intorno alia Esposizione Postale Internazion¬
ale di Milano, 1894. A Sua Eccellenza II Comm.
Maggiorino Ferraris, Ministro delle Poste e dei Telegrafi.
Milano, 1895.
8°. 8J in. 65 pp. + (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 73 (8).
MILAN (SociET.X FiLATELiCA Lombaeda) Mostra Filatelica
Internazionale, Milano, 1906, organis6e par la Societa
Filatelica Lombarda. [Circular.] Milano, 1906.
4°. Ill in. (4) pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 71 (16).
Mostra Filatelica Internazionale. Organizzata dalla
Society Filatelica Loinbarda, sotto il patronato del
Ministero delle Poste e dei Telegrafi. Milano 16-23
Settembre, 1906. Programma e Regolamento.
Milano, 1906.
8°. 8| in. 48 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 73 (10).
Exposition philat^lique internationale. Catalogue
officiel. Milan, 1906.
8°. 10| in. 35 pp.+ (1) p., supplement (6) pp. Coloured paper
wrapper. Mis. St. Pamph. 77 (12|.
- See Auction Cataloques :
SocietI Filatelica Lom-
MILLER (Robert) Post-Office abuses and extortion. An
addi'ess to the citizens of London. By R. M.
London, E. Justins and Son, [1845].
8°. 7J in. 12 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 83 (1).
MILLER (R. M.) The Sons of Philatelia official hand-book.
Containing the new constitution of the Society, alpha¬
betical list of members, sketch of the Society, portraits,
etc. By R. M. M. . . .
Bellevue, Pa., Herbert A. Bricker, 1895.
24°. 5^ in. (86) pp., (6) portraits. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 34 (8).
sheet frauds. [St. Louis, Mo., ? 1892.]
8°. 8J in. 1 leaf, printed on one side only.
Mis. St. Pamph. 52 (10).
MILLINGTON (H. Mackwood) An Exhaustive catalogue
of the adhesive postage stamps of the British Empire,
including varieties of perforation, watermark, paper,
errors, etc. up to January, 1894. Compiled by H. M. M.
London, Plymouth [printed], Stanley Oibhons
Limited, 1894.
8°. 7J in. xi. pp. + (l) p.+ 283 pp. + (l) p.
MILLS (F. L.) How to deal in foreign stamps.
Cincinnati, 0., [1884].
8°. 6 in. (2) + 8 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*„* An American reprint of the pamphlet by " Mulready " pseud.
J. H. Lacy, published by C. H. Nunn, Bury St. Kdmunds, 1881.
Mis. St. Pamph. 17 (2).
- Season of 1885-6. Price list of foreign postage stamps
for sale by F. L. M. . . . Cincinnati, 0., 1885.
16°. 5| in. 15 pp. + (1) p. Mis. St. Pamph. 20 (4).
- See Collins and Mills. The Stamp collector's com¬
panion. . . . 1882, 8°.
MINASSE (.Joseph M.) Catalogue et prix-courant de tous
les timbres-poste orientaux parus depuis leur invention
jusqu'en 1894-95. No. 1. 1894-95.
Constantinople, 1894.
8°. 7 in. (2)+ 40 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 108 (8).
MINONDO (Joaquin) See San Sebastian : Societe Phxl-
ATELiQUE Internationale. Catalogue de Espagne et
Colonies de la S. P. I. Timbres poste et telegraphe.
1906, 8°.
MINONDO Y B. (Joaquin) Catalogo de los sellos de
Espana 1850 a 1901, editado por J. M. y B.
San Sebastian, 1902.
8°. 6| in. 30 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 76 (4).
MIRABAUD (Paul) P. M.-A. de Reuterskiold. Les
timbres-poste Suisse, 1843-1862.
Paris, Librairie Hachetteet Cie., 1898 [1900].
4°. 12 in. (6) + xiii. pp. + (l) p. + 270 + (2) pp., 14 plates. Paper
*^* the edition consisted of 200 copies, of which this is no. 148.
Although bearing the date mdcccxcxvih. (sic) on the title-page,
the work was not published until January, 1900, and this was also
the case as regards the German and English translations. A copy
of the prospectus of the work is bound up in Mis. St. Pa^nph.
89 (35).
- P. M.-A. de Reuterskiold.
marken, 1843-1862.
Die Schweizerischen Post-
Paris, 1899 [1900].
4°. 12 in. (8) + xii. + (2) + 278 + (2) pp., 14 plates. Paper wrapper.
*^* This is a German translation of the preceding work. The
edition consisted of 150 copies, of which this is no. 112. The
work has two title-pages, one like the edition in French dated
MDCCCxcxviii. (sic), the other dated 1899, which is the date also
found on the wrapper.

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