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(125) [Page 69] - France: Treaty between France and China

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(125) [Page 69] - France: Treaty between France and China
Signed, in the French and Chinese Languages, at Tientsin, 27th June, 1858
Ratifications Exchanged at Pelting, 25th October, 1860
His Majesty the Emperor of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of China,
being desirous to put an end to the existing misunderstanding between the two
Empires, and wishing to re-establish and improve the relations of friendship, com¬
merce, and navigation between the two Powers, have resolved to conclude a new
Treaty based on the common interest of the two countries, and for that purpose have
named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:—
His Majesty the Emperor of the French, Baron Gros, Grand Officer of the Legion
of Honour, G-rand Cross of the Order of the Saviour of Greece, Commander of the
Order of the Conception of Portugal, etc., etc., etc.
And His Majesty the Emperor of China, Kweiliang, Imperial High Commis¬
sioner of the Ta-Tsing Dynasty, Grand Minister of the East Palace, Director-General
of the Council of Justice, etc., elc., etc.; and Hwashana, Imperial High Commissioner
of the Ta-Tsing Dynasty, President , of the Board of Finance, Genei*al of the Bordered
Blue Banner of the Chinese Banner Force, etc., etc., etc.;
Who, having exchanged their full powers, which they have found in good and
•due form, have agreed upon the following Articles—
Art. I.—There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between His Majesty the
Emperor of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of China, and between the
subjects of the two Empires, who shall enjoy equally in the respective States of the
high contracting parties full and entire protection for their persons and property.
Art. II.—In order to maintain the peace so happily re-established between the
two empires it has been agreed between the high contracting parties that, following
in this respect the practice amongst Western nations, the duly accredited diplomatic
agents of His Maj esty the Emperor of the French and of His Majesty the Emperor of China
shall have the right of resorting to the capital of the empire when important affairs
call them there. It is agreed between the high contracting parties that if any one
of the Powers having a treaty with China obtains for its diplomatic agents the right
of permanently residing at Peking, France shall immediately enjoy the same right.
The diplomatic agents shall reciprocally enjoy, in the place of their residence,
the privileges and immunities accorded to them by international law, that is to say,
that their persons, their families, their houses, and their correspondence, shall be
inviolable, that they may take into their service such employes, couriers, interpreters,
servants, etc., etc., as shall be necessary to them.
The expense of every kind occasioned by the diplomatic mission of France in
•China shall be defrayed by the French Government. The diplomatic agents whom

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