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N. British and Mercantile Ins. Go., Ld.
China Fire Insurance Go., Ld.
Law Union & Rock Insurance Co., Ld.
Marine Insurance Go., Ld.
Alleanza Insce. Society of Genoa
Royal Exchange Assur.(Marine dept.)
Norwich Union Eire Ins. Society, Ld
(Marine dept.)
Travellers’ Insurance Assoc., Ld.
Motor Union Insurance Co., Ld.
Cie. des Messageries Maritimes
“Ben” Line of Steamers
Eastern & Australian S. S. Co., Ld.
American and Oriental Line
Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ld.
Norwegian Africa and Australia Line
(China and Japan Service)
I# Kmig-mao
Fbazae & Co., E. W.—13, rue deParis; Tel.
Ad: Frazar
Correspondents of Frazar <& Co., New
York, San Francisco, Seattle and
Paris; Sale & Frazar, Ld., Tokyo;
Sale & Co., London
E W. Frazar (absent)
F. F. Spielman | C. G. Stalberg
O. C. Hansen W. N. Marquis
G. C. Magathorn T. Brown
P. L. D. Plath C. Robertson
W. A. Morgan Miss M. Harris
GasTox, .Wi^uams cfc Wig .more, Far
Eastern Division Inc,
General Veneer Factory, Manufac¬
ture < e Bois Contreplaques—187, rue de
Marechal Foch; Teleph. 1365 (South); Tel.
Ad: Bourgery
C. Lauron, general manager
L. I. Ivan oft, tech. do.
A. W. Nekrasoft, engineer
P. Thesmar, secretary
%j ^lj Lee-ho
Gilchrist & Co., J. B., Commission
Merchants—6, rue de Paris; Tel. Ad:
Great Northern Railway (Head Ofiice:
St. Paul, U.S.A.), Operating Express
Trans- Continental Passenger andFreighb
Trains between North Pacific Ports and
Chicago and Eastern Cities, without
Oriental Headquarters—Robt. Dollar
A. G. Henderson, general agent
Tientsin Agents
American Express Co.
Thos, Cook & Son
Great Northern Telegraph Co.—34,
rue du Baron Gros.
S. Black, controller
C. A. Jensen, electrician
p] 41 IS Fu-chung-kung-sse
Fit Chung Corporation — Head Oflice:
Chiaotso, Honan; Tel. Ad: Fuchung,
Wang Chia Hsing, director general
Yuan Ko Wen, vice do.
Board of Management—J. P. Kenrick
(chairman), R. R. Brown, E. W.
Fitchford, Hu Ju Lin, Hu Ting
Yuan and Chu Tseng Tsu
E, W. Fitchford, joint general manager
Wang Ching Fang, do.
L. Lofting, asstist general manager
C. S. Woo, do.
Chimin Chu-Fuh, chief accountant
E. Barker I H. J. Glass
J. E. Cooke I G. Simmons
Tientsin Branch—78, rue de France
H. M, Young, agent
A. J. Boynton \ Miss B. Margolees
Branches at Hankow, Shanghai, Sanli-
wan, Chengchow, Paotingfu, Hsu-
chowfu and Peking
Coal Sales Agents for
Pekin Syndicate, Ld.
Chung Yuan Co., Ld.
Hai Ho Rung Ching Tsung-chii
Haiho Conservancy Commission—Teleph.
Members—R, C. Guermer, Commis¬
sioner of Customs; Admiral Y. L.
Woo, E. C. Peters (hon. treasurer),
W. E. Leckie (representative of
shipping), F. Husse-Freke (secy.)
Engineer-in-chief—T. Pincione
Engineer—P. E. Muller
Works Supt.—W. M. Chapman
Dredging dupts.—N. Grassi, P. Zuham
Bar Supt.—W. G. Sherman
Assist. Bar Supts.—H. Tanaka, W. Oki
Handelmaatschappij “ Transmarina ’
(Transmarina Trading Co., Exporters
and Importers—60, rue Henri Bourgeois;
Tel. Ad: Transmarina. Head Oflice:
Amsterdam (Holland)
J. L. Kloosterboer, manager
Y. W. R. Meyer
H. Y. Sohmohl I W, Dorn
A. Bruijs J D. Koppius

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