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interpreta- 3. In the construction of this Order the following words and expres- >
tion. sions have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be some¬
thing in the subject or context repugnant thereto, that is to say:—
“Administration” means letters of administration, including the-
same with will annexed or granted for special or limited purposes Jj
or limited in duration, t c-- t ,
“British ship” means a merdhant-sfiip being a British ship within j
the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and includes-
any ship provided with sailing letters from the Governor of
Hongkong, or from His Majesty’s Minister in China or Corea, j
“British possession” means any part of His Majesty’s1 dominions 1
exclusive of the United Kingdom.
“ British subject ” includes a British protected person, that is to say, |
a person who either'(a) is a native of any Protectorate of His-
Majesty, and is for the time being in China or Corea; or (6) by
virtue of Section 15 of the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, orl
otherwise enjoys His Majesty’s protection in China and Corea. 1
“China” means so much of the Empire of China as is within the
limits of this Order.
“Consular district ” means the district in and for which a Consular 1
officer usually acts, or for which he may be authorized to act, J
for all or any of the purposes of this Order by authority of the- t
Secretary of State.
“ Consular officer ” means a Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul 1
Consular Agent, or Pro-Consul of His Majesty resident in China j
or Corea, including a person acting temporarily, with the
approval of the Secretary of State, as or for a Consul-General, i
Consul, Vice-Consul, or Consular Agent of His Majesty so
“ Commissioned Consular officer ” means a Consular officer holding
a commission of Consul-General, Consul, or Vice-Consul from
His Majesty, including a person acting temporarily, with the
approval of the Secretary of State, or of His Majesty’s Minister
in China or Corea, as or for such a commissioned Consular <
“Consulate” and “Consular office” refer to the Consulate and
office of a Consular officer.
“ The Court,” except when the reference is to a particular Court,,
means any Court established under this Order, sub j bet, however,
to the provisions of this Order with respect to powbrs and local
jurisdictions. 1 . . i
“ Foreigner ” means a subject or citizen of a State in amity with-
His Majesty, including China and Corea.
“Judge/’ except where the context intends a reference to the Judge
of the Supreme Court only, includes Assistant Judge, and,
except where the context intends a reference in the Supreme-
Court only, includes the officer for the time being holding a
Provincial Court.
“Legal practitioner” includes barrister-at-law, advocate, solicitor^
Writer to the Signet, and any person possessing similar
“ Lunatic” means idiot or person of unsound mind.
“ Master,” with respect to any ship, includes every person (except a
pilot) having command or charge of that ship.
“Minister” means His Majesty’s Minister in China or in Corea, as
the case may be, and includes Charge d’Affaires or other chief
Diplomatic Representative.

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