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JONES (E. B.) The Comprehensive check list for philatelic
literature collectors, being a numbered, alphabetically
arranged, catalogue of nearly 600 United States and
Canada philatelic papers and magazines, from 1864 to
Jan., 1895. Buthven, la., 1895.
8°. 85 in. 29 pp. + (1) P. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 31 (5).
Priced catalogue of philatelic literature.
Sioux City, la., 1898.
32°. 4 in. Part i. 8 pp. Part 11. pp. 9-16.
*,* There is a paper wrapper to each part. The title-page of Part
I.*bear3 the words " First edition" and part 11. has no title-page.
Mis. St. Pamph. 87 (1 and 2).
- Supplement to the comprehensive check list of philat¬
elic papers and magazines. Consisting of two parts.
Part one : A hst of all known omissions and corrections
of all known errors in the original work. Part two: a
list of all known United States and Canadian philatelic
papers and magazines issued from January 1st, 1895, to
January 1st, 1897. . . .
Sio2ix City, la., Taunton, Mass. [printed, 1898].
8°. 8^ in. 8 pp.
*^* Keprinted from
1897-98. Nos. 3-5.
■ Philatelic Literature," Taunton, Mass,
Mis. St. Pamph. 67 (9).
- Jones' check list of philatelic journals. British Colonies.
A chronological, alphabetically arranged list of all known
philatehc periodicals of the British Colonies. From
1864 to 1902. Giving all numbers issued.
Sioux City, la., 1904.
8°. 8 in. 15 pp.-f(l) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
•»* Reprinted from the "Philatelic Inter-Ocean," Waterloo,
Iowa. Vols. vi.-viil. November, 1903-January, 1905, with the
title chanced from " English Colonies to " British Colonies ".
Mis. St. Pamph. 67 (8).
- Jones' check list of philatelic journals. Great Britain
and colonies. A chronological, alphabetically arranged
list of all known philatelic journals of Great Britain and
colonies from the earliest issued down to the end of the
year 1904. Giving name, publisher, place, dates of
volumes, with numbers of the issues to each volume.
Issued in two parts; the first being the Kingdom of
Great Britain, and part two that of the British colonies.
Compiled and published by E. B. J.
Sioux City, la., [1907].
8". 8f in. 44 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*^* The edition was limited to one hundred numbered copies of
which this is no. 2. The work consists of the first separately
published edition of the author's Check List of Great Britain
philatelic journals and the second edition of his Check List of the
philatelic journals of the British Colonies. The lists were re¬
printed from the " Philatelic Inter-Ocean," Waterloo, Iowa.
Vols. VIII.-X. January, 1905-February, 1907.
Mis. St. Pamph. 82 (13).
JONES (G. H.) 1900. Priced catalogue of Queensland
stamps, wrappers, postcards, etc. on sale by G. H. J.
Brisbane, Queensland, 1900.
16°. 61 in. 6-1-(2) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 128 (4).
JONES AND CO. (C. K.) C. K. J. and Co.'s (late Steinau,
Jones and Co.) wholesale and retail price current of
British, colonial and foreign postage stamps. . . .
Manchester, 1867.
8°. 6J in. 39 pp. + (1) p.
*,* This and the next edition are bound up with Steinau, Jones
and Co.'s catalogue of 1864.
For previous editions see Steinau, Jokes and Co.
- [New edition.]
8°. 6Jin. 42-f-(2)pp.
- [New edition.]
8°. 6iin. 47pp.-H(l)p.
Manchester, 1868.
Manchester, 1869.
JOPLIN (Thomas) An essay on the general principles and
present practice of banking, in England and Scotland:
with supplementary observations on the steps proper to
form a public bank, and the system on which its ac¬
counts ought to be kept. By T. J. Sixth edition.
London, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, and J. Bidg-
way, 1827.
8°. 8i in. XX. -f-200 pp. (4) plates.
%* Contains an account (pp. 113-133) of Messrs. Perkins and
Heath's system of printing from steel plates, with specimens of
bank notes prepared by them and submitted to the Bank of Eng¬
land. Part of the design intended to be printed at the back of
these notes was afterwards used for the background of the first one
penny and two pence postage stamps of Great Britain issued in
Seventh edition.
London, James Bidgway and Sons, 1838.
8°. 8f in. (2)-f 136 pp., (4) plates.
%* Three of the plates are the same as those in the sixth edition,
but the other one is entirely different.
JORDAN (Henky) See Thokpe (p. j.) Practical stamp col¬
lecting. By Lieutenant and Quarter-Master P. J. T.,
1st Eoyal Irish Eifles. Eeprinted by permission from
the Stamp News [by Henry Jordan]. 1894, 8°.
JORIS (Coenelio) Geschichte und Katalog der Postwert-
zeichen des Konigreichs Bayern. Bearbeitet von C. J.
und Otto Sedlmayr, Miinchen.
Miinchen, C. Joris, 1893.
8°. lOJ in. (4) + 104 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*»* Only part i. of the work was published and this first appeared
as a supplement to " Das Postwertzeichen " for 1891-1893. This
supplement has in addition four pages (pp. 105-108) of the Cata¬
logue, which was left unfinished. Mis. St. Pamph. 36 (25)
See Munich : Bayerischek Philatelisten Veeein
MuNCHEN. Vertrauliche Mittheilungen Nr. 1. Eedigirt
vom I. Vereins-Secretar C. J. Am 1 Januar 1884 ausge-
geben. 1884, 8°.
JOSEPH, Dr. See Bauschke (g.) Katalog aller bekannten
seit 1840 bis Mitte 1865 emittirten Briefmarken. Unter
freundlicher Mitwirkung der Herren W. T. Clausius, Dr.
J. und W. T. Israel [and] Zweiter Abdruck. 1865, 8°.
See Zechmeyer (g.) Der Briefmarkenhandel vor den
Breslauer Gerichten u. Zechmeyer c. Dr. Joseph wegen
Beleidigung. 1888, 8°.
JOSEPH (Josephine M.) Collection de timbres poste a
vendre. 8000 pieces.
Monsunnnano {Toscane) Pistoie [printed], 1893.
8°. 65 in. (4) +115 pp. -f (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 25 (2).
JOYCE (Herbert) The History of the Post Ofiice from its
establishment down to 1836.
London, Bichard Bentley and Son, 1893.
8°. 85 in. ix.-f-(l) p.-f460 pp.
RAL POST OFFICE. See London : Jubilee Cele¬
bration Committee Geneeal Post Office.
JUDKINS AND MORSE. See United States Stamp
Company. Price list of foreign and American stamps.
[1865], fol.
JUNG (J.) Entwickelung des deutschen Post- und Telegra-
phenwesens in den letzten 25 Jahren. Gedenkblatter
zum 25 jahrigen Bestehen eines einheitlichen Post- und
Telegraphenwesens in Deutschland. Von J. J. . . . mit
7 graphischen Tafeln. Zweite, unveranderte Auflage.
Leipzig, Duncker und Humblot, 1893.
8°. 9J in. viii. +185 pp. -f- (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
London : Junior London Philatelic Society.
Philatelic Society.

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