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foreign' Rest dents
Guzdar, D. H., mgr., Central China Dairy, Hankow
Guzdar, Dr., J. S., medical Practitioner, Hongkong
Guzman, E. de, mgr., Laperal de Guzman Maxima, Manila
Guzman, J. J. de, salesman, Rosenstock & Co., Manila
Gwinnell, G. W., manufacturers’ representative, Singapore
Gwynne, A. W. G., assist., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Sumpur, Selangor
Gwynne, J. R., assist, health officer, Johore Bahru, Johore
Gwynne, T. H., secretary, Directorate General of Posts, Shanghai
Gwyther, T. H, sub-agent, Chartered Bank of India, Aust. and China, Penang-
Gymnich, Dr. G. B. V., manager, Koenenkamp China Co., Chefoo
Gysin, R., manager, Menzi Co., Iloilo
Haack, H., chancellor, German Consulate, Singapore
Haag, Pedersen, J., manager, Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., Mukden
Haase, K., China Export, Import & Bank Co., Hongkoiiig
Habecost, A., controller of stores, Shanghai Power Co., Shanghai
Habersaat, H., signs per pro., Siber, Hegner & Co., Yokohama
Hablutzel, H., assist., Sulzer Bros., Kobe
Hachfel d, H., assist., A. Goeke & Co., Hongkong
Hacker* S. G., director and manager, RobinsOn & Co., Ld., Singapore
Hackett, H. W., treasurer, Kobe College, Kobe
Hackhofer, M., Elmac, Inc., Manila
Hackmack, A., merchant, Hackmack & Co., Tientsin
Hackman, A., assistant, Ching Hsing Minen, Tientsin
Hackney, J., Imperial Chemical Industries (China), (Ld., Tsingtao
Hackworthy, H. T., assist., F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
Hadden, J., supt., Shanghai Waterworks Fittings Co., Ld., Shanghai
Haddon, Jas, F., sub-acct., Chartered Bank of India, Australia <fe China, Shanghai
Hadjiry, B. G., Hadjiry’s Tobacco Co., Shanghai
Hadland, J. K. P., assist,, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Chungking
Hadley, R, W., sales supervisor, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Exp. Co., S’hai
Haeff, Y. A., manager, I. I. Tschurin & Co., Harbin
Haelen, Th. van, chancellor, Netherlands Consulate, Singapore
Haenisch, A. von, signs per pro., Jebsen & Co., Hongkong
Haennssch, W., assist., Carl Zeiss K. K., Tokyo
Haenssgen, W., assistant, Carl Zeiss, K. K., Tokyo
Haering, G. J., consul for United States, Kobe ,
Haertle, F. M., chief inpr., General Motors, Japan, Ld., Osaka
Haes, Ch. I. C. de, accountant, Netherlands Trading Society, Penang
Haesaerts, J., engineer-in-chief, Tientsin Tramways and Lighting Co., Ld., Tientsin
Haeusing, W., Icarus Aero Supply Co., Shanghai
Haffenden, W., manager, signs per pro., Syme & Co., Bangkok
Hagan, J., Shanghai Dock & Engineering Cb., Ld., Shanghai
Hagedorn, A. R., assist, bookkeeper, Norton & Harrison Co., Manila
Hagedorn, F. C., vice-president, Norton & Harrison Co., Manila
Hagemann, O., assist., Schmidt & Co., Peiping
Hagen, E. C., signs per pro., Butterfield & Swire, Wuhu
Hagenstein, O., assist., Harvie, Cooke & Co., Shanghai
Hagenzieker, B. F., president, Ned. Handel Mij. Factorij to Batavia, Batavia
Hagenzieker. R. F. W., assist, Singapore Rubber Works, Ld., Singapore
Hager, A. R., Business Equipment Corporation, Shanghai
Hager, R., signs per pro., Waibel & Co., Tientsin
Hagnauer, E., dir., N.V. Handel & Oultuur Mij, “Helvetia,” Helvetia
Hagniauer, Th., dir, N.V. Handel & Cultuur Mij “Helvetia,” Batavia
Hagrup, J. F. C., engr., Royal State Railways of Siam
Hahn, Dr. B., consul for Germany, Hongkong
Hahn, Otto, Bohler Keitei Goshi Kaisha, Tokyo
Haider, G., assist., Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. (China), Ld., Shanghai
Haigh, F. O., assist., Straits Times, Singapore
Haigh, J. G., assist., Gibb, Livingston & Co., Ld., Hongkong
Hailey, A. W., installation manager, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ld., Wuhu
Hailey, G., engineer, Hongkong Electric Co., Ld., Hongkong
Haines, C. H., registrar, H.B.M.’s Supreme Court for China, Shanghai
Haines, W., manager, Bombay-Burmah Trading Co., Ld., Bangkok

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