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unish prisoners of war so restored to her by Japan. China also engages to at once
jdease all Japanese subjects accused of being military spies or charged with any
ther military offences. China further engages not to punish in any manner, nor to
llow to be punished, those Chinese subjects who have in any manner been
[ompromised in their relations with the Japanese army during the war.
Art. X.—-All offensive military operations shall cease upon the exchange of the
Ratifications of this Act.
Art. XI.—The present Act shall be ratified by their Majesties the Emperor of
iapan and;the Emperor of China, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Chefoo
jm the eighth day of the fifth month of the twenty-eighth year of Meiji, corresponding
the fourteentli day of the fourth month of the twenty-first year of Kwang Hsii.
In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same and
ive affixed thereto the seal of their arms.
Done at Shimonoseki, in duplicate, this seventeenth day of the fourth month
of the twenty-eighth year of Meiji, corresponding to the twenty-third of the third
lonth of the twenty-first year of Ivuang Hsii.
[l.s.] Count Ito Hirobumi, Junii, Grand Cross of the
Imperial Order of Patdlovmia, Minister-President
of State, Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor
of Japan.
[l.s.] Viscount Mutsu Munemitstj, Junii, First Class
of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure,
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Plenipotentiary
of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
[l.s.] Lr Hung-chang, Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the
Emperor of China, Senior Tutor to the Heir Ap¬
parent, Senior Grand Secretary of Northern Ports
of China, Viceroy of the Province of Chihli, and Earl
of the First Ranh.
[l.s.] Li Ching-fong, Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the
Emperor of China, Ex-Minister of the Diplomatic
Service, of the Second Official Ranh.
Made at Peking, July 21st, 1896
His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of China
having resolved, in pursuance of the provisions of Article VI. of the Treaty signed
at Shimonoseki on the 17th day of the 4th month of the 28th year of Meiji,
corresponding to the 23rd day of the 3rd month of the 21st year of Kwang-Hsii, to
conclude a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, have for that purpose named as
their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:—

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