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(772) Page 716 -
% it H ^ ft £
Calico Printees’ Association, Ltd.—4,
Avenue Edward VII.; Tel. Ad: Brubro
M. W. Bruce
A. S. H. Thompson
A, Madar j Mrs. J. H. Smith
IPS 0. Cam-foh
Cambefokt & Co., E., Silk Piece Goods
and Sundry Importers—Union Build¬
ing, 1, Canton Road; Teleph. Central
2316; Tel. Ad: Cambefort
A. J. Rebsamen
E. R. Stegmaier
Cameron & Co., A. (China), Ltd., Im¬
port and Export Merchants—21, Jinkee
Road; Teleph. Cent. 5551; Tel. Ad:
Ingots; Codes: Bentleys and A.C.M.E.
V. G. Bowden, managing-director
H. R. Harling
W. N. Fleming | M. J. Danenberg
A. H. Boyd I L. Popoff
A. D. Cooke | Miss C. Coe
Norwich Union Fire Insce. Socy., Ld.
Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co.
of Canada, Ld., Montreal
Richard Emsley, Bradford
Lendrum, Ld., London
JSJ M Hay-Zee
Campbell, H.B., Paints and Painting—20,
Foochow Road; Teleph. Cent. 1892, and
7126; Tel. Ad: Bellcamp
H. B. Campbell, proprietor
A. G. Ogolin, M. Jaffery and C. R.
Hoo, salesmen
Ed. Johnson (paint contracts)
P. Reisigor (artistry)
I). Gurevich (oil refinery)
K. W. Chang (office)
J. Z. Wong (warehouse)
Canadian Government Merchant
Marine, Ltd.
Butterfield & Swire, agents
Carlton, Ltd.—50, Bubbling Well Road;
Telephs. West 3637, 3638 and 3639
A. J. Welch, chairman
Seth, Mancell & McLure, secretaries
and general managers
E. Bell, director
R. Horsenloff, manager
S. Leitao, cashier
Canadian National Railways—Gle 0-
Line Building, 2, Peking Road; Telepllij
Central 6973; Tel. Ad: Lemorb
Donald E. Ross, traffic agent
W. V. Brydone-Jack
Miss A. Remedies
Ying-shang Chong-shing-hoo-lung-zuen-} p-
Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Traffic Fo
Agents for Canadian Pacific Steamships] W
Ltd.—Union Building, 4, The Bund Jr
Teleph. Cent. 5581 (Private Exchange); sg
Tel. Ad: Nautilus
P. A. Cox, assist. Oriental manager' M
Freight and Operating
A. J. S. Parknill, agent
R. C. Johnson
R. A. Young | A. A. Alarakia ; | ■
Passenger Dept.—Tel. Ad: Gacanpac 1
A. M. Parker, gen. agent, pass. dept, j
D. M. Sinclair
F. A. Vezina | Miss N. Dierks I I
Agents for
Dominion Express Co.
fP flig Li-ho
Carlowitz & Co., Merchants, Engineers
and Contractors—138 to 140, Szechuen
Road; Telephs. Central 5058, 5030, 5050-
and 6958, and 2683 (Godown); P.O.
Box 1274; Tel. Ad: Carlowitz
M. March (Hamburg)
R. Lensmann do.
R. Laurenz
C. Landgraf
A. Muenster-Schultz (Tientsin) (abs.)
W. Schuechner (Canton)
R. Herbertz (Hankow)
Dr. A. Nolte (Tientsin)
G. Roehereke, signs the firm
C. Eckhardt, sign per pro.
H. Desebrock, do.
M Chudzinski
Dr. L. Dolecki P. Luebcke
R. Droth W. Philipp
B. Erler O. Remiers
H.H. Erich C. Schrage
G. Frantz O. Schroeter
W. Heckel W. Spalke
E. Juergens | W. Troeger
W. Koehler | Miss A. Puls
J. Lindner ! Mrs. T.Tsehedanoft
W. Ballheimer, (godown)
Sole Importers and Agents for
Sandoz Chemical Works, Basle (Swit¬
D. Kemp, representative

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