Bartholomew's staff outings

The Bartholomew firm maintained a tradition of annual dances, picnics and concerts throughout their time at Duncan Street. On special occasions, John George Bartholomew would even entertain staff at his home.

Bartholomew's outings were always popular and offered staff a valuable opportunity to have fun. Working hours were very different then, and many staff routinely worked 50-60 hours per week. Since staff had little disposable income, occasions like this were even more important.

  • Thumbnail: Photo of large group of staff and families, 1899
  • Thumbnail: Pages from a sports day programme
  • Thumbnail: Ticket for a soiree and concert
  • Thumbnail: Photo of a group of men
Photo of large group of staff and families, 1899

Staff outing to Elie

Bartholomew's staff and their families on an outing to Elie, Fife, in 1899.

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Pages from a sports day programme

Programme of sports

A leaflet containing details of the programme of sports offered at Bartholomew's annual picnic of 1903. Events included races for the firm's apprentices, older men and interestingly, a separate race for the married and unmarried women. A cricket match, of married versus unmarried participants, and a tug of war rounded off the festivities.

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Ticket for a soiree and concert

Bartholomew's soiree and concert ticket

This is a complimentary ticket for Bartholomew's soiree and concert of 1893. The event was held in the Literary Institute's building in South Clerk Street, Edinburgh.

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Photo of a group of men

Bartholomew's golf club

From 1929 until the 1990s, Bartholomew had a popular golf club. Members came from a mixture of departments, allowing people who might not normally meet to get to know each other.

Pictured here is the club on an outing to Gullane, East Lothian, in 1933.

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