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LUTHER (Martin). — Separate Works under Sub-
Ada apud legatum apostolioum Augustae.
Acta. F. Martini Lvtheri | August: apud. D. Legatu
Apticu I Auguste. |
[Wittenberg, Johann Grune?iberg, 1518.]
4°. 8 in. Romau letter. A-C""; (24) pp:—(1) title, (2-23) the
work, (24) blank. With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Dommer 30.
^ Acta E. Pa | tris Martini Lvtherii Avgv | stiniani
Apvd D. Lega | tvm Apostolicvm | Avgvstae. |
[Basel, Johann Froben, 1518.]
4°. 8 in. Roman letter, a-e^; 37 + (3) pp :—1 title, 2-37 the work,
dated " Ex Carmelo Augusten. die sancti Lucee euangelistas
M.D.xvni," and 16th Oct. 1518, (1) errata, (2-3) blank.
Kostlin 16.
Ada in congregatione omniaim germanorum principum Wor-
—— fr Acta D. | Martini Lvthe- | ri, & partis oppositse
in con- | gregatione omnium Ger- | manorum Princi¬
pum I VVormacise coram | Imperatore Ca- | rolo semper
I Augu- I sto. I Anno Christi m.d.xxi. |
[? Strassburg, ? 1521.]
4°. 7J in. Roman letter. AB-*; (16) pp:—(1) title, within a
woodcut border signed V.G., [? Ursiuus Graf], (2) blank, (3-15) the
work, (16) blank.
Addialogum Sylvestri Prieratis de potestate papae responsio.
Ad Dialogu} | Syluestri Prieratis Mgri | Palatij de
potestate Pape, | EespQsio F. Martini Lu- | ther
Augustinesis, | Vuittenbergae. |
[Leipzig, Melchior Latter, 1518.]
4°. 8 in. Roman letter. A-F^; (48) pp:—(1) title, within a wood¬
cut border, (2-46) the work, (47) errata, (48) blank.
With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Panzer ix. 101, Dommer 28.
Ad Dialogu} | Syluestri Prieratis Mgfi | Palatij de
potestate Pape | Eesposio F. Martini Lu- | ther. Augus¬
tinesis, I Vuittenberge. I
[Leipzig, Melchior Lotter, 1518.I
4°. 7J in. Roman letter. A-F-*; (48) pp:—(1) title, within a
woodcut border, (2-47) the work, followed on p. (47) by errata,
(48) blank. Kostlin 18.
*^* An entirely distinct edition from the preceding one. The
errata noted in this have been corrected in the other edition,
which seems to indicate priority of date in the one above described.
Ad Joannem Eccium epistola.
Ad lohannem Bcciu | Martini Lutheri | Epistola
super I expurgatioe | Ecciana. |
Wittenberg, Johann Grimenberg, 1519.
4°. 7J in. Roman letter. A""; (8) pp :—(1) title, within a wood-
out border, (2-8) the work, (8) line 40 [Coloplion] II Vuittenbergg,
Anno, M,D,xix, i.g. | Panzer ix. 73, Kicczynski 1316.
Ad librum A. Catharini responsio.
Ad Librvm Eximii Magistri | Nostri Magistri Ambrosii
I Catharini Defensoris | Silvestri Prieratis | Acerrimi |
Eesponsio Martini | Lutheri. | VVittembergae | Cum
exposita Visione Da- | nielis. viij. De Antichristo. |
[Wittenberg, Johann Grunenberg, 1521.]
4°. 8 in. Roman letter. a-i->; (72) pp:—(1) title, (2, 3) lesus. |
Vincilao Linco . . . | Martinus Lutherus, | Salutem. | . . . , (4-72)
the work, dated " Vuittembergae, 1521, prima Aprilis".
Panzer ix. 79, Dommer 215.
Ad Librvm Eximii Magistri | Nostri Magistri Am |
brosii Catharini | Defensoris Sil | vestri Priera j tis
Acer I rimi | Eesponsio Martini | Lutheri. | VVittem¬
bergae. I Mense Aprili. | Cum exposita Visione Da |
nielis, viii. De Antichristo. |
[Wittenberg, Melchior Lotter, the Younger, 1521.]
4°. 8 in. Roman letter, a-r-*; (136) pp:—(l) title, (2-4) dedica¬
tion " Vincilao Linoo Augustinianae familiae Vicario Ecclesiasti
Nurmbergeh Ecclesiae," (5-134) the work, dated at end Wittem-
berg, 1 April, 1521, (135, 136) blank, wanting.
With marginal notes.
Dommer 214, Kuczyiiski 1417.
LUTHER (Martin). — Separate Works under Sub-
Ad librum A. Catharini responsio.
[V Ad Li- I brvm Eximii Magistri | Nostri, Magistri
Am I brosii Catharini, | Defensoris Silve | stri Prieratis
I Acerrimi, | Eesponsio Martini | Lutheri. | Cum ex¬
posita uisione Danielis. viij. | De Antichristo. | VVit¬
tembergae, I Mense lulio. |
[Basel, Adam Petri, 1521.]
4°. 8 in. Roman letter. A-NS C*; (116) pp:—(1) title, within a
woodcut border, (2) Lectori VI. Hvg. [Udalricus Hugualdus]
Pelicitatem. | . . . , (3, 4) Vincilao Linco . . . | Martinus Lutherus,
Salutem. | . . . , (6-115) the work, dated " Wittebergae, Anno 1521,
prima Aprilis," followed by " Andreas Binderus loanni Petero
Suo," (116) blank. With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde.
Panzer ix. 80.
Offenbariig | des Endchrists auss dem | Propheten
Daniel, wider | Catharinum. | ^ \ Martinus Luther.
Witteberg M.D.XXiiij. | fS \ Hosea am andern.
Ich will offenbar machen | jr narrheyt vor augen
jrer liebhaber. [ [Niirnberg, Hans Hergot, 1^24.]
8°. 5J in. Gothic letter. A-N^; (208) pp:—(1) title, within a
woodcut border, (2) blank, (S, 4) Paulus Speratus to the reader,
dated " Im xxiiij. jar Wittemberg, Am achten Sant Paulus be-
kerung," (5-207) the work, addressed to Wenceslaus Linck, and
dated at end Wittemberg, 1 April, 1521, (208) blank.
Panzer 2169.
- Offinba- I rung des Endchrists | aus dem Prophe¬
ten Daniel wydder | Catharinum. | Martinus Luther.
Wittemberg M.D.xxiiij. | [On a label within the border :]
Hosea am andern. | Ich wyll offinbar machen yhr narr¬
heyt I fur augen yhrer liebhaber. |
[Wittenberg, Michel Lotter, 1524.]
4°. 7i in. Gothic letter. A-Z^ Aa^ Bb^; (204) pp :—(1) title,
within a woodcut border, (2) blank, (3, 4) Paulus Speratus to the
reader, dated " Im xxiiij. iar Wyttcmberg. Am achten den S.
Pauls Bekerung," (5-8) dedication by Luther to Wenceslaus
Linck, (8-202) the work, dated at end Wittenberg, 1 April, 1521
(203, 204) blank. Panzer 2166.
- Offenbarung des | Endtchrists, auss dem | Propheten
Daniel, | wider Catha- | rinum. | Martinus Luther. |
Wittemberg. | M.D.iiij [sic]. | [On a label within the
border:] Hosea am andern. | Ich will oifenbar machen
jr Narrhait | vor augen jrer liebhaber. |
[? Aiogsburg, 7 1524.]
4°. 8 in. Gothic letter. A-TS V^, XY*; (172) pp:-(1) title,
within a woodcut border, (2) blank, (3, 4) Paulus Speratus to the
reader, dated Wittenberg, 1524, (5-8) dedication by Luther to
Wenceslaus Linck, (9-170) the work, dated at end 1 April, 1524,
(171, 172) blank. Panzer 2167.
- Offenbarung des Andtchrists : or, Antichrist revealed.
Translated from the original High German of D. Martin
Luther, by . . . Charles Smyth . . . Wider Catharinum,
Wittenberg, 1524. London, Seeleys, 1846.
8°. 9 in. (4)+ 76 pp.
Adversus armatum virum Gochlaeum.
- Adversvs Armatvm | Virvm Coklevm. | Martinvs Lv- |
thervs. | VVittenbergae. | Anno m.d. | xx hi. | Colum
mulierem decet. |
[Wittenberg, Johann Grunenberg, 1523.]
4°. 8 in. Roman letter. A^ B«; (20) pp :—(1) title, (2-19) the
work, addressed " Villieyllo Nisseno," (20) blank.
With autograph of J. F. Vandevelde and marginal notes.
Panzer ix. 83.
- ^ Wydder den ge- | waffeten man Cocleum D. | Mar¬
tini Luther, scho- | ner bescheyd vom | glauben vnd |
wercken. | Wittemberg. | M.D.XXiij. | Eim weib steht-
eyn rocke wol an. | [Erfurt, Ludwig Trutebul, 1523.]
4°. 7J in. Gothic letter. A"", B^, C-"; (20) pp :—(1) title, within
a woodcut border, (2) blank, (3-19) the work, (20) blank.
Weller, Supp 265, Do^ntner 349.

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