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(A) Land Routes
Manchuli Harbin • IJi Kowloon
Pogranichnaya Chinchbu Kashgaria (also by sea)
Hui Chun . Cbangchiakou Ta Cheng Tung Shing
Yen Chi Suiyuan Chien Shan Tengyueh
(B) Sea Routes
Canton Samshui Chung Shan Swatow Foochow
Pakhoi Kongmbon Harbour Amoy Shanghai
(Passports of those entering the Yangtze River not via Shanghai shall be inspected
at Woosung.)
Tsingtao Lungkou Chinwangtao Antung Taheiho
Chefoo Tientsin or Hulutao (also by land) Tungkiang;
Weihaiwei Tangku Newchwang Aigun
(C) Air Routes.
Before an aerodrome has been laid out. Passports of foreigners entering
Chinese territory by aircraft shall be inspected at the first authorized landing station.
Incase of necessity, the number of stations where Passports are inspected may
be increased or reduced by the various departments concerned after sanction has
been duly obtained.
The places of inspection on the borders of Mongolia and Tibet shall be given
Art. IV.—A foreigner denied entry into Chinese territory under the terms of
Art. 4 of the Regulations, if found unable to leave the territory of the Republic of
China shall be handed over to the Consul of his nationality to be dealt with.
Art. Y.—When the assistance of officers of the Maritime or Native Customs
is required in the examination of Passports the local authorities and the Customs
shall jointly make the necessary arrangements, and report to the Department con¬
cerned for record.
Art. VI.—Passports of foreigners entering Chinese territory besides being
subject to the provisions of Art. 3 of the Regulations are subject to inspection by
local authorities in the interior.
Art. VII.—If any one of the f llowing conditions is found to exist, the local
authorities in the interior shall at once detain the foreigner and report to the
Senior Official for instructions:—
1. Any one of the conditions as laid down in Art. 4 of the Regulations.
2. When the Passport produced does not bear a chop to show that it has
been inspected.
Art. VIII.—-The Inspector shall not ask for any payment from the foreigner
for inspection of Passport.
Art. IX.—The Inspector when inspecting Passports shall be. in uniform and
shall wear a distinctive badge. The badges shall be prescribed by the Depart¬
ment concerned.
Art. X.—The Inspector when inspecting Passports, shall give the foreigner
desiring to enter Chinese territory an inspection form to be carefully filled iu; said,
form shall be prescribed separately.
Art. XI.—The Inspector after inspection shall impress a chop on the Passport
giving the date .of inspection. The form of this chqp sha,!! be prescribed by the
Department concerned.
Art. XII.—The Inspecting authorities shall, before the 10th of each month,
submit a table giving the name, sex, age, native place? occupation and address, as
well as the reason for ehteriUg China, of all foreigners to whom permission has been
granted or refused during'the preceding month. This table shall be sent to the
highest local authority for transmission to the Department concerned for record.
Art. XIII.—In the eveiit of any case arising not covered by the provisions of
the Regulations 6r the detailed Supplementary Rules, the inspecting authority shall
immediately telegraph to the Department concerned for instructions.
Art. XIV.—These detailed' Rules shall be effective from the date the
Regulations are put in force.

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