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(1662) Page 1582 -
Shellim, Hem. Mr. E., manager, David Sassoon & Co., Ld., Hongkong
Shelton, Chas., assistant, Palace Tolbacco Stoi-e, Shanghai
Shelton, E., tidesurveyor, Maritime Customs, Yochow
Sheng, W. Y., asst. mang. director, Ti,entsin-Pukow Railway, Tientsin
Shengle, J. C., manarer, Major Bros., Shanghai
Shenton, W. E. L., sc li ;itor, Deacon, Looker, Deacon & Harston, Hongkong
Shepard, Major J. L., Medical Corps, Manila
Shepard, S. A., assistant, Standard Oil Co. of New York, Ningpo
Shepard, S. R., assistant, Toyo Risen Kaisha, Manila
Shepherd, A. E., asst., Jardine, Matheson & Co., Hankow
Shepherd, J. S., assistant, Guthrie & Co., Singapore
Sheppard, G. W., merchant, Jardine, Matheson & Co., Tientsin
Sheppard, J. O., acting agent, Pacific Mail S. S. Co., Hongkong
Shera, W. A., local agent, W. & J. Sloane, Canton
Sheridan, H. J., asst., Standard Oil Co. of New York, Shanghai
Sheridan, J. J., factory mgr., Aquarius Co., Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., Shanghai
Sheriff, A., loco, inspector, Chinese Govt. Railway, Tientsin
Sherman, Dr., chemist, Visayan Refining Co., Cebu
Sherman, R. P., Standard Oil Co. of N. Y, Shanghai
Sherman, W. G., bar supt., Haiho Conservancy, Tientsin
Sherriff, A. W., director, Japan Gazette, Yokohama
Sherriff, C. A., assistant, Bombay Burmah Trading Corp., Lakon Lampong, Bangkok
Sherwin, H. M., assistant, Standard Oil Co. of New York, Hongkong
Sherwood, M. E., private secretary to H. E. the Governor, Singapore
Shevaldisheff, N. J., assistant, Popoff Freres, C. & S., Hankow
Shewan, R. G., merchant, Shewan, Tomes k Co., Hongkong
Shewan, W., merchant, Shewan & Co., Hongkong
Shiel, C., manager, International Bicycle Co., Tientsin
Shield, H., assistant, Liddell Bros, k Co., Hankow
Shields, C. H., postal commissioner, Chinese Post Office, Canton
Shields, J. S., manager, King George Hotel, Amoy
Shields, S. R., tidewaiter, Maritime Customs, Hankow
Shields, W. E., asst., Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., Yokohama
Shilling, R. V., agent, China Mutual Life Insce. Co., Shanghai
Shillitoe, manager, Semambu Rubber Estate, Pahang
Shipway, F., architect, Chungking
Shipway, G. W., assistant, Asiatic Petroleum Co., Shanghai
Shirazee, M. C., examiner, Maritime Customs, Kewkiang
Shirazi, M. J., merchant, Persian Commercial Co., Shanghai
Shirley, M. C., paymaster, U. S. S. “Samar,” Asiatic Station
Shirley, R. E., dental surgeon, Canton
Shliapin, W., assistant, Teplitsky k Co., Shanghai
Shnitnikoff, B. N., agent, Russian Volunteer Fleet, Hongkong
Shoemaker, Dr. A., professor, Peking Normal College, Peking
Shooker, A. S., merchant, Singapore
Shorrock, H. B., U. S. Naval Hospital, Yokohama
Short, C., record clerk, Shanghai Nanking Ry., Shanghai ,
Short, R. C., traveller, British American Tobacco Co., Shanghai
Showers, A. St. G., operator, E. E., A. & C. Tel. Co., Singapore
Showier, W. Y., asst., Cornes& Co., Yokohama
Shroff, F. P., assistant, S. J. David & Co., Hongkong
Shroff, J. A., asst., Mehta & Co., Hongkong
Shi-off, J. P., assistant, S. B. Mehta k Co., Kobe
Shroff, P. B., silk merchant, Shanghai
Shrubsole, H. C., manager, Nestis Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Cb., Canton
Shuman, C. P., supt., Post Office Division, Manila
Shuman, O. M., chief, foreign dept., Bank of the Philippine Islands, Manila
Shurtleff, I. F., (C.O.) U. S. S. “ Caesar,” Asiatic Station
Shwartz, A. S., assistant, Pacific Commercial Co., Cebu
Sibary, T., manager, Dunlop Rubber Co., Singapore
Sibbald, S. K., executive engineer, P. W. D., Pahang
Sibley, J. C., asst., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Amoy
Sice, E., assistant, Descours k Cabaud, Saigon
Sice, J. E., sub-agent, Nestle k Anglo Swiss C. Milk Co., Saigon

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