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(63) Columns 97 and 98 -
illustrirtem Fiihrer durch Koln. Herausgegeben bei
Gelegenheit des viii. Deutschen Philatelisten-Tages,
Kohl, 1896.
Koln, Jean Fries, 1896.
8°. 8J in. (54)+ 14+ (2) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 102 (7).
- Programm filr den 9. Deutschen Philatelistentag in
Hamburg 24, 25. und 26. Juli 1897. Hamburg, 1897.
8°. 7 in. (20) pp. Paper wrapper. Mis. St. Pamph. Ill (7).
- X. Deutscher Philatelistentag u. 11. Bundestag . . . Goss-
nitz S.-A., 16.-19. Juli, 1893. Festbuch.
Gossnitz, S.-A., 1898.
8°. 6J in. 28 pp. + pp. 20a, 20b + (2) pp., supplement (4) pp. Paper
wrapper. Mis. St. Pamph. 110 (2).
- Alter Philatelisten-Marsch in neue Form gebracht zum
XI. Deutschen Philatelisten-Tag zu Dresden und iii.
Bundestag Deutscher u. Oesterreichischer Philatelisten-
Vereine. Dresden, [1899].
4°. 115 in. (4) pp. Mis. St. Pamph. 89 (30).
- XVIII. Deutscher Philatelistentag . . . x. Bundestag
... in Niirnberg 31. August bis 2. September 1906.
Festbuch. Niirnberg, 1906.
8°. 9 in. xvi. + 80 pp., map. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 95 (1).
- Goschichte und Geschiiftsordnung der Deutschen Phila-
tehsten-Tage, 1889-1908.
Hamburg, Kiel [printed], 1908.
8°. 9 in. 15 pp. + (l) p.
*,* Presented as a supplemen' to the number of " Vertrauliches
Korrespondenz-Blatt philatelistischer Vereine" for July, 1908,
with which it is bound up. The work was reprinted on green
paper and given as a supplement to " Der Philatelist " in 190S
and a copy of this reprint is bound up with the volume of that
journal for 1908.
- Vortrage, gehalten auf dem XX. Deutschen Philatelis-
ten-Tage zu Gossnitz am 2 und 3 August 1908.
Gossnitz, 1908.
8°. 9 in. 16 pp.
*,* Presented as a supplement to the number of " Der Phila¬
telist " for November, 1908, with which it is bound up.
- See MoTZ (h.) Philatelistisches Lieder-Buch. Eine
Erinnerungsgabe an den vii. Deutschen Philatelistentag
(13-16. Juli 1895) Herausgegeben vom Verein Mann-
heimer Briefmarkensammler, bearbeitet von H. M. in
Mannheim. 1895, 16°.
- See Part II. Biek Zeitung zum Fest-Commers des
NEUNTEN Deutschen-Philatelistentaqes ; Interna¬
tionale Bier-Philatelist ; Kommers-Zeitung ; Phila-
telistische alt- und Bierzeitung ; Philatelistische
Eundschau ; Postwertzeichen-Kunde im Leipziger
Humor and Vertrauliches Korrespondenz-Blatt
Philatelistischer Vereine.
Gossnitz : Deutscher Philatelistbn-Verband.
Deutscher Postwertzeichen-Kauf- u. Tausch-Ver-
band Leipzig.
KUNDE PRAG. See Prague : Deutscher Verein
FUR Briefmarkenkunde Prag.
LIN. See Berlin : Deutscher Verein fur Philatelie
IN Berlin.
DEW]^ (John) Canadian postal guide: containing the chief
regulations of the post office, the rates of postage, every
information in regard to money orders, a complete list of
all the post offices in Canada. . . . Compiled by J. D.
. . . Pubhshed with the permission of the Postmaster
Montreal, Toronto [printed], E. Pickup, 1863.
8°. 8 in. 84 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
DEXTER (George) Catalogue of postage stamps, American
and foreign, and U. S. Eevenue stamps.
Cambridge, Mass., Sever and Francis, 1863.
8°. 6J in. 78 pp. Coloured wrapper.
*,* The name of the author is not given in the work. The edition
consisted of 1000 copies printed in June, 1863.
DEYHLE (Eob) Illustrirter Philatelisten-Kalender pro 1881.
Herausgegeben von E. D.
Bern, B. Deyhle et Cie., 1881.
8°. 7J in. 64 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Paviph. 39 (8).
[New edition] pro 1882.
Bern, E. Deyhle et Cie., 1882.
8°. 7} in. 64 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 39 (9).
DEYHLE ET CIE. (E) Preishste Nr. 13 liber schweizer.
Postwerthzeichen der Briefmarkenhandlung E. D. et Cie.
Bern, Februar, 1888.
8°. 83 in. 8 pp.
*,* Printed on yellow paper. Mis. St. Pamph. 100 (16).
DEZEDDE ( ) Catalogue Dezedde. Timbres-poste et
timbres-telegraphe parus depuis leur invention jusqu'en
1896 avec leurs dates d'^mission leurs valeurs et leurs
couleurs ainsi que tons leurs prix de vente pour lea
collections. Paris, [1896].
8°. 8J in. (4) + 323 pp. + (1) p. Paper wrapper.
*,* The same as A. Maury's Catalogue, thirty-fourth edition,
except for the altered title-page, preface and wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 123 (16).
Vingtieme edition. Catalogue Dezedde. Cartes-poste,
cartes-lettres et cartes-t6l6grammes parues depuis leur
invention jusqu'en 1896. . . . Paris, [1896].
8°. 8J in (4) +163 pp. + (1) p. Paper wrapper.
*^* The same as A. Maury's Catalogue, twentieth edition, except
for the altered title-page and wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 100 (13).
DICKERT (J. E.) Descriptive price catalogue of all known
postage stamps of the United States and foreign coun¬
tries. Issued from 1818-1876. New York, IS^6,
8°. 83 in. (2)-f-42 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* The same as N. P. Seebeck's catalogue of 1876 except for the
substitution of Dickert's name and address on the front wrapper.
Bound up with N. F. Seebeclts catalogue, 1876.
DICKINSON AND CO. (.John) The Firm of John Dickin¬
son and Company Limited. With an appendix on
ancient paper making. London, 1896.
4°. 10 in. 63 pp.+ (1) p., 15 plates.
*»* The firm made the '■ Dickinson" paper used for the Mulready
wrappers and envelopes issued in 1840.
DIDES ET CIE. (Henri) Prix-courant de timbres-poste,
timbres-t6l6graphe, timbres fiscaux, monogrammes, etc.
Geneve, 1877.
8°. 8| in. 8 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* This catalogue was also used by B Sechehaye et Cie. of Geneva
with a label containing their name and address pasted over the
name of the original publishers. Mis. St. Pamph. 100(1).
DIECKMANN (Carl) Postgeschichte deutscher Staaten
seit einem halben Jahrtausend. TJnter Beriicksichti-
gung der Einfiihrung der Freimarken. Besonders fiir
Fachmiinner und Postwertzeichen-Sammler. Kurz
gefasst und zusammengestellt von CD....
Leipzig, Ernst Heitmann, 1896.
8°. 8| in. (6) -I- 368 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.

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