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(1677) Page 1597 -
Tenney, Raymond P., assistant, Chinese secretary, U. S. Legation, Peking
Tennison, C., assistant, American Trading Co., Shanghai
Teplitsky, M. S., proprietor, Teplitsky & Co., Shanghai
Teraudy, E., proprietor-manager, Continental Palace Hotel, Saigon
Terrell, A. K. a B., solicitor, Drew & Napier, Singapore
Terrett, A., inspector of Police, Hongkong
Terzano, G. M., assistant, Ambrosoli, Stoppani & Co., Singapore
Teskey, J., missionary, “Bethesda” Mission House, Singapore
Tester, P., broker, Hornby & Wright, Hongkong
Teacher, W., agent, Kuenzle & Streiff, Manila
Teusler, Dr. R. B., director and surgeon, St. Luke’s Hospital, Tokyo
Teverson, H. F., broker, Teverson & Mactavish, Kobe and Osaka
Thacker, E, manager, Andersen, Meyer & Co., Harbin
Tham, L., mgr., Samuel, Samuel & Co., Tokyo
Thatcher, J. H., examiner, Maritime Customs, Lappa
Thebert, P., accountant, Concession Miniere Francaise, Seoul
Theobald, F. W., gen. mgr., New Darvel Bay (Borneo) Tobacco Plantations, B. N. Boi neo
Theodor, G. W., manager, Theodor & Rawlins, Hankow
Theodoroff, W., Russian Vice-Consul, Kirin
Thezeloup, administr. adjoint, Nam-dinh, Tonkin
Thibault, L. H., general manager, Manila Times, Manila
Thieck, M., assistant, E. Homberg & Co., Kobe
Thiele, A., supt. of roads and police, Administrative Commission of Dip. Quarter, Pekirg
Thiele, N. L., engineer, Swanson & Sehested, Bangkok
Thiessen, G., assistant, Chinese Maritime Customs, Harbin
Thiis, N., berthing officer, Chinese Maritime Customs, Canton
Thimonier, assistant, Dumarest et Fils, Saigon
Thirtle, A. S., assistant, Pritchard & Co., Penangand, Penang and Perak
Thoburn, A. R., missionary, “ Bethesda ” Mission House, Singapore
Thoenen, H., assistant, Diethelm & Co., Singapore
Thogersen, H. W., lighthouse-keeper, Maritime Customs, Amoy
Tholance, directeur, Cabinet du Governeur, Saigon
Thom, W., clerk, Palmer & Turner, Hongkong
Thomas, dir.-gen., Admn. des Douanes et Regies, Saigon
Thomas, engineer, Societe des Rizeries Indo-Chinoises, Saigon
Thomas, A. H. M., staff, Straits Times, Singapore
Thomas, A. S., assistant, Hirsbrunner & Co., Tientsin
Thomas, E., merchant, Boyd & Co., Tamsui and Amoy
Thomas, E. O., assistant, Hall & Holtz, Shanghai
Thomas, E. R., assistant, Union Insurance Soc. of C., Hongkong
Thomas, F., principal, F. Thomas & Co., Tientsin
Thomas, F. A., assistant, British-American Tobacco Co., Shanghai
Thomas, F. G., clerk, Bethell Bros., Kobe
Thomas, F. H., asst., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Hongkong
Thomas, G. E., clerk of works, Public Works Department, Hongkong
Thomas, G. H., resident surgeon, Tung Wah Hospital, Hongkong
Thomas, H., assistant, British-American Tobacco Co., Shanghai
Thomas, H., lightkeeper, Maritime Customs, Ockseu, Amoy
Thomas, I., manager, Standard Oil Co. of New York, Dairen
Thomas, J., outdoor assistant, China-Borneo Co., Sandakan, British North Borne©'
Thomas, J. T., exporter, J. Twyford & Co., Tientsin
Thomas, O. V., engineer and manager, Municipal Electric Tramways, Penang
Thomas, P., agent, Messageries Maritimes Co., Hongkong
Thomas, P., assistant, Probst, Hanbury & Co., Shanghai
Thomas, W. A. H., assistant, Samuel & Co., Peking
Thomas, W. H. E., sub-accountant, Chartered Bank of India, A. and C., Tientsin
Thomas, W. P., secretary, Administrative Commission of the Dip. Quarter, Peking
Thomas, Thomas, exchange broker, Yokohama
Thometz, H. M., asst, surgeon, Quarantine Service, Manila
Thompson, G. A., assistant, Brinkmann & Co., Singapore
Thompson, A. E. S., hon. treasurer, Hanbury Institute and Sailors’ Home, Shanghai
Thompson, A. M., asst, engineer, Municipal Gas Department, Singapore
Thompson, A. R., general manager, Kubang and Jindaram Estates, Negri Sembilan.
Thompson, B., assistant, Helm Bros., Yokohama

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