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542 TWlNOtMr (RtAOCHA'l")
groundnuts, tobacco, beans, wheat, fruit and vegbtablesl An inbreastngljr important
feature of the port is the expansion in the ebttbh-spinning industry. The imports of
foreign raw cotton for the year increased by i03;000 piculs to meet the demand from
the mills, and the total imports of this raw material, valued at 1© million Haikwan
taels, now take first place iri the statistics of the port’s foreign imports. Imports' of
American cotton amounted to 220,000 piculs, while India contributed 121,000-piculs.
The total output of the local mills for 1931 is put at 660,000 piculs of cotton yarn and
2,900,000 pieces of shirtings, sheetings, and jeans, valued at 180,000,000. The local
mills now operate 3,928 looms and 381,874 spindles, as against 1,200 looms and 240,148
spindles in 1928. These mills specialise, however, in the grey varieties of cotton piece-
goods, and the import trade in white*;dyed, and printed cottons is still very im¬
portant, as is shown by the following comparative value figures for the year
under review : grey, Hk. Tls. 348,470; white or dyed, Hk. Tls, 4,848,799 ; printed,
Hk. Tls. 1,680,669. The requirements of the mills have given a great impetus to the
local cultivation of cotton, and as the profits t o be derived from cotton-growing are
almost double those realisable from cereals, the production of the latter in Shantung
is now more inadequate than ever: thus imports of foreign cereals (including wheat
flour) during the year amounted in value to Hk. Tls. 3,600,294 and imports of native-
cereals (including wheat flour) to Hk. Tls. 5,348,591.
The net value of the trade of the port coming under the cognisance of the
Chinese Maritime Customs was Hk Tls. 218,275,187 for 1931 as compared with-
Hk. Tls. 185,818,036 in 1930 and Hk. Tls. 166,801,328 in 1929.
Adams, T., Automobile agent—2,' Che¬
kiang Road; Teleph. 593
T. Adams, proprietor
American Chamber of Commerce
President & Secretary—T. A dams
Hon. Treasurer—J. A. Collins
American LtrrHERAN Mission of
Rev. P. P. Anspach and wife
Rev. C. J. Yoskamp & wife
Mrs. W. Matzat
Miss Lydia Reich
Miss K. Voget
Miss E. Moody
Rev. C. Reinbfecht and wife
Rev. Theo. Scholz and wife
Miss F. Strecker
Rev. L. G. Cooper
,M iss E. Strunk
Miss C. Sul 1 wan
American O^rijsntal Rotors, Fed. Inc.,
U.S.A.—78, Honan Road; ;TeIephs.
3444 and 4430; P.GCBox 150; Cable;
Ad: Amerimotor
L. T. Tsao, manager
N. F. Allman, secretary
Kwenlington Wang
Agents for: —
Packford, Chrysler
iDesoto and Plymouth Cars
Reo and White Trucks
# ; ^ m m
Mei-gwo djang lao hwei
American Presbyterian ■ Mission—
Tsi Yang Road; Teleph. 5045; Cable
Ad: Presbyteran, North Tsingtao,
H. E. Chandler and wife
R. G. Coonrndt and wife
Miss F. I. Forsyth
O. C. van Deusen and wife
H •j-g Sun Checmg
,Ane|Er$en, Meter & Co., Ltd,, Ed
giiieers anY.i^pnti’actprs, , Exporters
and Importer^, Manufacturers, In¬
surance Agents—35, Kuan Tao Rd. :
Teleph 4906; Cable Ad: Danica
,!, Qor| cigf,, sefi. hgnghai)
Ardee HousE-rlS, . Fushan Road,
Cable Ad: Harris I

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