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LUBECK. Girsewald (Baron c. von) I Francobolli di
Lubecca. . . . Milano [1897].
Krotzsch (h.) Lubeck. See Krotzsch (h.) Perman-
entes Beibuch mit Lichtdrucktafeln. . . .
Leipzig, 1893-96.
Lindenberg (c.) Die Briefumschlage von Lubeck.
Berlin, 1892.
Rommel (o.) Dr. Die Postwertzeichen von Lubeck.
Miinchen, 1895.
Wilde (h.) Liibecks Postwertzeichen.
Liibeck, 1889.
LUBECK (Verein fur Freunde der Briefmarkenkunde
zu LiJBECK) Mitgliedsverzeichnis. . . . Februar, 1886.
Liibeck, 1886.
4°. 11 in. 1 leaf.
*,* Produced by a hand-copying autographic process.
Mis. St. Pamph. 89 (10).
Mitte Marz, 1888.
Liibeck, 1888.
8°. 9 in. 8 pp.
*,* Produced by a hectographic process. Bound up with the
" Mitteilungen des Vereins fiir Freunde der Briefmarkenkunde
zu Liibeck ".
- Verzeichnis der Mitglieder Februar 1892.
Liibeck, 1892.
8°. 8| in. 6 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 96 (13).
- Achter Jahresbericht des V. fiir F. der B. zu L. . . . am
20 Dezemb. 1888. Liibeck, 1888.
8°. 9 in. 12 pp.
*,* Produced by autographic lithography. This and the three
following reports are bound up with the " Mitteilungen des
Vereins fiir Freunde der Briefmarkenkunde zu Liibeck ".
- Neunter Jahresbericht . . . am 12 Dec. 1889.
Liibeck, 1889.
8°. 9 in. (l)-t-13pp.
*^* Produced by autographic lithography.
Zehnter Jahresbericht
11 Dez. 1890.
8°. 9 in. (2)+ 10 pp.
*^* Produced by autographic lithography.
- Bericht iiber das Vereinsjahr 1891.
Liibeck, 1890.
14 Janr. 1892.
Liibeck, 1892.
8°. 9 in. 9 pp. + (1) p.
*,* Produced by autographic lithography. For the reports for
the years 1892 and 1893 see the " Milteilungen des Vereins fiir
Freunde der Briefmarkenkunde zu Liibeck " for February, 1893
and the last number without date.
See Part ii. Mitteilungen des Vereins fur Freunde
DER Briepmarkenkunde zu Lubeck.
LUBKERT (Hugo) Handbuch aller bis 1881 bskaimtge-
wordenen Postwerthzeichen der Rural-Posten von Russ-
land. Verfasset von H. L. . . .
Wien, Sigmund Friedl, 1882.
8°. 7 in. (8)+ 131 pp.+ (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
LUBLIN (G.) Katalog No. 7 fiir Briefmarken-Sammler.
Berlin, [1882]
8°. 6J in. 81 pp. + (l) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 112 (3)
Catalog No. 8.
b°. 6J in. 32 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 112 (4)
Catalog No. 9.
8°. 6J in. 36 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (11)
Berlin, [1883]
t. Pamph. 112 (4)
Berlin, [1883]
t. Pamph. 54 (11)
Berlin, [1885]
- Catalog No. 11.
8°. 6J in. 40 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (12)
LUBLIN (G.) Catalog No. 12. Berlin, [1886].
8°. 6J in. 46 pp., including the back leaf of the coloured paper
wrapper. Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (13).
Katalog No. 13. Berlin, Leipzig [printed, 1886].
8°. 7J in. 92 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Katalog No. 14. Berlin, Leipzig [printed, 1887].
8°. 7J in. 138 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Katalog No. 15. Berlin, Leipzig, [printed, 1888].
8°. 7 in. 144 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (14).
Katalog No. 16.
Berlin, Leipzig [printed, 1890].
8°. 8^ in. 106 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (15).
- Katalog No. 17. Berlin, Leipzig, [printed, 1891].
8°. 8 in. Ill pp.+ (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (16).
- Katalog No. 18. Berlin, [1892].
8°. 8J in. 120 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 100 (2).
- Katalog No. 19. Berlin, [1894].
8°. 8J in. 34 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 54 (17).
- Separat-Abdruck der Deutschen Staaten aus G. L.'s
lUustr. Katalog Nr. 18. Berlin, [1892].
8°. 8 in. 16 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 98 (2).
LUCKE (G. F.) See Opitz (c.) Lucke's Lander- und Welt-
verkehrskarte fiir Postwertzeichen-Sammler. . . . [1904],
oblong 12 in.
LUFF (John Nicholas) What philately teaches. By
J. N. L. A lecture delivered before the section on
philately of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences,
February 24, 1899.
New York, Scott Stamp and Coin Co., Ltd., 1899.
i". 7| in. 75 pp.+ (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 56 (1).
The Postage stamps of the.United States. By J. N. L.
New York, The Scott Stamp and Coin Co., Ltd.,
8°. llj in. (2)+ 417 pp. + (l) p., 23 plates.
*^* Reprinted in revised form from the "American Journal of
Philately" for 1897-1900.
[Edition de luxe printed on thick wove paper.] •
New York, The Scott Stamp and Coin Co., Ltd.,
8°. llj in. (4) + 417 pp. + (l) p., 23 plates.
*^* Each copy was signed by the author and the edition was
limited to 50 copies, of which this is no. 26.
- A Reference list of the stamps of Panama. By
J. N. L.
New York, The Scott Stamp and Coin Co., 1905.
8°. 9J in. 73 pp. + (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* Reprinted from the " American Journal of Philately " for
1904 and 1905. Mis. St. Pamph. 71 (10).
- See CoLLiN (h.) Catalogue of the stamps, envelopes and
wrappers of the United States of America and of the
Confederate States of America. By H. C. and Henry
L. Caiman, with the collaboration of Messrs. John
N. Luff and Geo. L. Toppan. 1900, 4°.
LUND (Lunds Filatelist-Forening) L. F.-F. Medlems-
Forteckning den 15 Febr. 1892. Lund, 1892.
16°. 5J in. (4) pp.
*,* Printed on yellow paper. Mis. St. Pamph. 113 (9).

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