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(103) Columns 177 and 178 -
8^ 7J in. (6) pp.
October 1901-1902.-
8°. 7J in. (6) pp.
October 1902-1903.-
8°. 7i in. (10) pp.
October 1904-1905.-
HAMBURG (Veeein fur Briefmaekenkunde zu Ham¬
burg VON 1885) Vorstaud : October 1900-1901.
Hamburg, 1900.
Mis. St. Pamph. 92 (C)-
Hamburg, 1901.
Mis. St. Pamph. 92 (7).
Hamburg, 1902.
Mis. St. Pamph. 92 (8).
Hamburg, 1904.
8°. 7J in. (12) pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 92 (9).
burg (Hamburger Briefmarken-Borse).
HAMILTON (S. M.) The Inside history of the late P. S. of
A. campaign. By S. M. H. . . .
Springfield, Mass., 1896
8°. 8f in. 10 pp. counting the front paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 31 (11).
list of rare and medium stamps, used and unused.
Perth, West Australia, 1901.
16°. 6i in. 24 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 125 (10).
HAMMOND AND BROWN. Descriptive price catalogue
of Government postage stamps for sale by H. and B. . . .
Fourth edition. . . .
Aurora, III., Eockford, III., [printed], 1873.
8°. 8f in. 32 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* The same as D. A. K. Andrus' catalogue, fourth edition, ex¬
cept for the substitution of the name and address of Hammond
and Brown 011 the front wrapper. Mis. St. Pamph. 42 (2).
HAMMONTON MISSIONS. Cancelled postage stamps
saved and collected in favor of the H. M.
Hammonton, N. J., 1892
4°. 7J in. 4 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 32 (5)
stamps. First edition. H. and H. . . .
Philadelphia, Pa., 1887
48°. 4 in. 14 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 55 (5)
HANDFORD (J. T.) Descriptive price catalogue of all
known postage stamps of the United States and foreign
countries. New York, [1878].
8°. 9 in. (2)-I-46 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,*The same as N. F. Seebeck's catalogue, 1876 edition, but with
appendix pp. 43-46, omission of "Issued from 1818 1876" from
tiie title-page and the substitution of J. T. Handford's name and
address on the front wrapper.
■ J. T. H.'s international stamp collector's directory.
1881 New York, 1881.
8°. 9 in. (50) pp., including advertisements. Coloured paper
[New edition.] New York, 1882.
8°. 8J in. (50) pp. including advertisements. Coloured paper
[New edition.]
New York, 1883.
8°. 8| in. (48) pp. including advertisements. Coloured paper
The Illustrated postage stamp catalogue of United
States and foreign postage stamps, stamped envelopes,
postal and money-order cards. . . . New York, 1882.
8°. 8 in. (4)+ 112 4-(2) pp., illustrations (100) pp. Coloured paper
*,* The same as N. F. Seebeck's catalogue, 1882 edition, except
for the substitution of J. T. Handford's name and address on the
title-page and front wrapper.
Bound up iciih N. F. Seebeck's catalogue, 1882.
HANES (E. B.) See Horner (w. e. v.) The Stamped en¬
velopes of the United States. By W. E. V. H. Third
edition, 1889. Eevised and continued by E. B. Hanes.
1889, 8°.
HANINGTON (A. E. W.) See Godard (g. c.) The
Canadian philatelic manual. 1st edition. . . . Compiled
by G. C. G. and A. E. W. Hanington. 1903, 16°.
HANOVER. Krotzsch (h.) Hannover. Sec Krotzsch
(h.) Permanentes Beibuch mit Lichtdrucktafeln. . . .
Leipzig, 1893-96
LiNDENBERG (c.) Die Briefumschliige von Hannover.
Berlin, 1895.
HANOVER (Briefmaeken-Club Hannover) See Part
II. Vertrauliches Korrespondenzblatt Philate-
listischer Vereine.
HANOVER (Briefmarken-Sammler-Verein Hannover)
See Part ii. Vertrauliches Korrespondenzblatt
Philatelistischer Vereine.
HANSEN (Fr.) Descriptive price catalogue of Government
postage stamps for sale by F. H., Eagle Stamp Company.
. . . Fifth edition. . . .
Chicago, III., Bockford, III. [printed], 1873.
8°. 8J in. 32 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* The same as D. A. K. Andrus' Catalogue, fifth edition, except
for the substitution of the name and address of F. Hansen on the
front wrapper.
Bou7id up with the " Western Stamp Collector" and an-
otlier copy icith D. W. Jogger's catalogues.
HANSON (H. G.) See Frankfort (Verein fur Brief-
MARKENKUNDE ZU Frankfurt A. M.) Der Durchstich
einer Braunschweiger Marke. Broschiire zur Wahrung
berechtigter Interessen in der Streitfrage Thier-Eeisse
gegen Hanson. Herausgegeben vom V. f. B. zu F. a.
M. 1891, 8°.
HARDY (B. C.) Stamps worth finding. Stamps you may
have, why not look ? A guide to the medium collector.
By B. C. H. London, Sidney Appleton, 1904.
8°. 6^ in. iv. + 67 pp.-f(l) p., (4) plates.
HARDY (William John) The Stamp collector. By W. J.
H. and E. D. Bacon. [Kedway (G.) The Collector
Series.] London, G. Redway, 1898.
8°. 8J in. 299 pp. + (1) p., 12 plates.
• Second edition. London, G. Redivay, 1898.
8°. 8i in. 299 pp.-l-(l) p., 12 plates.
*,* This edition is exactly the same as the first except for the ad¬
ditional words " Second edition " on the title-page.
HARRIS Y COMPANIA (L.) Catalogo general de los
sellos de Espana y sus Colonias, usados en correos y
telegrafos desde 1850 a 1898. Precio corriente de los
senores L. H. y Co. Madrid, 1898.
8°. 6f in. (4) + 62 -1- (2) + 2 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 72 (2).
HARRISON (Gilbert) Portuguese India. With notes
and publishers' prices. [By G. H. and F. H. Napier.]
[Gibbons Limited (S.) The Stanley Gibbons Philatelic
Handbooks No. 1.]
London, Plymouth [printed], S. Gibbons, Limited,
8°. 8| in. 87 pp.-t-(l) p., (2) plates. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* Keprinted from Stanley Gibbons Mmithly Journal. Vols. 11.
and III.
The Nesbitt stamped envelopes and wrappers of the
United States of America, with descriptions of the
varieties of the dies, and fifteen full-page illustrations.
By the late G. H. Edited and completed by E. D.
Bacon. London, [Plymouth printed], 1895.
8°. 11 in. 44 pp., 15 plates. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* Published as a Supplement to the " London Philatelist,"
volume IV. Mis. St. Pamph. 27 (14).
HARTUNG (H.) Die Wechselstempelmarke, ihre Verwend-
ung und ihre Entwerthung. Fiir den Illustrirten An-
zeiger bearbeitet von H. H., Reichsbank-Assistent,
Gratis-Beilage zu Nr. 6, Jahrgang 1878, des " Illustrir¬
ten Anzeigers fiir Contor und Bureau ".
Neuschonfeld, Leipzig [printed], Commissionsrath
Henze, 1878.
8°. lOJ in. 16 pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 36 (22).

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