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(1858) Page 158 -
Youles, Miss J. E., Soc. for the Pro. of the Gospel, Kobe
Vyff, J., and wife, Danish Lutheran Mission, Antung, via Newchwang
Wachs, Y. H., and wife, Methodist Episcopal Mission, Yeng Byen, Corea
Wackwitz, Mrs. A., Friedenshort Deaconess Mission, Tating, Kweichow
Waddell, Miss M. E., Amer. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Ingtaihsicn, Fu-
Waddington, Miss, English Baptist Mission, Sianfu, Shensi
Wade, Miss, Church of England Zenana Mission, Sangiong, Fu.
Wiern, A. G., and wife, Swedish Holiness Union, Shohchow, Sha.
Wagner, H. M., jr., m.a., Young Men’s Christian Assoc, in China, Peking
Wagner, Miss Dora A., Methodist Episcopal Mission, Hakodate, Japan
Wagner, Miss Ellasue, American Methodist Episcopal Mission, South, Songdo, Corea
Wagner, Miss M. M., American Presbyterian Mission, Ichowfu, Shantung
Wagstaff, Miss, Wesleyan Missionary Society, Hankow
Wahl, C. B., Evangelical Association, Shenchowfu, Hunan
Wahlin, Miss E., Swedish Baptist Mission, Kasmi, Shantung
Wahlquist, D. R., and wife, Swedish Missionary Society, Machenghsien, Hupeh
Waidtlow, C., and wife, Danish Lutheran Mission, Dairen (Dalny)
Wainwright, S. H., d.d., m.d., and wife, Meth. Episcopal Church, South, Tokyo
Wainwright, Miss M. E., American Board Mission, Okayama, Japan
Wakefield, P., m.d., Foreign Christian Missionary Society, Luchowfu, Anhwei
Walden, Miss Alice, Pentecostal Missionary Union, Yunnanfu, Yun.
"Wales, G. M., and wife, English Presbyterian Mission, Amoy
Wales, Miss T. H., Methodist Episcopal Church, South, U.S.A., Soochow
Walke, R. A., and wife, Am. Epis. Mis., Kyoto
Walker, E., American Church Mission, Wuchang, Hupeh
Walker, F. B., and wife, S.P.G. Mission, Kobe
Walker, H. E., and wife, Methodist Church of Canada, Kobe (absent)
Walker, J. E., d.d., Amer. Board of Comners. for Foreign Missons, Shaowu, via Foochow
Walker, M. J., Agent, National Bible Society of Scotland, Chinkiang
Walker, M. P., m.e., and wife, American Church Mission, Shanghai
Walker, O., Y.M.C.A., Himeji, Japan
Walker, R. G., China Inland Mission, Yingchowfu, Anhwei
Walker, R. R., m.b., and wife, Church Missionary Society, Hinghwa, Fukien
Walker, Miss F., American Church Mission, Hankow
Walker, Miss J. C., Amer. Board of Commrs. for Foreign Missions, Shaowu, Fukien
Walker, Miss S. B., American Advent Christian Mission, Nanking
Wallace, E. W., b.a., b.d., Canadian Methodist Mission, Chengtu, Szechuen
Wallace, G., and wife, American Episcopal Mission, Tokyo
Wallace, H. F., m.a., b.d., English Presbyterian Mission, Swatow
Wallace, J. H., b.a.. Young Men’s Christian Association, China (unassigned)
Wallace, W. J., and wife, Church Missionary Society, Shaohingfu, Chekiang (absent)
Wallace, Miss E., a.b., Methodist Episcopal Mission, Foochow
Wallace, Miss Edna, m.d., American Reformed Presbyterian Mission, Loting, K’tung.
Waller, J. G., m.a., and wife, Miss. Soc. of the Church of England in Canada, Nagano, Jap.
Waller, Miss R., Church of England Mission, Peking
Wallin, S. A., and wife, Swedish Holiness Union, Lingkiu, Sha.
Wallis, Miss E. China Inland Mission, Shekichen, Ho.
Wallis, Miss I. E., China Inland Mission, Shekichen, Honan
Walmesly, Miss M. A., Church Missionary Society, Chungpa, Szechuen
Walmsley, Miss, E. M., American Presbyterian Mission, North, Nanking, Ku.
Walne, E. N., d.d., and wife, S. Baptist Convention, Shimonoseki, Japan
Walser, T. P., and wife, Presbyterian Mission, U.S.A., Tokyo
Walsh, Gordon J., m.a., and wife, Church Missionary Society, Tokushima, Japan
Walter, E., and wife, Basel Missionary Society, Kayingchow, via Swatow
Walter, Miss J eannette, Methodist Episcopal Mission, Seoul
Walther, Miss M. E., South Chihli Mission, Tamingfu, Chi
Walton, W. H. Murray, b.a., and wife, Church Missionary Society, Hiroshima, Japan
Walvoord, A., and wife, Reformed Dutch Church in Am., Nagasaki
Wambold, Miss K. C., Presbyterian Church in U.S.A., Seoul, Corea
Wampler, F. J., and wife, The Church of the Brethren, Pingtinghsien, Sha.
Wamsley, W. B., m.b.,, Wesleyan Missionary Society, Wuchow, Kwangsi
Wandel, A. E., and wife, Swedish Missionary Society, Shasi, Hup.
Wannags, M., Berlin Missionary Society, Schak-kok, Fayuen, via Canton
Wansey, H. R., and wife, Japan General Mission, Nikko, Japan

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