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The. special Conference shall be composed of representatives of the signatory
lowers, and of such other Powers as may desire to participate and may adhere to
ijhe . present treaty, in accord with the provisions of Article VIIT., in sufficient time to
allow their representatives to take part. It shall meet in China within three months
Ipfter the coming into force of the present treaty on a day and at a place to be
designated by the Chinese Government.
Article III.
The special conference provided for in Article II. shall consider the interim
^provision to be applied prior to the abolition of likin and the fulfilment of the other
n conditions laid down in the articles of the treaties mentioned in Article II.; and it
b shall authorize the levying of a surtax on dutiable imports as from such date, for
“■■mch purposes and subject to such conditions as it may determine.
The surtax shall be at a uniform rate of 2|- •per centum ad valorem, provided
that in case of certain articles of luxury which, in the opinion of the special Conference,
can bear a greater increase without unduly impeding trade, the total surtax may be
increased, but may not exceed 5 per centum ad valorem.
Article IY.
Following the immediate revision of the Customs schedule of duties on imports
into China mentioned in Article L, there shall be a further revision thereof, to take
effect at the expiration of four years following the completion of the aforesaid im-
I mediate revision, in order to insure that the Customs duties shall correspond to the
ad valorem rates fixed by the special Conference provided in Article II.
Following this further revision there shall be for the same purpose periodical
revisions of the Customs schedule of duties of imports into China every seven years,
in lieu of the decennial revision authorized by existing treaties with China.
In order to prevent delay, any revision made in pursuance of this Article shall
be effected in accord with rules to be prescribed by the special Conference provided
for in Article II.
Article Y.
In all matters relating to Customs duties there shall be effective equality of treat¬
ment and of opportunity for all the contracting Powers.
Article YI.
The principle of uniformity in the rates of Customs duties levied at all the laud
and maritime frontiers of China is hereby recognised. The special Conference
provided for in Article II. shall make arrangements to give practical effect to this
principle, and it is authorised to make equitable adjustments in those cases in which
a Customs privilege to be’abolished was granted in return for some local economic
In the meantime, any increase in the rates of Customs duties resulting from
tariff revision or any surtax hereafter imposed in pursuance of the present Treaty
shall be levied at a uniform rate ad valorem at all land and maritime frontiers of
Article VII.
The charge for transit passes shall be at the rate of 2| per centum ad valorem
until the arrangements provided for by Article II. come into force.
Article VIII.
Powers not signatory to the present Treaty, whose Governments are at present
recognised by the signatory Powers and whose present treaties with China provide
for a tariff on imports and exports not to exceed 5 per centum ad valorem, shall be
invited to adhere to the present Treaty.

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