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(530) Page A132 - Chefoo
-Asl 32'
STOe-Mow'iai .Go., Shipping .-Ageots-^.j Tokyo Elect&ic:Co.j LTiG, Mectiic Lftmps
24,..Togomachi I and Apparatus—4,'!Sakae-maehi
Tai Tung Jih Pao,^Chinese Newspa¬
per—Oku-maehi; Teleph. 8091-3 and
4324; P.O. Box 79; Cable Ad: Tai
Taito Co., The (Taito Yoko), Importers and
Exporters, Insurance ancl Forwarding
Agents—18, ‘ Yamagala-ddri; Telephs.
6347 and 4094; Cable Ad; Tai toco; Codes:
A.B.C. 6th edn., Bentleys and Acme
C: Tanaka, president
jGenpraL Managers ... , ,;.j
Tanaka & Yasuda Coiistruction, Co, /
Taku & Co., Ltd.,'Wine and Provision
Merchants—47, Oyama-dori; Cable
Ad : Taku
T. Nakamura, manager
Tanaka and Yasuda ’Construotion Co.
—18, Yamagata-dori
*3 & ^ ^
Teh §hih ku hub yiu Jcung szu
Texas., Co.; (pniNA), Ltd,, The, Texaco
Petroleum BrqcjuctsT-55, Kiu-machi;
Cable Ad: Texaoo,i(. j , . ,
Toa TOpACCo! ■ Ca: , Ltd.—U3, Kanbu-
dori • Tetcpilis,,' AsTs. and "4403 MT,ro^
Toba- Yoko, .Creiaora'l , Machinery - and
.IlardLare JDealers—8,; iOmi-rnachi;
Cable Ad: Tobayoko, A'i
id (hlejKYj;ll .H ten..:)
Totai Company, Shipping—212, Yama¬
gata-doriTeleph. 3070
Tshijrin.: & 'Co., I. L, General. Im¬
porters and ‘ Manufacturers’ Repre¬
sentatives—42, Yamagata-dori, Cable;
Ad: Tschurin '
Vacakis Bros., Importers and Export¬
ers—Mp>.Yjamagata-d.ori. 0a|jie Ad: ;
E. N. Vacakis'
G. N. Vacakis , ;
ft ®'&m m %
Kivang i/eu k>/i fa/i;j/eu horig! ' ' 1
Vacuum Oil Co., (i&e Socony Vacuum
Curpuratiop), . .
W., ■ Architect—,7,■ Satsuma-
! cho
Yamaha & Co., Ltd., Piano and Organ
Makers, Furniture' Dealers, Gas
Fittings and Supplies—50, Srnano-
machi: Teleph. 4148
K. Yamaha, proprietor
Yamato Hotel (owned and operated by
the South Manchuria Hallway Co.) »
T. Otsub.o, managing director.
S. Terasawa, manager
. Y.iM.GA. •
General Secretary—T. Nasagawa
35 A "OM-fu % ffl
Cliefoo, mYkq .Pyoyince of Shantung, is the namfe used by foreigners1 to denote
this Treaty Port; the . Chinese name of the place is Yfehtai, and Chefoo proper is on
the opposite sidq .of the,h,ajrbour. .Che&Muis jsituated in latitude St’’ 33''20” N. and longi-
f T»' C. f^ / d’kir P°H WM opened, to foreign trade’ hr 1863, In 1876 the
Chefob Corivehtibh was’concludedJat Chefob by the late Sir Thomas/Wade and the
former Viceroy of Chihli, Li Hung-chang. The normal foreign population of Chefob is
about L000, while the Chiuesfe population isjabout 100,000.. Chefoo has no Settlement
or-Concessions, but a'recognized Foreign Quarter, which is well kept and has good
clean roads, and is well lighted. From the early days of the port a foreigfi “Koad

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