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Art. YII.—Every vessel either at anchor or under weigh within the harbour
dimits shall carry between sunset and sunrise the Lights required by the Laws,
bl Ordinances or Orders relating to the prevention of collisions at sea.
Art. VIII.—When bad weather threatens or warning signals are exhibited,
vessels shall immediately get ready one or more reserve anchors; and steamships
i shall, in addition, get up steam.
Art. IX.—Any vessel carrying explosives or highly inflammable materials in
a* excess of ordinary requirements shall come to outside the harbour limits and there
await the Harbour Master’s orders. Such vessels while so waiting shall, between
sunrise and sunset, fly at the foremast head the signal letter “ B, ” and between
sunset and sunrise shall hoist in same place a red lantern.
Ho vessel shall ship or discharge any such materials except at such places as
id the Harbour Master may indicate.
Art. X.—Every ship which is laid up or undergoing repairs, and all yachts,
I store-ships, lighters, boats, etc., shall be moored in special berths designated by the
3 Harbour Master.
Art. XI.—In case of fire breaking out on board a ship within the harbour
i| limits, the ship’s bell shall be rung until the arrival of assistance, and the signal
letters “ N. M.” shall be hoisted between sunrise and sunset or a red lantern shall
be continuously hoisted and lowered between sunset and sunrise.
Ilf police assistance be required the signal letter “ G ” shall be hoisted between
sunrise and sunset, and between sunset and sunrise blue or flash lights shall
be shown.
All discharging of fire-arms or letting off of fire-works within the harbour
Emits is forbidden without permission from the Harbour Master, except in such as
above-mentioned for the purpose of signalling.
Art. XII.—Any vessel arriving from a place which has been declared by an
official declaration of the Imperial Government as being infected with an epidemic or
contagious disease (such as cholera, small-pox, yellow-fever, scarlet-fever, or pest)
or on board of which any such disease shall have occurred during the voyage, shall
come to outside the harbour limits and shall hoist a yellow flag at the foremast head
between sunrise and sunset, and shall show a red and a white light one above the
other in the same place between sunset and sunrise. Such vessel must undergo
inspection by the proper sanitary authorities.
The sanitary authorities shall, on approaching the vessel, be informed whether
any cases of any such diseases have actually occurred during the voyage and the
nature of such diseases, in order that suitable precaution may be taken.
The said ship must not lower the yellow flag or the above-mentioned lights until
it shall have been admitted to “free pratique,” neither shall any person land from it
nor shall any communication be held with other ships without the permission of the
proper sanitary authorities.
The provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply to vessels anchored within ths
harbour limits on board of which any of the above-mentioned epidemic or contagious
diseases have broken out.
Such vessels must change their berth on receiving an order to that effect from
the Harbour Master.
Any vessel arriving from a place infected with cattle-disease or on board of which
such disease has broken out during the voyage shall not land or tranship either the
cattle, their dead bodies, skins, hides or bones, without the permission of the proper
sanitary authorities.
Art. XIII.—Ho carcases, ballast, ashes, sweepings, etc., shall be thrown over¬
board within the harbour limits.
Whilst taking in or discharging coal, ballast or other similar materials, the
necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent their falling into the sea.

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