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CRAIG (A. G.) The Postage stamp catalogue. A. G. C. . . .
Centennial edition.
San Francisco, Gal., New York [printed, 1876].
8°. 8f in. pp. 3-48 printed on rose paper. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,*The same asJ. W. Scott and Co.'s catalogue, thirty-first edition,
except for tlie omission of the title-page and the substitution of a
new paper wrapper. Mis. St. I'aniph. 49 (2).
CRAIG (Edward Allison) A New and revised descriptive
price catalogue of American and foreign postage stamps
for sale by the Excelsior Stamp Association. . . .
St. John, New Brunswick, 1866.
8°. 9 in. 16 pp. -I- (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
*,* The same as A. D. Robertson's catalogue, second edition, ex¬
cept for a new title-page, change throughout of the name of firm
and advertisements, and a new paper wrapper. For the first
edition see Craig and Melvin. Mia. St. Famph. 47 (5).
Descriptive price catalogue of American, colonial and
foreign postage stamps for sale by the Excelsior Stamp
Association. . . . Third edition.
St. John, Neiv Brunswick, 1869.
8°. 7| in. 31 pp.+ (1) p., counting the front leaf of the coloured
paper wrapper. Mis. St. Famph. 47 (3).
E. A. C.'s descriptive price catalogue of the postage
stamps of all nations. Fourth edition.
San Francisco, Gal., 1870.
8°- 7| in. 32 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*„*For future editions see Craig (A. G.)
CRAIG AND MELVIN. Price list of postage stamps for
sale by C. and M. St. John, New Brunswick, [1864].
4°- lOJ in. (4) pp.
*,* The prices are filled in by hand with pen and ink. For future
editions see Craig (E. A.) Mis. St. Famph. 47 (4).
CRAWFORD (James Ludovic) Earl of. See Lindsay (j. l.)
CREBER AND CO. (Theophilus) A Descriptive price list
of British, colonial and foreign postage stamps for sale
by T. C. and C. . . . Devonport, 1864.
4°. 9J in. 8 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
CREEKE (Anthony Buck) Jun. A Supplement to " British
Isles" (with a plate of ten illustrations). By A. B. C.,
Jun. London, The Philatelic Society, London, 1903.
8°. llj in. 19 pp.-)-(l) p., addenda and corrigenda slip, 1 plate.
Coloured paper wrapper.
%*Reprinted from the "London Philatelist" of March, April
and May, 1903. Although bearing the date " 1903 " the supple¬
ment was not published until December, 1904, which is the date
of the " Addenda et Corrigenda" slip, and the plate contains eZ^^ren
illustrations. Bound up ivith " A History of the Adhesive Stamps
of the British Isles ". By Hastings E. Wright and A. B. Creeke,
[Thick paper edition.]
*»* Only four copies were printed of this edition. Bound up with
the nliatman paper edition of " A History of the Adhesive Stamps
of the British Isles ". By Hastings E. Wright ajid A. B. Creeke,
See Wright (h. e.) A History of the adhesive stamps
of the British Isles available for postal and telegraph
purposes. . . . Compiled from official sources by H. E. W.
and A. B. Creeke, Junr., with an introduction by Gordon
Smith. [Ordinary and Whatman paper editions.] 1899,
8 .
CRESPIN (A.) La Poste atmosphdrique. Transport des
correspondances entre Paris et Versailles. Par. A. C.
Ing6nieur constructeur de telegraphes pneumatiques.
Paris, Dunod, [1877].
8°. 9 in. 32 pp., map, 5 plates. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 79 (8).
CRESTO (G. B.) La Nostra legislazione sui francobolli con
cenni storici dal 1818 ai nostri giorni.
Milano, Pubblicazioni del Giornale " II Francobollo,"
8°. 7J in. 190 -I- (2) pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 5 (4).
CRETE. Argybion (e.) Prix-courant des timbres-poste de
Gr^ce et Crete. . . . Gros et detail. Athines, i903[-04].
Direction des Postes Cretoises. Les Nouveaux
timbres-poste de I'ile de Crete et les modeles des mon-
naies antiques (traduit du Grec). La Ganee, 1905.
8°. 8J in. (2) +10 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 71 (6).
CROCKER (Henry J.) See Melville (f. j.) Postage stamps
of the Hawaiian Islands in the collection of Henry J.
Crocker, of San Francisco. Described and illustrated by
F. J. M. 1908, r.
CROCKETT (Samuel Eutherford) Me and Myn. By
S. E. C.
London, Edinburgh [printed], T. Fisher Unwin,
8°. 7J in. viii. + 335 pp. + (1) p.
*,* Reprinted from " Gibbons Stamp Weekly," Vol. v., January-
June, 1907.
CROFTON (C. S. F.) The Adhesive fiscal and telegraph
stamps of British India, with many illustrations, com¬
piled from official and other sources for the Philatelic
Society of India. By C. S. F. C. and Wilmot Corfield.
[Calcutta (Philatelic Society of India). Publications of
the P. S. of I. Vol. VI.]
Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., Birmingham,
W. T. Wilson, 1905.
8°. lOf in. vi. -I- (2) -(-70 pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
• See Hausburg (l. l. r.) The Postage and telegraph
stamps of British India. . . . Part i. Postage stamps, by
L. L. E. H. Part 11. Telegraph stamps, by C. Stewart-
Wilson and C. S. F. Crofton 1907, 8°.
CROISET (H.) Complete Catalogus van Postzegels van af
hun ontstaan tot op heden als 00k de Prijs waarvoor
dezelve te verkrijgen zijn bij H. C. Den Haag, 1891.
8°. 8J in. 105 4-iii. pp. Coloured paper wrapper.
*^* The title-page bears the date " Juni 1891," while the wrapper
has " Juli 1891". Mis. St. Famph. 100 (19).
CROKER (B. M.) Mrs. A Third person A novel. By
B. M. C. . . . London, F. V. White and Co., 1893.
8°. 7i in. 2 vols. i. (8)-f-244 pp. 11. (8)-F 236 pp.
%* A story abounding with philatelic incidents.
CROLE (B. E.) Geschichte der deutschen Post von ihren
Anfangen bis zur Gagenwart. Dem deutschen Volke
erziihlt und seinen Postbeamten gewidmet von B. E. C.
Zweite unveriinderte Auflage.
Leipzig, W. Malende, [1889].
8°. 7 in. viii. -t- 479 pp. + (1) p.
CROME-SCHWIENING (C.) Fritz, der Sammler. Fine
Geschichte fiir die Jugend, von C. C.-S.
Leipzig, Hugo Krbtzsch, 1899
8°. 8 in. 45 pp. + (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 71 (1)
Qensi co6HpaTenb MapoKi, PasoKast jiJin Atieii mF>ojiLnaro bob
pacia. K. KpoMe-mBHiiHiirii. UepeBOAij ctj HtJieuKaro
C. neiepCypn., 1903
8°. 7f in. 43 pp.-f (1) p. Coloured paper wrapper.
Mis. St. Pamph. 104 (1)
- See Deutscher Philatelistentag. Stenographisches
ProtokoU iiber die Sitzung des xi. Deutschen Phila-
telistentages am 23 Juli 1899. . . " Ueber Presse und
Philatelie," von C. C.-S. [1899], 8°.
- See Glasewald (a. e.) Philatelistisches Kommers-
buch zum 15 Stiftungsfest des Deutschen Philat.-Ver-
bandes. Unter Mitwirkung der Herren Crome-Schwien-
ing u. A. Lenk, bearbeitet und gewidmet von A. E.
1905, 8°.

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