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LENGYEL (SXNDOR).i)r. Die Wasserzeichen der Ungar-
ischen Postwerthzeichen. [Leipzig, 1890.]
8°. lOJ in. 3 pp. + (1) p.
%* Reprinted from the " Illustrirte Briefmarken Zeitung" for
September 1, 1890. Wanting.
LENK (A.) See Glasewald (a. b.) Philatelistisches Kom-
mersbuch zum 15 Stiftungsfest des Deutschen Philat.-
Verbandes. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Crome-
Schwiening u. A. Lenk, bearbeitet und gewidmet von
A. E. 1905, 8°.
LEOPOLD (Ernst) E. L.'s Hand- und Hilfsbiichlein fiir
den Tauschverkehr. Erstes bis fiinftes Tausend.
Bremen, August Marbes, 1893.
8°. 5| in. 38 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Famph. 22 (12).
LERICHE (M.) Prix-courant de timbres-poste, t^l^graphes,
envelopes, etc. pour 1887. No. 2. Ce prix-courant
annule le pr6c6dent. M. L. Paris, 1887.
16°. 6J in. 122 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 55 (25).
LEROY (Charles Theodore) See Singer (s.) Charles
Leroy. Collections et coUectionneurs. [1906], 16°.
LEROY (Louis) Histoire du timbre-poste fran9ai8. . . . [Par]
L. L.
Paris, Goulommiers [printed], Ch. Boussin, Brux-
elles, J. B. Moens, [1891].
8°. 7 in. (4)+ 204 pp., "tableau synoptique des timbres-poste
franpais, de 1849 a 1891 ". Coloured paper wrapper.
LESCHEVIN - (Fernand) Prix-courant de gros et de detail
de timbres-poste, etc., de Belgique, du Congo et d'autres
pays etrangers en vente chez F. L. 2e edition. Janvier,
1890. Bruxelles, 1890.
16°. 5J in. (20) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
No. 3. D6cembre, 1890.
Bruxelles, 1890.
16°. 5^ in. (12) pp. Paper wrapper.
No. 4. lerMars, 1891. Bruxelles, 1891.
16°. 5J in. 40 pp., including the coloured paper wrapper.
No. 5. ler Octobre, 1891. Bruxelles, 1891.
16°. 5J in. 52 pp., including the coloured paper wrapper.
No. 6. 1892. Bruxelles, 1892.
8°. 8i in. 34 +(2) pp., including the coloured paper wrapper.
*,* There is a list of " errata " (2) pages printed on one side only.
Septi6me edition. Octobre, 1892.
Bruxelles, 1892.
8°. 8J in. 51 pp. + (1) p., including the coloured paper wrapper.
- Huiti^me edition. Octobre, 1893.
Bruxelles, 1893.
16°. 7 in. 123 pp. + (1) p., including the coloured paper wrapper.
Dixi^me Edition. 1895-1896. Bruxelles, 1895.
16°. 7 in. 107 pp.+ (1) p., including the coloured paper wrapper.
- No. XI. 1896-97. Bruxelles, 1896.
16°. 6J in. 16 pp.
No. XII. 1899-1900. Rouen, 1899.
16°. 6J in. 16 pp.
- Prix-courant de gros de timbres-poste, etc. No. vii.
Novembre, 1892. Bruxelles, 1892.
8°. 8J in. 12 pp., including the coloured paper wrapper.
*^* A supplement of two pages, printed on one side only, was
issued with the date "15 Mars 1893 ".
No. IX. Octobre, 1894.
Bruxelles, 1894.
8°. 8J in. 20 pp., including the coloured paper wrapper.
No. X. 1895-1896. Bruxelles, 1895.
8°. 8J in. 19 pp.+ (1) p., including the coloured paper wrapper.
- ■—— No. XI. 1896-97. Bruxelles, 1896.
8°. 6J in. 16 pp. Printed on coloured paper.
LESCHEVIN (Fernand) Annuaire Philatelique Franco-
Beige. Livre d'adresses des collectionneurs et mar-
chands de timbres le plus complet, a ce jour, des an-
nuaires pour la France et la Belgique. . . . [Ire edition.
Avril, 1900.]
Bouen, 1900.
8°. 8J in. (252) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 107 (6).
Seconde Edition. Mars, 1903.
Tourinnes-St.-Lambert, Belgique, 1903.
8°. 8J in. (288) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 69 (6).
Annuaire philat61ique d'outremer. Livre d'adresses
des collectionneurs et marchands de timbres habitant
hors d'Europe. 4000 adresses de 110 pays d'Afrique,
Am^rique, Asie et Oceanie, classes par pays et par ordre
alphabetique. Le plus complet a ce jour. . . .
Tourinnes-St.-Lambert, Belgique, [1906].
8°. 8J in. (88) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 75 (7).
LESLEY (James) See Moens (j. b. p. c.) Timbres d'offices
Am6ricains avec leurs prix de vente. Precede d'une in¬
troduction sur leur origine par feu M. James Lesley,
Vice-Consul des Etats Unis. Illustr6 de 135 types de
timbres. 1868, 8°.
LEVRAULT (Oscab Berger-) See Berger-Levbault (0.)
LEWES (Thornton) Forged stamps. How to detect them.
By T. L. and Edward Pemberton. Containing accurate
descriptions of all forged stamps. Edinburgh, 1863.
8°. 8J in. ix. pp.+ (1) p. H-pp. 11-36. Coloured paper wrapper.
*^* A second edition of this work by E. L. Pemberton appeared
in "The Philatelist," vols. i.-n., London and Brighton, 1867-
1868, but was not continued beyond Oldenburg.
LEWIN AND CO. (J. T.) The Australian philatelist or
stamp and crest prospectus. . . . Adelaide : Printed by
J. T. L. and Co. Adelaide, [1878].
16°. 6J in. 8 pp. Mis. St. Jour. 56 (15).
LEWINS (William) Her Majesty's Mails: an historical
and descriptive account of the British Post-Office, to¬
gether with an appendix. By W. L.
London, Sampson Low, Son and Marston, 1864.
8°. 7J in. ix. + (3) + 348 pp.
Second edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged.
London, Sampson Low, Son and Marston, 1865.
8°. 7 in. xii.+339 pp.+ (1) p- Frontispiece, photograph of Sir
Rowland Hill.
LICHTENSTEIN (H.) Katalog ofver Sveriges Postvar-
detecken. Utarbetad med ledning af egen samling, af
H. L. Stockholm, 1894.
8°. 8| in. 30 pp., correction slip. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 82 (17).
LlllGE (Catholic Seminary) A. M. D. G. The Work of
the old postage stamps. Foundation of a Christian
village in Congo. Liege, [1895].
8° SJin. (4) pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 77 (2).
LIEGE (SociETE LES ;fecHANGisTES Reunis) See Part ii.
Bulletin mensuel de la Societe les Echangistbs
Reunis and Revue Postale.
LIENHARD (Pfarrer) Die Entwertungsarten der Sch-
weizerischen Briefmarken von 1843-1863 nebst sonstigen,
damals auf den Brief en gebrauchlichen Aufdriicken.
Zurich, 1896.
8°. 9 in. (1) + xiv. pp. + (1) p. +xiv. pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*^* The authors of this work are given as :—" Pfr. L. in Sch., G.
H. D. in Zch., J. G. K. in Zch., A. E. in Zch."
Mis, St. Pamph. 66 (6).

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