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MANUSCRIPTS. Huth (p. l.) Disputatio de ornamentis
codicum veterum. . . . [1716], 4°.
Kaelsson (k. h.) Sodermannalagen efter Cod. Havn.
ny Kgl. Saml. 4: o No: 2237 . . . 1904, 8°.
Keller (f.) Bilder und Schriftziige in den irischen
manuscripten der schweizerischen Bibliotheken. . . .
1851, 4^
Keuffer (m.) Das Priimer Lektionar. . . . 1898, 8°.
La Baume Le Blanc de La Vallierb (l. c.) Due.
Notice d'un manuscrit . . . provenant de la bibliotheque
du due de La Valliere. . . . 1877, 8°.
Lee (a.) of Virginia. Calendar of the Arthur Lee
manuscripts in the Library of Harvard University. . . .
1882, 8°.
LiBEi Carrucci Dalla Sommaia (g. b. I. T.) Conte.
Notice des manuscrits. . . . 1842, 4°.
• Lindsay (j. l.) 26th Earl of Graiuford. Bibliotheca
lindesiana. List of manuscripts and examples of metal
and ivory bindings, exhibited to the Bibliographical
Society . . . 13th June 1898 by the President. . . . 1898,
- Bibliotheca lindesiana. Upon the facsimile paint¬
ings and publications of the Comte A. de Bastard
d'Estang. . . . 1886, 8°.
- Little (a. g.) Initia operum Latinorum quae seculis
xiii., xiv., XV. attribuuntur, secundum ordinem alphabeti
disposita. . . . 1904, 8°.
- Liturgies.—Latin Eite.—Breviaries.—i. General.
—Appendix. Fac-simile delle miniature contenute nel
Breviario Grimani, conservato nella Biblioteca di S.
Marco. . . . 1862, 4°.
- Liturgies. — Latin Rite. — Pontificals — Local.
Metz. The Metz Pontifical: a manuscript written for
Reinhald von Bar, Bishop of Metz, (1302-1316), and now
belonging to Sir T. Brook, Bart. . . . 1902, fol.
- Mabillon (j.) De re diplomatica libri vi. . . . 1681, fol.
- Madan (p.) Books in manuscript, a short introduction
to their study and use. . . . 1893, 8°.
- Maffei (f. s.) Marchese. Istoria diplomatica.... 1727,
Museum Veronense. Hoc est antiquarum inscrip-
tionum . . . coUectio. . . . 1749, fol.
- Maitland (j.) Duke of Lauderdale. Catalogus libro-
rum manuscriptorum e bibliotheca d. Joannis, ducis de
Lauderdale. . . . Bannatyne Club. Bannatyne Miscel¬
lany, vol. 2. 1836, 4°.
- Marini (g. l.) I Papiri diplomatici raccolti ed illustrati.
. . . 1805, fol.
- Monaci (e.) Esempj di scrittura latina dal sec. i. di
Cristo al xviii., per servire all' insegnamento paleografico
nelle scuole universitarie. . . . 1898, 4°.
- Monte Cassino, Monastery of. Bibliotheca Casinensis,
seu Codicum manuscriptorum qui in tabulario Casinensi
asservantur series per paginas enucleata notis, . . . aucta.
. . . 1873-80, fol.
Documents pour I'histoire de la miniature. . . .
1899, fol.
- Montfaucon (b. de) Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum
Manuscriptorum nova: ubi, quse innumeris pene mauu-
scriptorum bibliothecis continentur, ad quodvis literaturiB
genus spentantia et notatu digna, describuntur et indi-
cantur. . . . 1739, fol.
MANUSCRIPTS. Mooee (j.) Colonel. Catalogue of the
collection of documents, letters, papers, etc., of Col.
J. Moore, of Bank Hall, Liverpool. . . 1901, 8°.
Narducci (e.) Catalogo di manoscritti ora posseduti da
D. Baldassare Boncompagni. . . . 1862, 8°.
-— [2a edizione.] 1892, 8°.
—— Note sur le catalogue g6n6ral des manuscrits des
bibliotheques des departements. . . . 1873, 8°.
NouvEAU traite de diplomatique. . . . 1750-65, 4°.
Nuernberg.—Germanisches Ndtionalmuseum. Kata-
log der mittelalterlichen Miniaturen des Germanischen
Nationalmuseums. . . . 1903, 8°.
Omont (h.) Manuscrit grec de I'Evangile selon saint
Matthieu. . . . 1900, 4°.
■ Pal^ogeaphical Society. Palaeographical Society.
Facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions. . . . 1873-83,
Second series. .
Oriental series.
1884-94, fol.
• 1875-83, fol.
• Indices to facsimiles of manuscripts and inscrip¬
tions. Series l and 11. 1874-1894. 1901, 8°.
- Paris.—Academie des inscriptions, etc. Notices et ex-
traits des manuscrits. . . . 1787, etc., 4°.
- Paris. — Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal. Catalogue des
manuscrits de la Biblioth^que de 1'Arsenal. . . . 1885-99,
- Paris.—Bibliotheque Mazarine. Catalogue des manu¬
scrits. . . . 1885-92, 8°.
- Paris.—Bibliotheque Nationale. Bibliotheque Nationale.
Catalogue desmanuscrits Ashburnham-Barrois, acquis en
1901. . . . 1902, 8°.
Catalogue des manuscrits des fonds Libri et Bar-
rois. . . . i^
- Fac-similes de manuscrits grecs, latins et fran9ais
du ve au xive siecle, exposes dans la Galerie Mazarine.
[1903], 8°.
- Paeis.—Bibliothdque Sainte-Genevieve. Catalogue des
manuscrits. . . . 1893-96, 8°.
- Peignot (e. g.) Notice de xxii. grandes miniatures, ou
tableaux en couleur, reunis en tete d'un manuscrit du
xve siecle. . . . 1832, 8°.
- Pembroke College, Cambridge. A Descriptive cata¬
logue of the manuscripts in the library of Pembroke
College, Cambridge. . . . 1905, 8°.
- Picture (The) magazine. No. 16, April 1894. [Con¬
tains illustration from the Beatus ms. formerly in Biblio¬
theca Lindesiana. 1894, 4°.
- Piscicelli-Taeggi (o.) Saggio di scrittura notarile per
gli studii paleografici. . . . 1893, fol.
- PoiTiEES.—Bibliotheque. Tables des manuscrits de
D. Fonteneau, conserves k la Biblioth6que de Poitiers.
Poitiers.—Societe des antiquaires de I'Ouest. M^moires,
vol. 4. 1839, 8°.
- PoiTiEES.—Conseil Municipal. Inventaire des archives
de la ville de Poitiers. . . . Poitiers.—Societe des anti¬
quaires de I'Ouest. Memoires, ser. 2, vol. 5. 1883, 8".
- PouGiN (p.) Notice sur le Livre des Miracles de Notre-
Dame de Chartres. . . . [? 1855], 8°.

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